Barack Obama
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A list of issues, articles and scandals that pertain to Barack Obama. Again, the point isn't to be fair here: it's to be honest. I don't care how people vote, or who they support. I do care about correcting revisionist history. This isn't meant as a balanced piece to show what good he's accomplished as a politicians or person (there was some, though it is a much shorter list), if you want fawning puff pieces, read/watch the water carriers in the left-wing media.
Obama Presidency
Obama's win was almost inevitable. Very rarely does the party in power able to hold it across administrations (unless there's assassination/death). In the entire 20th century we had Coolidge->Hoover, Reagan->Bush. That's it: both extraordinary Republicans ending during an economic high. The others Harding->Coolidge, FDR->Truman, JFK->Johnson were all because the former died in office, and so the next guy got the pity vote, or was just continuing his own administration. Throw on top an economic crisis under Bush, a media blatantly in the Democrat camp, a war that was going on too long, an old grumpy Republican versus an energized young minority Democrat, and it should have been a far bigger blow out than it was.
I was never an Obama fan, for reasons proven out over time. But when he won in 2008, I told some of my friends working on the campaign, "Good" and was sincerely not upset. They seemed shocked knowing my politics, but I explained that Truman lead to Eisenhower, Johnson lead to Nixon, Carter lead to Reagan, and Obama would definitely result in the huge Republican/Conservative backlash. If you want to destroy Democrats/Progressives, just give them everything they ask for -- and the public will be horrified. The lash will lead to backlash, and Obama was likely to result in a conservative revival the likes the world hadn't seen in generation. They were scornful at the time, and while I thought he would only be a one term President, it still proved completely prescient and almost embarrassingly obvious.
Obama had one history, and his past completely clashed with his campaign, and either was sort of a win. Let's call them realObama (Obama from his books and "accomplishments") and fakeObama (what the Campaigner promised).
Fake Obama | Real Obama |
FakeObama was this confidence artist offering the impossible: fixing our healthcare without it costing a dime in deficits, spending trillions on social programs while balancing the budget, all while promising to be a loving uniting moderate force-feeding radical reform on everything, without upsetting anyone. | RealObama was an unaccomplished divider that slacked into our best colleges on an affirmative action ticket, and varied from completely forgettable in Columbia, to popular but unremarkable in Harvard, community organizing, or Illinois Senate, and he'd only parlayed that in the national senate based on being a pawn to the most questionable associates in the dirties state that almost always ranks dead last. |
If FakeObama governed, he was going to be a second term Bill Clinton moderate, who wouldn't do or hurt much (and stood a better chance of handing the reigns to another Democrat), but that moderate centrist also wouldn't be the radical change agent or be able to deliver a fraction of what he promised... and that would teach the generation that over-hype and over-promises of the left were nothing but hot air in an empty chair. | If realObama governed, he was going to going to be an inept and forgettable President (a community organizer) that pushed too hard on the wrong things using a cult of personality instead of competent policies, that would made things worse, alienated the other side, deadlock everything, and he'd burn out quickly, and be nothing but an empty chair. The consequences of his policies would quickly be erased/fixed by the next guy as they became another "new deal" that had no hope of succeeding more than the last 3 had, and he'd teach a generation the hard lessons of progressive overreach. |
Or course, there's some combination of both, but the Obama we got looked far less like the FakeObama (the Campaigner) than the Democrats had promised, and far more like the RealObama that the right expected and warned against. What we never got close to was the delusion that the left saw Obama as -- someone that united us, got things done through charm and consensus or anything close to persuasion or compromise. Of course the left blames the right for that, but if he was 1/2 the leader they promised, he could have succeeded, so excuses (and finger pointing) are the refuge of failures. So I sort of knew or at least suspected that America would get nothing but Jimmy Carter in blackface. None of his ideas were that new: they all sounded like what Carter (or other Democrats) promised/did, and didn't work whenever they've been tried. A prettier face and a little more charm than Carter wasn't going to change his destiny to lose a fight with a swamp rabbit of his own making. He seemed way too self absorbed to be able to make a good history, and he had no long term friends or allies of any repute to show he could build relationships, let alone relationships across party lines. So he didn't disappoint me, just all his followers.
8 items
Obama's past - I don't believe in bashing anyone for their past, if they admit the mistakes of youth (or later) and distance themselves from them. But if they try to hide them, or still embrace them? It's fair game at showing what you stand for, or that you're lying about what you are based on where you came from and believe. With Obama we have: his lies in and about his books (from authorship to stories/truths), his wife's university payola, and his questionable friendships (Reverend Jeremiah Wrigh, Michael Pfleger, Emil Jones, Saul Alinsky, Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, Rashid Khalidi, Frank Marshall Davis). Obama's illegal alien family members, porn star mom, marxist Dad, and so on.
Obama's Racism - Obama does his impression of a divisive polarizer that splits the community into "us" vs "them", and blames it all on "them" -- based on getting all the facts wrong, but appealing to the ignorance and emotion of his base. In other words, he goes full community organizer, exposing that he was never the racial uniter he promised to be.
Obama's Questionable appointments - There was some pretty bad appointments, certainly, not a single one could be seen as offering an olive branch to the other side. Most were as politically polarizing as they were inept:
- Hillary Clinton - Secretary of State - corrupt fucking disaster.
- John Kerry - Secretary of State - anti-American inept fucking disaster.
- Eric Holder - Socialist asshat, corrupt, only Attourney General to be held in contempt of congress, only avoided prison because Obama indemnified him and obstructed justice (executive privilege), had a horrid background, created Fast and Furious
- Loretta Lynch - Even worse than Holder, and got caught up in protecting Hillary for prosecution.
- EPA: Lisa Jackson - Background, [1]
- Tom Daschle - force to withdraw over tax cheating.
- Janet Napolitano
- Bill Richardson - Secretary of Commerce - withdrawn due to finance corruption
- Obama then tried Senate stacking by nominating New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg (R) which looks like a concession to Republicans, but really meant that a Democrat Governor would replace him in the Senate with a Democrat, giving them a super-majority. Gregg withdrew recognizing that he would be marginalized and didn't agree with Obama on anything.
- Sebelius: demands payment, violates the Hatch Act, and completely botched the roll-out of
Obama on Gun Control - One of the great dividers biggest accomplishments was in taking a dead issue (gun control) and re-igniting it, getting many more mass shootings by drawing attention to them, and getting both sides enraged at each other: the left over not being able to violate the second amendment with impunity, and the right over the ignorance and dishonesty of the gun controllers. Examples:
- Fast and Furious / Gunrwalking scandal - this is where the Obama administration (BATF under Holder) was selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, failing to track them, until some Americans (including Brian Terry) were shot with them. It was done to fluff up a DNC narrative that Mexico's gun problems were because of the U.S. So they got caught trying to plant evidence to have an excuse for pushing for more gun control. The Republicans wanted an investigation, but "the most transparent administration, ever" used executive privilege to obstruct the investigation into Holder and Obama's participation, denied the President had pushed it, and blamed Bush because Bush had found out about a smaller ATF effort (called Wide Receiver) and had shut down the effort and recommended it never be tried again (which the Obama admin ignored and restarted).
- Obama said utterly dishonest and retarded things like, "And then there’s a reality that there are neighborhoods around the country where it is easier for a 12 or 13-year-old to purchase a gun, and cheaper, than it is for them to get a book" As if he's never heard of How do you download a gun off the Internet? If it was true, it would only show the failure of gun control, since those neighborhoods he's most likely talking about would be in strict gun-controlled and Democrat controlled places like Chicago, D.C. and Detroit. He's exposing the failures of gun control, and isn't bright enough to realize he's saying, "It's not working, we need more of it!".
- Obama Gun Quotes - he was the most anti-Gun President in our lifetime, after campaigning to be the opposite.
- Obama fact-check on Guns - his speeches were littered with errors, mistruths, distortions and outright lies about guns. We know that sensationalizing mass shootings gets copy-cats, so he and the media sensationalized every one to the max, and tried to "never let an opportunity go to waste", to attack legal gun owners, with legislation that they called "reasonable gun control", even though not one of the laws offered would have stopped the shootings that had happened.
- Obama's gun truths and consequences - the results are he was the gun salesman in History. Gun sales hit record highs because rational people felt he was trying to undermine their inalienable right to self defense.
Obama Scandals - Obama and the media tried to portray the Obama Administration as scandal free. Seriously. This isn't meant as a balanced piece to show what good he's accomplished as a politicians or person (though I suspect that would be a much, much shorter article), if you want fawning puff pieces, read the NYT, HuffPo, watch CNN or MSNBC. This is meant to counter-balance to the claim that his administration was scandal free. The full list of scandals for the Community Organizer in Chief sits over 800, I'm just listing a dozen or two of the lowlights: Benghazi, Gunwalker, his past, domestic spying, bribes for sailors, Solyndra, abuse at the IRS, VA scandals, this President made the Bush or Reagan administrations seem squeaky clean.
Obama Post Presidency - Most Presidents have the good manners to step out of the spotlight and let others lead (other than a few private speeches to make millions, and aggrandize their history). Of course Jimmy Carter is a senile anti-semitic exception, but in degrees of incompetence and un-presidentiality he's rarified air.
- Obama keeps jumping into events that have nothing to do with him and saying, "don't forget about me!", like pictures of himself remembering Steven Hawking or Rosa Parks. He's like the Brian Williams of ex-Presidents trying to prove he was there, probably because he had so few actual accomplishments while there, and fewer that will last the next administration.
- He keeps offering to campaign with Democrats to "help them", but they keep turning him down. Even hard-core lefties know that there's a lot of ugly tied to his regime, and they'd rather run solo, that be coupled to his administration.
- He keeps heckling the current administration (showing less grace than the Bushes, which hated Obama's policies and have a personal dislike for Donald Trump).
- He keeps making a mockery of his administration by being a "man of the people" and getting caught hobnobbing with the rich and famous, and buying $15M second homes in Martha's Vinyand (after claiming "at some people you should have enough money and give the rest away"). He's one of the least philanthropic Presidents we've had.
Obama Foreign Policy - Obama's foreign policy can be summed up as:
- Awarded the Nobel Prize for not being George Bush. Lacking humility or grace, he accepted. Then invaded Libya, screwed up Syria, lead to ISIS (and did nothing), continued with Iraq and Afghanistan, gave the Russians Crimea and became the biggest user/abuser of drone strikes in history.
- After being told by the State Dept that it's an insult to bow as the head of state, so he did it 8 times, each time generating more cries from those who understood manners.
- Japan's foreign minister begged Obama NOT to go to Hiroshima (bad optics / loss of face), so he did anyways.
- He encouraged Russia to be bold, ignored their hacking for 8 years, used it as an excuse to illegally spy on his opponents campaign, then poisoned the relationship for the next administration.
- After promising not to invade/attack any country that wasn't an immediate and direct threat to the U.S., he attacked Libya, destabilized them because they were helping us in the war on terror, fucked it up, then lied about what happened, covered it up, arrested political prisoners (scapegoats) and obstructed justice.
- Made the worst deal in history with Iran: we'll stop sanctions and give you billions, they promise not to get caught working on the bomb for a few years, and we'll have no oversight.
Obama Domestic Policy - Obama's domestic policy can be summed up as:
- Ran on being the great uniter: polarized and divided us more than ever. Promised to fix race relations: when he came in they were at 60% positive, it was below 20% when he left.
- He ran as an "all of the above" on energy: governed as anti-Oil, anti-Coal, anti-everything but expensive and impractical wind/solar guy.
Obamabot Cult | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||