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CBS isn't usually quite as overtly biased as NBC/MSNBC, but they that's like saying he was a polite rapist (of the truth). Still, they have quite a few embarrassing cases, where if they had any journalists running things, or fact checkers, the stories would not have run as they did. And they immediately would have fired some of their reporters that reported such disinformation.


FakeNews (Junk News or yellow journalism) is when legitimate stories or facts are suppressed, journalistic standards aren't adhered to, half truths are told, or a narrative spun to where the story becomes misleading or false. Think: manufactured crises, hoaxes, clickbait (sensational teasers/headlines with buried facts), bias or selective fact-checking, anonymous or paid sources, minor stories obscuring more significant news, delaying or ignoring newsworthy events, are all forms of FakeNews. Most retractions or corrections are evidence of shoddy standards and/or editorial bias creating FakeNews. Examples of CBS getting it wrong include: FakeNews CBS : 24 items

Weijia Jiang - CBS FakeJournalist Weijia Jiang (the female Jim Acosta) tries to make every story about her, and has a record of lying to get attention. Examples include claiming: Trump used the n-word on tape, someone in the Trump administration called the coronavirus the “kung flu” to her face. During a press conference claimed that Trump had botched testing so he could open up the economy (which wasn't about lives or jobs lost, depression, suicides, etc), in response to why the lives were being lost Trump retorted, "ask China" -- and She pretended he'd only said that because she was Chinese. Even other left wing reporters (except CNN who ran with the lie) admitted Weijia was out of line.

Trump and 60 Minutes - FakeNews CBS 60 minutes, infamous for Dan Rather's discredited Bush National Guard smear right before his second term election, did it again. They attacked Trump and falsely tried to fact check him and do a smear piece, with Leslie Stahl having a hostile authoritative interview claiming “we can't just let you say false things”, while they sat on their hands while Joe flat out lied about the laptop and Kamala Harris told 4 known lies in a single reply, to no challenges/follow-ups.

The Triumph of Injustice -
After Saez's first book was an economics flop, but social phenomenon amongst the illiteratti, he did a follow-up with Gabriel Zucman called "The Triumph of Injustice: How the Rich Dodge Taxes and How to Make Them Pay". The two Berkeley polemics go on to flim-flam the gullible with anti-Economics. Instead of looking at the big picture and the system, they prestidigitate by having them look at base tax rate instead of actual (effective) tax rate to pretend that the rich are paying less than the poor in taxes. It is so dumb that only a Berkeley Graduate in economics (or CBS FakeNews which reported this as groundbreaking) could not point at it and laugh at the fallacies and errors contained in the premise.

Tea Party - The railroading of the TeaParty is a great example of FakeNews. The TeaParty started under Bush, as a bunch of bi-partisan people angry at rising debt, and it escalated under Obama's trillion dollar porkulus. The media mocked them as radicals, racists and domestic terrorists and called them TeaBaggers (after the sexual practice of sucking testicles), and after 4 years of false stories were able to drive-out the moderates and democrats, leaving mostly the religious right (as they were used to being bullied and lied about). If you read places like Wikipedia, or listen to the left-wing news, you'll get none of that context/backstory (or history of how they moved right over time), leaving readers/viewers with a view that's quite different from reality. But their treatment by the media/left was a great example of the confluence of ignorance and arrogance about them and their issues.

ICE - The friend of your friend may not be your friend. And an enemy of your enemy, may not be your enemy. Many people on the left, are of the opinion that because Trump is for ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), or because ICE sometimes does bad things, that ICE must be bad. The truth is that they do a needed service, but some of the laws, regulations or policies they are required to follow are bad. But that's a problem with the policy, not with the organization. The alternative to ICE, is violence. Many media outlets totally FakeNewsed their stories on the organization/issue.

CBS on Guns -
CBS running a story that mentions "an Assault Revolver", with high capacity magazines. It has to be a joke, right? Of course 60 Minutes did a whole segment on AR-15 Bullets and how they were more dangerous than other bullets: they aren't. If they had a fact checker on staff, they'd know that.

AR-15 Bullets -
There are many people who claim the AR-15 bullets (the .223) are uniquely deadly, or that you can get shot one place and have it exit somewhere else, and other myths propagate by FakeNews outlets like The Atlantic, NYT, or CBS's 60 minutes. Some of these rumors were created by the military to make the troops more comfortable with using a gun that was far less powerful than the AK-47's that our troops were facing, and much weaker than the hunting rifles they had used at home. But sometimes weaker is better. Wounded soldiers cost more resources than dead ones, and lighter guns/rounds are easier to carry and shoot: and that's why the military chose it. But the facts are that.223 isn't even the most powerful varmint round, and is one of the weakest of the rifle rounds. It is so weak that it can't be used to hunt deer or larger game in many states. Anyone trying to sell this AR-15 bullets are more deadly than other rifle bullets, is either a fool or a propagandist. And if they're a media organization with a single fact-checker, you know which one.

ABC Tanked Epstein Story -
This is what FakeNews and bias looks like (burying and spinning valid stories and shifting the narrative):
  • Project Veritas caught Amy Robach admitting on hot-mic. that she had Epstein story 3 years ago, with interviews and witnesses, but higher ups tanked it because it make the Clinton and Royals look bad.
  • ABC's defense (and they forced Amy to repeat) that the story didn't meet their standards... despite Epstein already being convicted of related crimes, direct witnesses and tons of evidence. This is the same organization that had far lower standards when they ran uncorroborated claims with the only witnesses refuting those claims about Brett Kavanaugh: proving their hypocritical double-standards at defending Democrat Pedophiles while being willing to attack Conservatives who did nothing wrong, with far less evidence.
  • ABC pulled out all stops to find the leaker and not why the story was tanked. Once identified, they conspired with CBS to have the whistleblower fired for exposing the truth. These are the same organizations that refuse to even mention the name of Democrat Operative that conspired with Democrats/Adam Schiff and was the leaker in the Trump/Ukraine case. (Another double standard).
  • Meanwhile ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC all put a black-out on mentioning anything about this newsworthy story in their "so called" News shows (some for the first day, some indefinitely), while in their talk shows or on-line they are trying to play off Project Veritas as a far right wing group that could/should be ignored. (Lying for an agenda).

2019.09.25 Hiding the Abortionist - FakeNews includes lies of omission and deciding newsworthy stories need to be buried or not reported on, because they contradict their political agenda. Like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, NPR, PBS all ignoring the story (NYT and CNN burying it) of an Indiana/Illinois abortionist (Ulrich Kopfer) who had died on Sept. 3., and then the remains of 2,246 aborted babies were founded neatly labeled and preserved (as trophies) in his Garage. Kopfer had lost his abortion license in 2015 for failing to report the rape of a 13-year-old patient and numerous other health violations. The only reason for considering that story not Newsworthy and suppressing it, is political agenda: which is also what they did about Gosnell. All the news that's fit to hide from the public, is not in any of the mastheads of these supposed News outlets, but it should be.

2019.07.27 Photo of migrant mom pleading.png
2019.07.27 Photo of migrant mom pleading - If you read the headline in Reuters or CBS, it says, "Guatemalan mother begging soldier to let her enter U.S."... and you're left thinking the bastard soldier was turning her away. 9 paragraphs in it mentions that the National Guard wasn't stopping them, his job was to stop drugs and people traffickers. He was just warning them about the dangers of crossing illegally and was trying to convince the woman not to cross illegally and put herself and her child in danger.

2019.05.21 Milkshake Assaults - There's been some recent assaults by Milkshakes: throwing Milkshakes at conservatives in the EU. While it sounds benign to the clueless, when someone is doing that, you don't know if the fluid is ice-cream or acid, nor of there's a solid or even a grenade in the cup. So this is not a harmless prank, and liberals would get that if someone was assaulting their heroes with frozen drinks, but their lack of introspection and consistent ethics makes them rationalize bad behavior against the other side. CBS, CNN and some other far left outlets are excusing/rationalizing the assaults as funny and tolerable.

2019.02.18 Laura Logan - CBS's Foreign Correspondent (Laura Logan) admitted that she might be committing political suicide by admitting the political truth (something frowned on at CBS), that the media is widely far-left leaning and under-represents the other side of stories. According to her, you have to actively seek out Breitbart or FoxNews to get a balance and understand both sides of a topic. This is no shock to conservatives or the informed -- the left will now seek to get her fired for telling that obvious truth.

2019.02.01 Va. Gov Ralph Northam.jpg
2019.02.01 Va. Gov Ralph Northam - Poor Ralph, the Democrat Governor for Virginia, got caught dressing up for Halloween in blackface (1984). Of course CNN reported him as a Republican, but like many racist politicians, he is devoutly Democrat. The NYT tried to spin it as "Dark Makeup", as if his smokey eye got out of control. So long Ralph, we hardly knew ya.

2019.02.01 Ignoring Booker's lies - While the Press will never pass up an opportunity to attack any minor exaggeration or error on the right, when they have an opportunity to question a serial liar (Booker), they carry his water instead and gloss over his past. (FakeNews). 🙈

2018.07.06 MAVNI Military Recruits - 💩 The AP ran a grotesquely distorted story and headline, "US Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits" and it was a poorly written article about how 40-500 immigrant enlisted had been let go, but it leaves all sort of implications that the Trump administration is persecuting minorities in the military. And of course the left was outraged and triggered (as always) and it was re-printed, re-linked, or a couple dozen OpEds came out, each more extreme than that last, about how this racist persecution of immigrants was hunting down good troops and throwing them out because Trump is a Nazi. Of course the truth is quite different, Trump reversed the Obama era program, and virtually none has retracted or corrected the Big Lie.

2017.01.20 Scrubbed Climate Change and LGBT - ZOMG: Minutes in, and Trump is purging the Government (White House Website) of LGBT and Climate Change info: OrangeMan Bad! Only, this normal operating procedure to archive the old White House pages and start fresh (it happened under Clinton->Bush and Bush->Obama). No retractions, corrections or apologies given.

2016.12.03 Whites assault Muslim in NYC - Poor 18yo Baruch College Student Yasmin Seweid, 3 white Trump supporters screamed "terrorist go home!" and tore her Hijab off, while onlookers ignored it... according to all the news outlets. Then it comes out she made the whole thing up, and virtually none corrected or retracted the story, or reported the story of the hundreds of FakeHate crimes that happened.

2016.11.15 Six Communists arrested for assaulting Trump supporters - The "peaceful" protestors (according to FakeNews) and members of Red Guards Austin, were arrested for felony aggravated assault on Trump supporters while wearing masks, also resisting and evading arrest.

2016.11.11 Oberlin v Gibson Bakery - Three underage black Oberlin students were shoplifting wine at Gibson’s bakery, and got caught. So they assaulted, beat down, and kicked the owner. An arrest followed, and the three were able to plead guilty to misdemeanors and get probation without any fines and a short probationary period. Black racist activist students, encouraged by activist faculty, claimed since it was a white shop owner and African-American students that it must have been racial profiling (ignore the crimes). Protests ensued with the aggitation of Oberlin College administrators and professors during the week of Trumps election. The FakeNews outlets used this as evidence of racism running rampant since Trump's election. The Bakery was furious at the damage done to their reputation and sued for economic and reputation loss from the protests, then graciously offered to withdraw it if the University just apologized and issuing a letter to students reiterating Gibsons weren't racists. The University refused and lost $11M in damages. Then the college wrote an offensive letter attacking the jury for the verdict, and cried poor despite $1B endowment, and lost an additional $22M in punitive damages (and legal fees on top). The cops confirmed that of the 40 shoplifting cases at the store (reported to law enforcement), only 6 were black patrons (not racial profiling).

2016.09.30 San Diego assault - A SDSU student (Feras Jabro) was doing citizen journalism in El Cajon, where protests were happening over the shooting of Alfred Olango (Ugandan refugee, repeat drug dealer and felon) after Alfred pulled a large vape pen from his pocket, got in a shooting stance while pointing it at a cop, who returned fire. Feras was filming day-2 of the BlackLivesMatters protests and asking questions while wearing a MAGA hat, and was beaten, kicked, and had bottles thrown at him while he fled the scene. CBS News and Reuters reported it as a peaceful protest, and Feras as the agitator (for beating the assailants fists and feet with his face?). A separate cameraman was also mugged.

2012.07.13 You didn't build that - One of the defining phrases of the Obama Administration was Obama's attack on private companies which went, "You didn't build that"... basically you owe government for the company you created since they supplied the infrastructure needed. The truth is the opposite, without government we'd still have commerce and industrious individuals, but without commerce and people to tax, there is no government. Government is the parasite with delusions of grandeur. The FakeNews / far-left / Democrats lied and claimed Obama was only talking about roads and bridges, when he clearly said, "If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that".

2004.09.08 Rathergate - Far left polemic Dan Rather tried to rig an election by running a timed Bush hit piece on 60 minutes, just before the 2004 election, using shoddy and unvetted "Killian documents" which claimed that Bush was incompetent, insubordinate and didn't complete his National Guard Service in 1973. The Internet decomposed the typography and showed the forgery within hours, and commanders and folks involved refuted the accounts, and Dan Rather, some of his staff, and even some execs had to reluctantly be fired for journalistic fraud and incompetence.

1986.11.23 Unintended Accelleration - 60 Minutes sensationalized a story about Audi's accelerating on their own, by modifying the accelerator to do that. This segment scared buyers and hurt sales -- but the NTSC confirmed that the brakes overpowered the gas, so the only way this could happen is operator error.

1980.12 Jeep Rollover Fraud - 60 Minutes reported that the small army-style "CJ" Jeep was dangerously apt to roll over: they showed this by hanging weights inside the body at high points, driving much faster than reported, using worn out tires and a mechanical device to turn-in quicker than a human can (580° of rotation @ 5 turns/second), and out of 435 tries they got 8 rollovers. All that context was omitted from their scaremongering episode.


People CBS


📚 References
