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Abortion is a deeply personal view, and I used to explore people by asking or sharing my views on it and seeing how they respond. I often did the same with all the taboo subjects: sex, drugs, religion -- anything that's personal and invoked passion will let you learn how intellectual/emotional a person is, and hint at how extreme they are, by what positions they take and how they deal with conflicting views. It's a shortcut to getting to know them. But the flip side, is you also may learn to avoid people who are otherwise decent people -- as there are people that are moderate/reasonable/rational, except for one or two outlier/hot-button issues. And this is often the hottest, and might be an outlier.

This article covers many aspects of the topic, in what I hope is a somewhat neutral and informed way, though I openly have and express my opinions. The point is not to change anyone's mind, and I leave people room for their own personal views. Though I have far less tolerance for the furthest extremes on either side, and less tolerance for bullies who show less tolerance towards others views. I don't like never or always answers type answers, and I like bullies who lower the conversation less. And I find more bullies in the extremes, especially if they think they're in the majority, and more so when they're trying to force-feed their "one true" view on the entire rest of the nation.

Pro Life/Choice
by Party
by Term
per Year
Why late term?


Anyone that calls me an extremist or pro-lifer is a liar, polemic or moron. My position align with most Americans in that I'm pro-choice in the first trimester, and I'm pro-life at viability (with a little padding). I'm even more pro-choice than my wife and many Americans in that I'm fine with abortions up to about 20 weeks. While the extremes are at conception and birth, most people start considering a baby a human being with something else like 3 weeks (when the heart starts beating), 6 weeks (brain activity), 8 weeks (quickening and the baby starts moving around), 10 weeks (when the baby can do coordinated moves like hiccup, stretch, yawn, suck, swallow, grasp, and thumb-suck), or 12-14 weeks (when they start having memory and not startling at repeated noises).

Where a lot of people get confused is they assume because you are against a bad ruling (Roe v. Wade) they think that means you're against the cause. I like the Roe v. Wade framework, even though the Supreme Court had no authority to make it. It was a later/worse decision (Planned Parenthood v. Casey) that undermined Roe and allowed so much doctors discretion and terminations up to 24 weeks, and it's so poorly enforced, that virtually thousands of viable babies were born live and crying, and killed because of doctors discretion. Some like Kermit Gosnell were sent to prison for extending the rules beyond those limits, but only after 30 years of cover-ups. So I can be both pro-choice, and against judicial activism and the genocide of viable full-term babies, and think Roe was a bad ruling, and Casey was worse. It's called having a personal position and not being willing to give up your integrity to "win" or support it. If the Democrats tried that more often, I'd still vote with them.


📚 References


Abortion : Roe v. WadeKermit GosnellMargaret SangerNY Reproductive Health ActUnplanned (2019)Mother Teresa v Hillary Clinton
