2010 Tea Party
Back in April 2010, I went the 1 block from work to a Tea Party Rally in San Jose. It was tame, civil, and he crazies were sock puppet Democrats pretending to be Tea Partiers, so the media interviewed them, and cut out the signs that said, "he's not with us".
2018 Election
The Blue Wave falls far short. Election results are coming in, and what did we learn? (Knowing that you probably shouldn't over-read too much into any one election). Well that the Democrats, Media and #Resist movement, didn't get what they wanted and promised. Trump held up far, far better than Obama or Clinton did in their first mid-terms: especially with those he supported or supported him. Obama and Hollywoods efforts were self defeating with high losses and few gains. And this despite being what should have been a much weaker election for Republicans because they were a divided and somewhat ineffectual house for the last 2 years (with #nevertrump'ers diluting and dividing things, unlike the Democrats historical lock-step goose stepping). So while we end up with some serious losses for civility and intelligence with Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and their ilk making noise and playing the foils as evil rulers in the house -- this actually gives Trump someone to legitimately point fingers at that isn't FakeRepublicans/Conservatives in his own party.
Suicide trends
WaPo ran an article showing Suicide Numbers trending up: they glossed over many important causes and missed how minute the increase is, and demonstrated mostly clickbait/FakeNews.
NY Reproductive Health Act
I'm pro-choice (read Abortion for more background), but whether you're pro-choice or pro-life, you should be offended by the dishonestly named NY "Reproductive Health Act" that the Democrats and Cuomo just passed, and all of its provision. They claim this is about protecting Roe v Wade -- they are liars: it has virtually nothing to do with that.
Automation will destroy us
Old truckers never die, they just re-tire. Anyways, the point is those screaming automation will destroy us all, are missing that they've been saying the same thing since Ug first tied a spear tip to a spear, and Zug predicted that would end all animal life. This is nothing new.
Black Conspiracy Theology
I'm not black, but my Step-Dad is black, I did live and work in black communities. What I saw as an outsider was the black community is disenfranchised (duh!), and that leads to distrust of the system, often Whites, and they prefer their gossip circles and communities opinions to News and fact... to the point that there are many more conspiracies. Events that go through that lens, don't often resemble what I saw, or the objective facts of the case. And the DNC either starts, fosters or panders to many of these wacky views of America or the world, feeding the hate/unrest for votes.
Does America break up families, keep kids in cages, and abuse illegal immigrants? Obviously, not enough or there would be far fewer illegal immigrants. (They're far more looped into the risks than the average Joe). The facts are this is rare, temporary, this has been done forever (and under the Obama and Clinton administrations), and the idea that criminals shouldn't be separated from their kids is absurd. Under the Democrats reasoning, for domestic crime, it is fine to separate families. But for foreign invaders and perpetrators should get special exceptions. But a nation without laws is no longer a nation. And a media that omits context and biases their stories, like NYT and NYMag did on this one, are no longer journalists.
Campaign Limits
Why shouldn't we create Campaign Contribution Limits? Because it won't work, and will make things worse.
Charlottesville Race Riot
There's always two sides to History, that of the informed and the other side. The latter may be well intentioned, but if they don't know why something is happening, then their anger, frustration and venting is all misdirected at the wrong thing. Hate is taught, and the left is being taught hate through the media (disinformation). Just about everything the left has raged against (in Charlottesville) shows which side they're on, and it isn't truth. Especially the charade that the Trump is a racist and praised the Neo-Nazi's when he actively denounced them in his first Press Conference.
Do you love the Constitution and Rule of Law, or do you prefer a corrupt political tyranny (where the President has the powers to write/nullify law)? Pick one. If you support DACA then you aren't compassionate, you just picked the latter.
Earth Day
In honor of an invented fake-Holiday (Earth Day/Week), my office celebrated voluntary meatless Monday. I'm not sure what one has to do with the other.... what I'm sure of is that celebrating a Holiday invented by watermelon's (green on the outside, red on the inside), loons and kooks, to celebrate peace and balance by taking away people's choices (to get meat), is something so hypocritical, and so the new normal in California.
While I don't really care what causes people support (even stupid ones), I do like people to be informed the on the stupid causes they support, and who is behind them. Detractors of Earth Day claiming it's an green wrapping around Marxist agendas, while the proponents claim, "No. It's all moderate folks just trying to protect our planet and peace". When you research the history of Earth Day, it becomes obvious which side is informed, and which isn't.
Hamilton vs Hamilton
Mike Pence went to see the rap-musical about Alexander Hamilton. And was rewarded by the classless audience with boos, and by the less classy cast, with a call-out and civil lecture about how inclusive they all are, and welcome him to be (with bitten tongue snark implying that he/Trump are bigots). The motto seems to be: never miss an opportunity to lower the bar, or whine when this gets reflected back.
How do you start a race war?
Let's review the basics of what happened: (a)Two people were shot for being stupid (b) Race baiters and FakeNews conspire for agenda and clickbait (c) the ignorant (like Obama) jump on board based on no hard information (d) cops get retaliatory backlash as the igno-inflamed react (e) the press sensationalizes that backlash too. The only people "winning" in this, are politicians/press who are prey on these ignorant constituencies to incite more violence, for either money, attention, or votes/views.
Roe v. Wade
Abortion is a deeply personal view, and I have no problem with how people come down on it (as long it is thoughtfully decided). While Roe v. Wade fits my personal beliefs (1st Trimester legal, 3rd illegal), it was a lousy and Unconstitutional ruling that invented law from the bench by imagining powers in the 14th (100 years after the fact) that the authors and ratifiers disagreed with, it violated the 10th and 11th, it made things much worse by polarizing and dividing us AFTER 37 states had already legalized abortion. Then Planned Parenthood v. Casey made it a far worse decision (3rd trimester legal, which collided with Roe). Most legal scholars have admitted that it was a lousy ruling, and it made the nation a worse place. And repealing it would do nothing to the places that are outraged over the thought, since that would just push it back to the states (which had already legalized it).
A player on survivor outed another as trans, the SJW's had a meltdown. When fascism comes to America it will look like anti-fascism. Just like this.
The Wall
The Mexico-American border is the most heavily crossed border in the world, both legally and illegally, and has a rich history of the Democrats promising to fix it or illegal immigration, then undermining it. The Democrats can only win elections if they have the young, dumb and disenfranchised voting for them -- so they do everything they can to make sure that base (including uneducated illegals) can get in, and be exploited, and exploit our system. That guarantees them money/power.
White House Correspondents Dinner
American Progressives ruin everything. The White House Correspondents Dinner started as a self-contragulatory celebration of the White House media's accomplishments and misses over the prior year. With the media and comedians being willing to barb both sides and self-deprecate. As the media became more biased and partisan, it devolved into a dinner where they roast and mock Republicans/Conservatives and fawn over Democrats/Liberals, no matter who is in office. Yes, they'll throw a token barb against Democrats for something superficial, like Obama's ears or golf, then celebrate how wonderful his mediocre speech is (then claim how gracious he was in the face of overwhelming praise and adoration)... while they'll throw vicious barbs and lies at conservatives, FoxNews, WSJ or anyone that takes offense at their partisan vitriol.
Yanny and Laurel
Yanny and Laurel became a "thing".... a flash in the pan trope/meme where everyone debated for a nanosecond about whether a guy that said "Laurel" was really saying "Yanny" based on an audible illusion. It basically had to do with which frequency your ears were better at hearing (and the speaker/source) on whether you picked up the higher or lower frequencies and which you hear.