2017.01.31 Hardiman Decoy
CNN falsely Claims Trump Brought Judge Neil Hardiman to DC (and setup a fake twitter account) as Supreme Court Nominee ‘Decoy’, and that's why they were mistaken. Hardiman wasn't in town, wasn't a decoy, it wasn't his twitter account, and if they fact checked, they'd have known that.
CNN's Jeff Zeleny: In an attempt to keep Trump's SCOTUS nominee a secret, the White House set up two separate Twitter accounts for Judges Neil Gorsuch and Thomas Hardiman. "White House is setting up Supreme Court announcement as a prime-time contest: @JusticeGorsuch and @JusticeHardiman identical Twitter pages," the CNN reporter tweeted. He followed that up with this embarrassing clarification, "The Twitter accounts of @JusticeGorsuch and @JusticeHardiman were not set up by the White House, I've been told." <- tweets later deleted.
- https://www.cnn.com/2017/01/28/politics/thomas-hardiman-supreme-court/index.html
- https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2017/01/31/supreme-court-finalist-washington-ip-brown.cnn
- https://imgur.com/hFGC8cY