2019.01.31 Captain of Nothing
From iGeek
In another flacid attempt to ruin everything, the SJW's (Ta-Nehisi Coates) was able to change Captain America to Captain of Nothing -- because America is so bad, jingoistic and nationalistic. The storyline is a leftists dream, Cap decides to surrender to the authorities and renounces America.
Ta-Nehisi Coates |
Coates is a black supremacist racist polemic who blames all white people and the white race for the actions of anyone who happens to not have as much melatonin as he does. I'm not defending America's flaws and abuses... but in his distorted world view, everything bad that happened in America is because of the white patriarchy oppressing the black man. Which is more than a tad overstated. Because he is an ignorant racist bigot, he's won just about every award and accolade the left can throw at him for his juvenile, poorly sources, and erroneous writing and thoughts. |