A teenage girl in Opelika, Alabama claimed a police impersonator pulled her over and groped her. When surveillance video (from multiple sources) showed it couldn't have happened, the girl confessed she'd made the whole thing up.
Fake Rape
There's a subcategory of Fake Hate, and Fake Crimes that's Fake Rape. The left likes to spread lies (myths) and then use as an excuse for more government or oppression of the white male patriarchy. Like their fantastical claims that we have a "rape culture", that sexual assault is everywhere (especially on campus) with exaggerated claims, and that Women never use their sexuality to get ahead, have regrets and/or lie about being sexually assaulted or raped. While facts show that fake sexual accusations happens between 2-10% of the time (from multiple studies), which is actually about 5x more common than other crimes that are faked. The reason is pretty obvious, it's an easy crime to claim, and a hard crime to disprove, and it garners more attention and sympathy. You get what you incentivize, and this has great pity rewards. This is magnified in high profile cases.