2019.06.08 PBS says GGWG is a myth

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Using our public funds to spread anti-2A propaganda, PBS claims that there's no such thing as a Good-guy with a gun, despite 1.5-2.5M times a year, people use guns in self-defense. I've pulled a gun myself, 3 times on bad guys. I've got a section with dozens of examples at Good guys with guns, and PBS is spreading the lie. They go on to use Fake Facts to spread all the debunked liberal myths, that gun control works, that guns increase crimes, or that your own guns are likely to be used against you. Any researcher with a clue would at least offer that there's evidence against their political agenda. But PBS has given up the pretense of journalism and reporting the facts. Since they're no longer interested in the constitution or Journalism, I say defund them completely: fire them all, and let them go work for NYT, CNN or MSDNC where they belong. Not pretending to be a News outlet.

Good guys with guns

The news never likes to talk about GGWG's (Good Guys with Guns), and the many, many more cases, where responsible adults save lives, using guns. This is just a small sampling of the millions of DGU's (Defensive Gun Uses) that happen each year. more...


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