2018.04.30 Swalwell goes to Adobe
Eric Swalwell spoke at my work. It was billed as a conversation with him about his role on some tech committees, and his experiences in congress. That sounded interesting. Instead he brought shame to my company, his district, my State, and my Country for not laughing him off of his soapbox of caustic stupidity. The guy whined about Trump, shared his retarded view on guns, and mocked an Octagarian coworker with far more accomplishments than Eric has, for not being up on Twitter (where Swalwell shit-tweets and gets rolled over by people smarter than him. Like 14 year old trolls). I went to the company gym and took a shower after watching him, and still felt dirty.
The pitch that he was there to talk about tech, only to listen to this moron talk about shit beyond his technical ability, made me feel like I got invited over for dinner, only to find out it was a MLM pitch for used marital aids. Fuck me (and not literally)... I felt gross for just having to listen to his pitch.
Out of respect for the hosts, and contempt for him (and his inability to learn), as well as the desire to remain employed (and not getting James Demore'd), I wasn't going to reply or ask questions. In California free speech is only for the far left. But it had to seriously bite my tongue.
- talked about how much his family was conservatives, and the I kept thinking, "ahh Mommy/Daddy issues, that explains his immature foot stomping view of the world".
- expressed his contempt for them in subtle ways, and bragged how his wife ruined a holiday meal over a MAGA hat, and I kept thinking, poor family. I'm sure they're just as embarrassed by him, as he is of them. Like families of serial killers, I'd probably change my surname if I was them.
- The guy said utterly retarded gun things like, "15M of these military style weapons in America, we could buy them all back for $100M, so we should do it".
Seriously. I sat there slack jawed, and embarrassed for my company that he wasn't escorted out right then and there.
"I'm sorry, you're too dumb to speak at our company, this was a mistake" would have been the correct response. Instead I felt shame at watching some of the head-bobbing affirmations coming from his clueless base.
Let's see:
- the number is off by half, 30M rifles on the AR platform is more likely
- these aren't military weapons (no select fire), Democrats think they can make up words because their base is illiterate or illegal, but there are voters who aren't Democrat and know what the words mean. Those games alienate the informed.
- $6 each for guns worth up to $3,000? Is that really what you think fair value is, or his Jr. High School math beyond him and his followers?
- if you have to pay $1,000 each (fair market value for guns that go between $500-3,000), that's $30B not $100M, so the cretin was only off by 300x the cost: democrat math
- How many do you think will come forward at that price? They could part it out and make 10x that, at least. Australia got around 25-30% compliance with their gun buyback (paying fair market value), what do you do with the 20 million people that don't comply? Kick in doors, and create a civil war because you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between a military weapon, and a small game rifle with some decorations that scare you?
- NOTE: After Australia did that, they created a great black market for the 80% of guns that weren't confiscated -- creating rich felons out of poor civilians. And Australia is a less industrious and less freedom loving penal colony. That shit would fly less well in the U.S. especially in the era of 3D printers, and when there's a dozen ways to make the gun.
I wanted to ask, what are you going to do to the twenty million that don't comply? How many lives are you willing to sacrifice for your hopolophobia? But I figured the guy is either an idiot, or a liar. Either he doesn't know the basics, or knows his base is too dumb to know them, so it plays well with his base even though he knows better. Either way, a dose of truth wasn't going to change him. And it was just going to piss off those who didn't know better than he did. And it might get me fired because I couldn't think how to ask the question that didn't let my contempt for his seething stupidity/dishonesty leak through.
I wrote him off. I could explain it to him, but it would take crayons, and I'd have to keep trying to stop him from eating them. Fascists gotta be who they are. He would either destroy the country for his political gain, or he is mentally not up for the task of cause and effect.