Brian Williams
From iGeek
Not a very sharp an American "journalist" at NBC News and MSNBC anchor, who's far left and not very bright.
Brian Williams : 2 items
NYT and Brian Williams math moment - Brian Williams (MSNBC) and Mara Gay (New York Times Editorial Board Member) were discussing Bloombergâs failed presidential campaign and the $500M ad spend, and were agreeing with a shocking twitter post that they could have $1M to each and every one of the 327M Americans and had money left over. It's actually $1.53 per person, not $1M -- and anyone with a triple digit IQ should have known something didn't add up. But that's the best and brightest on MSNBC and NYT.
Media Bias - There are people who are either too biased (or aren't paying attention) to realize how biased the media is. We're not going to convince each other of anything: me with proof, and them by denying it. So this article isn't for "them". It's just a place for me to collect example's of media bias, for those rational enough to consider them.
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