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To grasp how dumb the ANWR fight is, I included some pictures.

In an desolate federal reserve the size of South Carolina, the state and locals wanted to drill on 3 square miles of deserted frozen wasteland tundra, in the middle of fucking nowhere (20 million acres of inaccessible nothingness). And the thought that other people might be doing something productive to get us off foreign oil, miles away from anywhere, was too much for the left to handle. They created a misleading ads showing majestic mountains or fertile rivers (that were 500 miles away), having nothing to do with the area we're talking about. They screamed about the caribou and polar bears, again, which had nothing to do with the area we were discussing. Obama promised "all of the above" energy, then obstructed this for 8 years. Once a non oil-obstructionist was elected (Trump), it was allowed months later -- which will result in less foreign energy dependence, cheaper gas, and more jobs.

Main article: ANWR


The land of intolerance, hypocrisy and progressivism... but I repeat myself. This article lists some examples of the intolerance, incompetence, and progressivism that has come to exemplify the Golden State. (NOTE: While the Golden State once referred to the color of the dried grass hills so common in California, it now refers to the vagrant urine covered streets of San Francisco or L.A.)
Main article: California


Factoids about Canada. Note that I like Canada, and have a lot of Canadian friends. All good folks. That being said, the things that are likely to catch my interests, aren't going to be all the good things, but mostly quirks or less than good things. I mean if I REALLY liked Canada, I would have moved there, eh? But to me, it's like a colder version of Seattle, full of people that are nice enough, but don't understand why America became America -- despite the britons paying people to move to Canada.

Main article: Canada


I have nothing against Germany. In fact, I have a lot of family there, and it's one of the nicest countries I've visited: the trains run mostly on-time, they have a nicer quality of life, and better services than many countries in the world. But there are negatives too: a collectivist culture, bureaucratic, too many rules and too much intolerance. (Every rule/law/regulation is a way to tell someone else what they can/cannot do). And historically, they did a lot of bad things. I try not to rub that latter part in, because most alive today had nothing to do with that. But there's a reason that stuff happened there: and it is the collectivism that is the birthplace of Marx and Engels, and that socialist poison is infused in their water and culture, and exists (in its more moderate form), just waiting for the opportunity to spring out again.

Main article: Germany


This covers many of the fallacies and bad arguments about the Iraq War. Disagreeing over the cost/benefits of a war is fine, ignoring truths because they get in the way of your agenda is not.

Main article: Iraq War


As an American, Vietnam is usually talking about the war. And you can't talk about Vietnam war without talking about what lead up to the war, why it was fought, who won (and lost) the war), what were the consequences, and a lot of messiness around intentions and outcomes. This covers all of those topics.
Main article: Vietnam

North Korea


I sometimes call myself a radical centrist. It's not because I like playing devil's advocate for the sake of being argumentative, it's that many people see the world in extremes: their way or the wrong way. Thus when people are arguing a cartoon version of the world (the U.S. or a President is always wrong/right), I just want to point out that it's a lot more nuanced than that -- and usually they respond with a reductio ad absurdum response, "if you're not completely against X, then I must be for it" (or vise versa). I wish the world that was that simple, but it isn't. North Korea is the perfect example of that.

Main article: North Korea
A list of thing about the UK. Some good, some bad. OK... mostly bad.