Business Insider
Business Insider started as a left of center click-bait factory, founded by by DoubleClick's former CEO Kevin P. Ryan, as well Dwight Merriman, and Henry Blodget. Later it was acquired by Axel Springer SE the largest digital publishing house in Europe. Since it's often just an article aggregator, many of their news stories come from various other sources or subjects from around the web.
Their Editor-In-Chief is Henry Blodget: a Yale history graduate who was banned for life from the securities industry because of his violations of securities laws and subsequent civil trial, for his previous work on Wall Street. Deputy Editor Nicholas Carlson, whose past experiences includes (whose parent company was sued for targeting military veterans with deceptive recruiting practices for its for-profit school clients: the company paid $2.5 million to states that sued, and agreed to change their ad policies, but admitted no wrong doing), and Valleywag.