WaPo on Guns

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If you want to find FakeNews org that regularly gets caught lying, spinning or propagandizing for Gun Control, against the NRA, Guns, and Shooters, just look to WaPo. Which is fine if they were honest about their agenda. Instead, they do things like claim misleading report about child shootings, they including a bullshit statistic that said how 1 in 24 kids (4.2%) witnessed a shooting last year. Really? That doesn't sound high to you? The facts were the CDC study they were referencing (and didn't link/source to) had a glaring error: the question was, 'have your kid ever seen anyone being shot, bombs going off, or street riots'. Ever. And there were more flaws than that. Any critical thinking fact checker or writer, should have done their job. But they didn't, because confirmation bias. No correction offered. "Democracy Dies in Darkness:", is more warning than slogan: but If they cared about the light, they would be shining it on both sides of the argument and letting their readers make up their own minds.


WaPo Guns : 2 items

2019.03.14 Christchurch Shooting - 🇳🇿Christchurch, New Zealand: a left wing eco-nationalist (who hates Capitalism, Conservatism, and is Chinese Communist sympathizer) shot-up a couple mosques because immigrants were over-populating the planet and causing Global Warming. Because the shooter said he didn't like Donald Trump's politics or leadership, the media said he was a right wing Trump supporter. He had illegally modified guns, used guns instead of more effective bombs because he said that would turn the left into his tools in dividing nations like the U.S. over gun-control, and he was stopped/slowed at the second mosque because a good guy was able to get a gun and scare him off. (It was one the shooter had dropped). So the media does his bidding, calls for division and gun control, and ignores the role that a good-guy with a gun had in reducing the carnage. NZ threatens to punish anyone that makes the info about his true motives available.
Dead/Injured: 50/100

2017.06.12 Omits Islam from Islamic attack - In remembrance of Orlando (Pulse) nightclub shooting, where violent Islamic radical Omar Mateen shot 49 people in a terrorist attack, WaPo forgot to mention anything about Islam or Terror. They remembered to stress the need for gun control and gay safe spaces, since neither was relevant: Omar didn't know it was a gay nightclub, and there's no proposed gun control laws that would have helped. It's kind of like blaming 9/11 attack on pilot error, and demanding more flight hours before getting your license.


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