In November, we went to some off-season Vegas Shows:
Since this was during the recession, we got a upgraded suite overlooking Belagio fountain. Spectacular view.
We went out and had had Gelato, and was shocked at the $36 for two small cups (Della Spiga).
Day or night, it didn't suck, and it was a nice suite.
Posing with David. Poor guy looks cold.
We tried Bobby Flay's Michelin starred SouthWestern food (Mesa Grill). Pretty Tasty.
And took the obligatory Gondola ride.
With a female gondolier (that didn't sing). Melissa later went to Venice and got the real thing. Same idea, just more.
Loved the music, but the rest was distracting.
But bizarre imagery: inflatable boobs and phallic fruit.
Middler puts on a show. More Melissa's tastes than mine, but still worth the experience.
When she's not talking politics, she's great.
We like good first balcony seats.
And she did a typical sort of talk, joke, sing and dance thing.
Story of us
Story of 25 years together, my wife and I. Photos, trips and stories. (This is about how long we've been together, not just married).