Obama Foreign Policy

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Fired more cruise missiles than any other Nobel Peace Prize winner.

Obama's foreign policy can be summed up as:

Nobel Peace Prize - Obama was awarded it for not being George Bush, and campaign promises that he broke. A humble, gracious, or wise President, would have turned it down and said, "if you want to give it to me after my Administration's accomplishments, I'll accept". But Obama lacks those qualities, and there's the greed of wanting the $1.4 million that went with it. The Nobel Committee regretted the move (and privately admitted it was a mistake) after Obama invaded Libya, screwed up Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, assassinated Osama Bin Laden on foreign soil, and his fecklessness with Russia lead to the invasion of Ukraine and the rise of ISIS, and became the biggest user/abuser of drone strikes in history.

Bowgate - Obama was told by State Dept that it's an insult to bow as the head of state, so he did it 8 times, each time generating more cries from those who understood manners.

HiroshimaGate - Japan's foreign minister asked Obama NOT to go to Hiroshima, so he did anyways. The reason was because either it made Japan lose face (for reminding them of their loss over starting the war), or it made the U.S. loses face as it would be seen as an apology for ending it. Bad optics. He ignored them, and magnified the slight by exclaiming in a speech on the site, "the war grew out of the same base instinct for domination or conquest that had caused conflicts among the simplest tribes." Whether Obama meant Japan or the U.S., it was an insulting oversimplification towards History, America, Japan, or all of the above.

Russiagate - Obama was behind or involved in much of the whole fuck-up around Russiagate. Everything that could be handled poorly, was. Ignoring Russian hacking for 8 years, overreacting at the end, admitting our elections couldn't be corruptible from the outside -- and then changing his claim to divide us, spying on the opposition party with illegal or even missing FISA warrants that he promised to eliminate during his campaign.

Libya /Benghazi - After promising not to invade/attack any country that wasn't an immediate and direct threat to the U.S., and after Gaddafi had given up his WMD programs and was helping us on the war on terror, Obama administration broke both promises and attacked Libya without provocation, to "prevent a human catastrophe", that the islamic extremists might not take over and destabilize the country, which is what he wanted or at least got in an al Qaeda controlled state (and weapons, instability and refugees that permeated the region). We can debate the nuances of legality around the War Powers Resolution, but the point is that Obama/Democrats/Media criticized Bush (who actually followed it) -- but then ignored Obama for ignoring it, after campaigning on being better. Just pick one standard please. Then there was:
    • The failure of administration to protect the Benghazi mission (after multiple pleas for more security)
    • Lying to the public about what happened: changes made to the talking points in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim video, while knowing better.
    • Opacity: the refusal of the White House to say what President Obama (or Hillary) did the night of the attack
    • American Political Prisoner: arresting Nakoula Basseley Nakoula for "the fake video" that they blamed, to get attention off of them -- when they knew the video had nothing to do with it -- and throwing the book at someone to distract from it, is something that tin-hat dictators do. [1]

Syria - They helped turn Syria into an ISIS haven, despite multiple warnings:
  • the failure of the redline[2]
  • the rise of ISIS

Russia/Ukraine - ignoring Bush's sanctions/warnings for Russia invading Georgia, the Obama administration started with a "Reset Button", because Putin was a trustworthy guy. He got caught telling President of Russia that he would be more flexible at looking the other way, and called Romney "stuck in the Cold War" for warning about Russia during 2012 campaign. So Russia invaded and annexed part of Ukraine, shot down a civilian airplane, tried to blame it on the other side, and then ignored the Budapest Memorandum -- a Bill Clinton (circa 1994) agreement that if Ukraine gave up Nuclear Weapons then we'd protect them from hostile neighbors (Russia) invading them. Obama sent them blankets, Trump later sent them weapons and anti-tank missiles, and the left calls Trump soft on Russia.

Iran Nuclear Deal - After Obama showed fecklessness on Syria and Ukraine, he negotiated with the Mullah's in Iran. Basically, we'd give them billions of dollars cash, terrorist prisoners, remove sanctions, and the Iranian Regime (caught in multiple lies), agreed to continue to develop missile technology, but reduce their centrifuge production temporarily -- but we could only verify that in a few locations (most of the country would be off limits), and only if we gave them enough advanced notice before inspections.
  • Expended no energy on American Hostages abroad (unless they turned out to be-anti-American deserters). Like Otto Warmbier: kid caught trying to steal a propaganda poster from North Korea, and was tortured, brain damaged, and sent home to die soon after.[3]

Individuals are expected to sacrifice for the greater good, in the Obama world view.

Obama Foreign Policy : 37 items

Trumponomics -

I saw some silliness about how the current bull market has nothing to do with '45 (Trump). That to me is as dumb as giving him all the credit. Presidents can either (a) create headwinds on growth (raise taxes, regulations, energy costs) (b) put tailwinds on growth (decrease taxes, regulations, and lower energy costs through encouraging drilling/pipelines). That can be swamped by other factors, but they are a known variable in the equations -- and they do have SOME ability to influence markets.

I don't care how people vote, or who they like or not. Love or hate Trump anyways, whatever. But I do care about the truth, and the truth is that Trumponomics has done more positive for the economy than Obamanomics did.

Spygate - There is no doubt that the Trump administration was spied on during a Presidential election, by the Obama administration. But there is room for debate on whether it was justified, how far it went, and whether it was criminal. There is also no doubt that the media reported it, then were outraged when Trump repeated it, and they denied it was spying, then they reported a few examples where it happened. In fact, once Attourney General Barr reported that he was investigating how bad it was, the left/media went nuts trying to destroy his reputation, because they know that their side (the left) behaved at least unsavory, if not outright criminal, and they want to do damage control.

Solar Power -
There centralized (big plant) or distributed (residential) solar power, with goals of targets or residential use. They all have different issues. While I like the idea of residential Solar Power and people not being dependent on government regulated grids, and having the ability to survive in case of natural or man made disasters, and I plan on adding it to my next home, what I don't like is lies (flim-flam), about how much Solar Power costs, or the bullshit about how "green" it is. It is not as green as the proponents pretend, and if it was cheaper, how come places that implement it at scale have higher energy costs and less reliability? Someday, it might be ready (and that may be coming in a few short years or decades), but the point is that means they've been lying for the last 30 that it had already reached cross-over. Here's some of the lies.

School Lunches - Democrats (Michelle Obama) decided to make socialized federal nutritional mandates ("Smarter Lunchrooms") as her cause, used debunked junk science to do it, and removed nutrition and flavor to the point where (a) kids ate fewer school lunches: lower utilization (b) threw more of it away: higher waste (c) and ate out of vending machines instead: ate worse. When Trump tried to fix it by allowing smarter states to opt-out, #resist States decided to sue to protest us from allowing anyone else to offer better choices for their students than they were.

Obamanomics v Trumponomics - Democrats and their media hate history, because history is so seldom on their side. When you can't win with the facts then you need to either: (a) attack the source (b) distort the facts (c) change the subject (d) or just find an excuse to go away. A perfect example of this is comparing the economics of Obama versus Trump. During Obama, the economy was resoundingly bad that Obama and the Press both blamed Bush for it, or cooked the numbers to try to convince you it wasn't as bad as it seemed. After 8 years of malaise (with a few warm years in the middle), Trump took office, and the economy took off like a rocket, exactly like he'd predicted. Since the Press can't let the facts stand for themselves, they trying to revise history to pretend that this is because of Obama. Let's dive into the facts...

Obamagate - Obamagate is the correct name for Russiagate -- it was the greatest scandal and abuse of power in American History. It was where Obama operatives conspired to use a Fake Dossier as an excuse to spy on a duly elected President and his campaign/administration, and frame various members, in order to undermine the interests of the American people.

Obamacare/ACA - Obamacare (ACA or Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), is a bunch of scandals, lies and frauds all in one. This covers the basics on those -- that Obamacare is a Republican Idea, the numbers covered by it, and so on.

Obamacare is a Republican Idea -

There’s an oft repeated lie, that the Affordable Care Act (ACA / Obamacare) was modeled after a Republican plan. People that say this are either liars, DNC mouthpieces, or people completely unaware of the actual facts and are just repeating what they’ve been told by DNC mouthpieces. This debunks that tripe.

Obamabot Cult -
Level 9️⃣ 🔟 8️⃣ 7️⃣ 5️⃣ 5️⃣ 7️⃣ 6️⃣ 9️⃣ 8️⃣ 🔟 7️⃣

Were Obama supporters a cult? The average Obama voter was not, they were just lazy/sloppy and uninformed voters (mostly) that put him in because of racial identity, youth, charm, or he promised more free stuff than the other guy. So I'm not talking about them, and that's probably 50% or more of the voters. But the most vocal supporters, the media fanboi's, the activists? Those that got tingles up their legs when he spoke, and refused to admit things he did to hurt the national interests, undermine the constitution, or revise the historical record? Those are the Obamabots (now called NPC's) that were definitely in a cult of personality. You can tell within 5 minutes of talking to them when they start rewriting history as the hagiography of Saint Obama and his angelic wife. This might not be the majority of the Democratic Party, but they were the majority of the vocal ones during his election and the first few years especially... but some die hards will still talk about him in hushed revered tones. Of course there are at least a few Republicans that are as bad with Trump... but they are just outnumbered 50:1 by Obamabots. While I've seen a few "Trump can do no wrong" types online, I knew hundreds of Obamabots. Most Trump supporters/voters I've know will readily admit his many flaws, but he's better than Hillary (or the alternative). While Obamabots will get red faced at the mention of any of Obama's many, many bad actions, and still can't admit much of what he did wrong. Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS abuses, spying on Trump, just mention any of those, and they'll go apoplectic that you would question the word of "The One".

Obama: HiroshimaGate -
Obama extended his apology tour to Hiroshima. Either that, or worse: he went to sacred Japanese memorial to insult (shame) them for starting the war that made the bombing necessary. But based on his history, I think he meant it as an apology and thus insult to America, one that opened old wounds, and was a move that was against the advice of the Japanese.

Obama: Bowgate -
Obama was told by State that it's an insult to bow as the head of state, so he did it 8 times, each time generating more cries from those who understood manners. If this had been GWB touching Merkel at a public dinner (despite them being friends), the media would have lost their nut. But since it was "the one", they glossed over this far greater break in decorum, and how badly executed it was.

Obama's gun truths and consequences -
From Gun Sales to Mass Shootings, how the unintended consequences of community organizing are often detrimental to the stated goal. How divisive rhetoric and drawing attention to your cause can often get the opposite outcome of intent. Of course if your intent is to pose for the selfie-stick and drive up gun ownership and mass shootings then maybe it isn't the opposite of intent.

Obama's Racism - Obama does his impression of a divisive polarizer that splits the community into "us" vs "them", and blames it all on "them" -- based on getting all the facts wrong, but appealing to the ignorance and emotion of his base. In other words, he goes full community organizer, exposing that he was never the racial uniter he promised to be.

Obama on Gun Control.jpg
Obama on Gun Control - One of the great dividers biggest accomplishments was in taking a dead issue (gun control) and re-igniting it, getting many more mass shootings by drawing attention to them, and getting both sides enraged at each other: the left over not being able to violate the second amendment with impunity, and the right over the ignorance and dishonesty of the gun controllers. Examples:
  • Fast and Furious / Gunrwalking scandal - this is where the Obama administration (BATF under Holder) was selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, failing to track them, until some Americans (including Brian Terry) were shot with them. It was done to fluff up a DNC narrative that Mexico's gun problems were because of the U.S. So they got caught trying to plant evidence to have an excuse for pushing for more gun control. The Republicans wanted an investigation, but "the most transparent administration, ever" used executive privilege to obstruct the investigation into Holder and Obama's participation, denied the President had pushed it, and blamed Bush because Bush had found out about a smaller ATF effort (called Wide Receiver) and had shut down the effort and recommended it never be tried again (which the Obama admin ignored and restarted).
  • Obama said utterly dishonest and retarded things like, "And then there’s a reality that there are neighborhoods around the country where it is easier for a 12 or 13-year-old to purchase a gun, and cheaper, than it is for them to get a book" As if he's never heard of Amazon.com? How do you download a gun off the Internet? If it was true, it would only show the failure of gun control, since those neighborhoods he's most likely talking about would be in strict gun-controlled and Democrat controlled places like Chicago, D.C. and Detroit. He's exposing the failures of gun control, and isn't bright enough to realize he's saying, "It's not working, we need more of it!".
  • Obama Gun Quotes - he was the most anti-Gun President in our lifetime, after campaigning to be the opposite.
  • Obama fact-check on Guns - his speeches were littered with errors, mistruths, distortions and outright lies about guns. We know that sensationalizing mass shootings gets copy-cats, so he and the media sensationalized every one to the max, and tried to "never let an opportunity go to waste", to attack legal gun owners, with legislation that they called "reasonable gun control", even though not one of the laws offered would have stopped the shootings that had happened.
  • Obama's gun truths and consequences - the results are he was the gun salesman in History. Gun sales hit record highs because rational people felt he was trying to undermine their inalienable right to self defense.

Obama on Energy -
While candidate Obama ran as an, "All of the above" energy moderate, President Obama governed as an anti-Fossil Fuel watermelon (Green on the outside, Red on the inside). He obstructed coal, tried to get cap and trade (which would have bankrupted many energy companies), he blocked drilling in the Gulf, and the Keystone pipeline, and cut new drilling permits on public lands in half -- then lied about in the debate with Romney. Then he invested public funds in 34 different failed Green Energy Companies (that cost the public over $8B), while obstructing everything that he could to access 16B barrels of oil in ANWR because it might have made us less dependent on foreign countries for our oil.

Sadly, for him, we got a Republican Congress and Fracking Boom (accessing private lands) helped us in spite of him. Then he and his proponents tried to take credit for all the efforts he opposed. But the informed know better and will not forget.

Obama fact-check on Guns -

Why don't people trust Obama when he says he isn't trying to take anyone's guns? Because gun advocates listen to what he says at other times too. How he legislated, what he says to campaign contributors, and like his gun control speech that the media failed to fact-check, but I point out just a few of the problems with it.

Obama and Hackers -
After 8 years of doing nothing about serious hacks or real threats to national security, suddenly Obama does his most aggressive foreign policy move (throwing out 35 Russian diplomats), just weeks before he left office, because of the possibility that they might have hacked the DNC and leaked the truth to the public.

Hillary using a private email security in violation of the law (and that was likely hacked according to the FBI), wasn’t a problem for the media/Obama (despite secret, top secret and super-duper top-secret stuff being on there): nothing on it mattered. But her underlings, Podesta gets hacked and releases truths about the Democrat campaign (and how they were corrupting an election) and not anything vaguely related to national security, and that's a threat to national security? The strongest foreign policy signal the Obama administration ever sent to the world was: never, ever, tell the truth about Democrat corruption and abuse of power.

Obama Scandals - Obama and the media tried to portray the Obama Administration as scandal free. Seriously. This isn't meant as a balanced piece to show what good he's accomplished as a politicians or person (though I suspect that would be a much, much shorter article), if you want fawning puff pieces, read the NYT, HuffPo, watch CNN or MSNBC. This is meant to counter-balance to the claim that his administration was scandal free. The full list of scandals for the Community Organizer in Chief sits over 800, I'm just listing a dozen or two of the lowlights: Benghazi, Gunwalker, his past, domestic spying, bribes for sailors, Solyndra, abuse at the IRS, VA scandals, this President made the Bush or Reagan administrations seem squeaky clean.

Obama Presidency -
Obama's win was almost inevitable. Very rarely does the party in power able to hold it across administrations (unless there's assassination/death). In the entire 20th century we had Coolidge->Hoover, Reagan->Bush. That's it: both extraordinary Republicans ending during an economic high. The others Harding->Coolidge, FDR->Truman, JFK->Johnson were all because the former died in office, and so the next guy got the pity vote, or was just continuing his own administration. Throw on top an economic crisis under Bush, a media blatantly in the Democrat camp, a war that was going on too long, an old grumpy Republican versus an energized young minority Democrat, and it should have been a far bigger blow out than it was.

I was never an Obama fan, for reasons proven out over time. But when he won in 2008, I told some of my friends working on the campaign, "Good" and was sincerely not upset. They seemed shocked knowing my politics, but I explained that Truman lead to Eisenhower, Johnson lead to Nixon, Carter lead to Reagan, and Obama would definitely result in the huge Republican/Conservative backlash. If you want to destroy Democrats/Progressives, just give them everything they ask for -- and the public will be horrified. The lash will lead to backlash, and Obama was likely to result in a conservative revival the likes the world hadn't seen in generation. They were scornful at the time, and while I thought he would only be a one term President, it still proved completely prescient and almost embarrassingly obvious.

Obama had one history, and his past completely clashed with his campaign, and either was sort of a win. Let's call them realObama (Obama from his books and "accomplishments") and fakeObama (what the Campaigner promised).

Fake Obama Real Obama
FakeObama was this confidence artist offering the impossible: fixing our healthcare without it costing a dime in deficits, spending trillions on social programs while balancing the budget, all while promising to be a loving uniting moderate force-feeding radical reform on everything, without upsetting anyone. RealObama was an unaccomplished divider that slacked into our best colleges on an affirmative action ticket, and varied from completely forgettable in Columbia, to popular but unremarkable in Harvard, community organizing, or Illinois Senate, and he'd only parlayed that in the national senate based on being a pawn to the most questionable associates in the dirties state that almost always ranks dead last.
If FakeObama governed, he was going to be a second term Bill Clinton moderate, who wouldn't do or hurt much (and stood a better chance of handing the reigns to another Democrat), but that moderate centrist also wouldn't be the radical change agent or be able to deliver a fraction of what he promised... and that would teach the generation that over-hype and over-promises of the left were nothing but hot air in an empty chair. If realObama governed, he was going to going to be an inept and forgettable President (a community organizer) that pushed too hard on the wrong things using a cult of personality instead of competent policies, that would made things worse, alienated the other side, deadlock everything, and he'd burn out quickly, and be nothing but an empty chair. The consequences of his policies would quickly be erased/fixed by the next guy as they became another "new deal" that had no hope of succeeding more than the last 3 had, and he'd teach a generation the hard lessons of progressive overreach.

Or course, there's some combination of both, but the Obama we got looked far less like the FakeObama (the Campaigner) than the Democrats had promised, and far more like the RealObama that the right expected and warned against. What we never got close to was the delusion that the left saw Obama as -- someone that united us, got things done through charm and consensus or anything close to persuasion or compromise. Of course the left blames the right for that, but if he was 1/2 the leader they promised, he could have succeeded, so excuses (and finger pointing) are the refuge of failures. So I sort of knew or at least suspected that America would get nothing but Jimmy Carter in blackface. None of his ideas were that new: they all sounded like what Carter (or other Democrats) promised/did, and didn't work whenever they've been tried. A prettier face and a little more charm than Carter wasn't going to change his destiny to lose a fight with a swamp rabbit of his own making. He seemed way too self absorbed to be able to make a good history, and he had no long term friends or allies of any repute to show he could build relationships, let alone relationships across party lines. So he didn't disappoint me, just all his followers.

Obama Portraits -

Short intro

Obama Gun Quotes -
Q: Why was Obama the best gun salesman in History?
A: Because people thought he wanted to restrict their gun rights.

Q: Why did people think Obama wanted to restrict their guns?
A: Because they listened to what he said.

The left likes to pretend the informed are nuts to think Obama is anti-Gun, he just wants reasonable controls. The facts tell a different story.

Numbers Covered by Obamacare -
Those claiming 20 million more people are insured because of Obamacare (ACA) either don’t know what they’re talking about, or are bald-faced liars. We're around 29 million people short of the campaign promise for universal coverage. And it's well below the 20 million new people covered that the fools and frauds like to claim. The facts: about 2.8M were covered because of Obamacare, and another 4-6M because of medicaid expansion, at a cost of about $20K per new person covered.

Nuclear Non-Proliferation.png
Nuclear Non-Proliferation - If you want countries to stop become Nuclear enabled, then you have to increase the costs, and decrease the rewards for doing so. No President did more harm to that cause than Barack Obama: Libya, Ukraine, Iran, North Korea, it was a shit-show of incompetence.

Mao's Great Leap Forward - In Socialist circles "Forward" often means eliminating those holding you back. Mao's Great Leap Forward means the death of 45 million over four years... and that's not counting the oppression and re-education camps. This is partly why Obama's leftist symbology from posters to terms like "Forward" raises eyebrows and fed the "he's not from around here" attitudes (with the help of the Hillary campaign). It was a signal (whether intentional or incompetence) on who he sympathized with. After all, Socialism led to a third of all homes in China being destroyed to produce fertilizer and then the nation descended into famine and starvation, driven by the state. Resulting in something 20x worse than what Pol Pot's genocide (in deaths, not in percentage of the population, obviously).

Iran Nuclear Deal -
Like most things Obama did, he fucked up negotiations with Iran. He signed a shitty deal, in the worst way possible, and Trump fixed it by wiping the slate clean and starting over, and Obama had his usual impotent tantrum over that. Obama didn't even require the Iranians to sign the deal, and he didn't ratify it through the senate (it was no treaty). While I'm not sure if throwing the whole deal away was the right move, it's easy to see why keeping wasn't, and why signing it was a disaster. And anyone that claims Trump hurt the U.S.'s credibility by not following the terms of a non-signed deal, that wasn't in our interests, is completely clueless about what all those words mean.

Hillary Clinton: Secretary of state (2009-2013) -
This is a plethora of crimes, fuck-ups and general assholishness around her brief tenure as secretary of state. Her biggest accomplishment was:
  • Offering a mis-translated reset button to the Russians mistranslated as "Overcharged"
  • Giving up Nuclear deterrents in Poland and Czech and got nothing in return except the invasion of Crimea and Ukraine (along with shooting down civilian aircraft, and invading Syria).
  • Hillary/State Department fought for 2 years to keep Boko Haram off the terrorist watch list, despite the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, and over a dozen senators and congressmen all pleading with State to add them. Then in the Chibok schoolgirl kidnapping happend and things went to hell. And there's some evidence being done on whether Hillary was paid by a Nigerian Land Developer (through the Clinton Foundation) to delay adding them to the list (I kid thee not).
  • Then she re-arranged some bureaucracies, and left in disgrace when her botched administration contributed to the Benghazi debacle (where ignoring please for security/help lead to the deaths of 4 people, and then they mislead the public for weeks on the cause). Which lead to a multi-year cover-up (and obstruction of anything resembling an investigation), which exposed she illegally deleted emails, from an illegal private email server, that was illegally storing top secret material, and was illegally having their classification headers removed. (Most likely, to illegally retransmit them to someone else).

Great Awokening -
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The rise of the progressive left socialists under Obama is called "the Great Awokening", the sheeple horde. It's when Obama shed his facade of being a moderate and both fueled and followed the left's Occupy, BLM, antifa, intersectional Marxists and Democratic Socialists, after decades of miseducation in indoctrination camps known as Schools and Universities. They loosely aligned to fight over being the biggest victims and the most Woke: to lead by following, and following by decrying tyranny while demanding more of it to fix the injustices of the past. Journalism became clickbait parody of social media (and vise versa). The consequences purged the moderates (and moderation) from the DNC and resulted in Democrat losses of over 1,000 seats in state legislatures, governor’s mansions, and Congress... and what is left is nothing but tired old Socialists and new fanatics. Whether you believe Obama was the cause, or their feckless Follower-In-Chief, the Awokening happened, and we're not sure if we can wait for them to mature, or they've reached critical mass to bring down the empire. But Dunning-Kruger has a party, and many new candidates vying to be top dog in balcony speeches begging to invade Poland, and demanding the extermination of the greedy conservatives, religious and Trump supporters... for their own good, of course.

Food Stamps -

In economics, you compare the costs to the benefits. Here's an example of the costs. Since we started helping, we made things much worse in this must read article on the consequences of Food Stamps: the recipients are fatter and sicker than those not on it. Under the "you break it, you bought it" truism, since Government got into the redistribution business ( poverty industrial complex), that means they're responsible for how a system they created doesn't work, or the consequences of it:

Fast and Furious - Gunrwalking scandal with a side of perjury and obstruction. This was where BATF under Eric Holder was selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, failing to track them, and some Americans (including Brian Terry) were shot with said guns. The likely reason for doing this, was to encourage the narrative the administration had invented that Mexico's gun problems were because of the U.S., and the solution was more fascism (gun control in the U.S.). In truth it showed the corruption of the Obama Administration, as well as the incompetence in failing to track them. Republicans wanted an investigation, but "the most transparent administration ever" obstructed justice and gave Holder "executive privilege" to prevent the transparency he'd promised. They also lied and said this was a follow on to a much smaller 2007 effort during the Bush administration (called Wide Receiver): which had been done without President or Cabinet involvement, and had been shut down with the recommendation to never try anything this stupid again (which the Obama administration had ignored).

Death Panels -
Republicans (and Sarah Palin) started using the term "Death Panels" to describe part of the ACA, where a panel of 15 (called IPAB) could make life and death decisions over what treatments would be covered or not (which would control costs). Of course the left all called that untrue, but accounted for the savings these panels would bring by denying care, and far left places like Politifact called this the lie of the year in 2009. Then they screamed again when those panels that never existed were eliminated in 2018.

DACA - Do you love the Constitution and Rule of Law, or do you prefer a corrupt political tyranny (where the President has the powers to write/nullify law)? Pick one. If you support DACA then you aren't compassionate, you just picked the latter.

Birth of Birthers -
Recently Donald Trump re-ignited the birther campaign by saying the following, "Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it...." This of course has revived the fable that the Obama birther movement didn't come from the Clinton campaign, and the Hillary-supporting media is quick to carry her campaigns' water and gaslight anyone who knew better. But as Ronald Reagan said, "It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so."

Backpage - Backpage was a classified advertising website. Since it had looser (more free market) rules, naturally it was used for things like people exchanging cash for sex, among its many other classifieds. Since the media and the left hates personal liberty, under the Obama administration (2018) the Department of Justice shut down Backpage.com, and arrested and charged the founders, under the bogus claim that they were intentionally exploiting Women (Sex Trafficking) and Children. But memo's obtained by Reason, showed that in an earlier investigation (2012), Backpage and their founders had been actively helping the Government in every way asked to end any sexual exploitation of women or children. To quote, "unlike virtually every other website that is used for prostitution and sex trafficking, Backpage is remarkably responsive to law enforcement requests and often takes proactive steps to assist in investigations"... so the whole 2018 attack against them was bogus and suppressed exculpatory evidence. The founders were arrested not because of their actions, but because their platform enabled freedoms that the Obama administration didn't approve of.

2013.12.12 Obama and Politifact share lie of the year - From 2008-2013 Politifact rated Obamacare's "If you like your plan, you can keep your Health Plan" (or Doctor) promises as true, and rated everyone who called it untrue, as a liar (on their truth-o-meter). In 2013, they added a reader poll for "lie of the year", and while they didn't put that as one of the choices, so many readers wrote it in that they had to finally admit that it was a lie all along... and it was given the lie of the year (4 years late). But they didn't fix all the times they called anyone else a liar who had said it was false: in fact, they mislead people (lied) by linking back to some select articles where they had called other people a liar, by rating it as only partly true -- and didn't fix those articles. So they lied, then admitting the truth when it was too late, then lied about lying in the first place. And the only reason they admitted the truth (despite trying to bury it) was because of reader revolt making them admit it.

2013.06.01 IRS Abuse Scam - During the 2012 Obama election, the Obama Administrations IRS agents targeted conservative not-for-profit political filings, and the blocked them getting their status (to successfully interfere with our election), CNN spun the story as it was "2" low-level folks and completely a regional problem". Later it turned out to be 88 folks that ran the center which controls 401(c)(d)'s for the entire nation.

2013.04.03 Leno fired because of Obama - There's a rumor that Leno was fired because he was too tough on Obama (and the Obama administration was pressuring NBC). While it is theoretically plausible, and he was fired despite having top ratings, and I'm sure his fair treatment of anyone on either side of the aisle likely irritated some snowflakes, there's no evidence offered or whistle-blowers to confirm it, so I'm not giving it much credibility at all.

2012.07.13 You didn't build that - One of the defining phrases of the Obama Administration was Obama's attack on private companies which went, "You didn't build that"... basically you owe government for the company you created since they supplied the infrastructure needed. The truth is the opposite, without government we'd still have commerce and industrious individuals, but without commerce and people to tax, there is no government. Government is the parasite with delusions of grandeur. The FakeNews / far-left / Democrats lied and claimed Obama was only talking about roads and bridges, when he clearly said, "If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that".


📚 References