Democracy Dies in Darkness
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Washington Post's slogan is "Democracy Dies in Darkness". While it was intended as a barb at Trump and those that claim the media is often FakeNews.... its actually more of a motto, about how biased the media has become and is willing to snuff out the truth for their political agenda, and misinform their voters. This isn't about all FakeNews, just about the stories that the media killed, sat on, or delayed, because it fit their agenda.
Here's some of the skeletal remains of what journalism might have looked like, if it wasn't suffocated by political agenda: 5 items
Google TGIF video - Google has these all-hands meetings called TGIF (Thank Google it's Friday), not that you get weekends off, but because all goodness comes from your Googley overlords. Well, someone Keistered out a thumb drive with the entire video of what happened the day after Hillary lost the election to Donald Trump in 2016, and it was a doozie. Serge Brin, Larry Page, VPs Kent Walker and Eileen Naughton, CFO Ruth Porat, and CEO Sundar Pichai are all snowflake meltdown mode, with hug sessions (seriously), letting the staff know that despite their best efforts to interfere in an election through illegal silent donations to Hillary Campaign (and get-out-the-Latino-vote efforts), that she still lost. But that their management was there to fight the forces of fascism, against the electorate that were "low information" voters who only voted for Trump because they were bored racists, and that they would continue to work to bend the nation/world to their will in the future, and help avoid the world war that the right wanted to start. Seriously, that's only slightly paraphrased. It was their way of telling the company that while they value diversity, it doesn't apply to whites, males, conservatives or anyone who didn't vote for Hillary. To put the cherry on top, we find out that the NYT had this video since March, but squashed the story like it was a Harvey Weinstein or John Edwards scandal. The New York Times, all the news that's fit to suppress. |
Beto Hacker Story - We learned that Beto was a hacker in a group called, "Cult of the Dead Cow", had written many misogynistic posts, and had even dabbled in child homicide fantasy fiction. Reuters not only knew of it, and it's News value, for 2 years, they squashed the story so it wouldn't interfere with his Senate run against Cruz (which he lost anyways).
2005- Uranium One Payola -
2003.04.10 Tools of the Tyrant - đ„ Only after the fall of Baghdad, on-air and in an Op-Ed titled, "The News We Kept to Ourselves", CNN's exec-in-charge admit (Eason Jordan) admitted to having suppressed from the public the truth about Saddam being a murderous tyrant, in order to keep CNN's access to Iraq. Isn't lying and working for the enemy of the U.S. and against American or the world's interests, what defines traitors? It certainly isn't journalism.
1929 Russian Collusion - While the Ukrainian Gennoacide is going on, Walter Duranty (top NYT reporter on Russia) was not only being a Stalin Apologist and covering it up, but attacking other journalists for trying to expose it. And winning awards for helping the Soviets exterminate political threats via one of the greatest famines in the world. (The Paul Krugman of his day).