Rashida Tlaib
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Underserving the western half of Detroit, Rashida Tlaib is the daughter of Palestinian immigrants and part of The Squad, and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and who won through impeachment (of Trump) Tourette's but isn't bright enough to answer the question, "what for?". She supports the anti-semitic, anti-Israel and anti-American BDS movement, and uses her Muslim status as part of her entitled victimhood crown.
Here's a but more on Ilhan Omar, and the left's double standards with ignoring their racists, while sensationalizing the other side: Rashida Tlaib : 5 items
The Master Baiter - Trump is either a communications genius, or the media/left are complete idiots to be outclassed by a self gratifying dolt. Look at the basics of the latest histrionics over (1) the Racist attack on fab-four: Trump shit-tweets how radical the most fanatical 4 in the far left party, "The Squad" are. The left has to defend them (defining themselves as like them), or admit he was right. (2) The next week it is about Baltimore: Trump shit-tweets the truth about how bad Elijah Cummings district is. The left and the media can admit truth, or make fools of themselves calling him a racist and denying reality: they choose the latter.
The far-left and their media keeps going with "anything Trump says is wrong".... so he keeps saying, "the sun is bright" and they keep saying, "no it is NOT, that's racist!" And the sane public remembers the abrasive truth of Trump, and the foolish dishonesty of the media/left. And the Democrats think they're winning? Either he’s intentionally baiting them, as part of his plan, or they’re so incompetent that they can’t beat a bumbling buffoon and his shit tweets. So if Trump's an idiot, they are dumber. Or he's been using the left's constant under-estimation of him, to bait them into shooting themselves in the foot. (They win the little fight, by losing the bigger one). And the #resistance can't stop falling for it. Either doesn’t bode well for the left.
Squad on Soleimani Killing - The idiot quartet had a series of dumb/anti-American opinions:
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suffers from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndome), along with Dunning-Kruger, and a case of stupid. So when Trump had Terrorist Soleimani killed, she came out and said that retaliation for a dozen Iran provocations was unwarranted and that Trump was trying to provoking open war. (Something Iran has been doing since the 70's and taking our embassy Hostage). You don't have to like the response, but the choice was never her false dichotomy of "peace or not", they are already committing acts of war. The question is whether the acts of war they are committing will get a response. Either AOC doesn't know the basic of what's happening (and she's an idiot), or she does and she's lying. Pick one.
- Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib claimed Trump was provoking war from the distraction of the Scampeachment that is increasing his donation and poll numbers. But that she/congress are here to stop him from doing his constitutionally allowed powers.
- Ayanna Pressley piped in, lest everyone forget her, that Trump was just impeached (he wasn't until it goes to the Senate, which Pelosi won't do), and claims war would help with his re-election (it wouldn't, he campaigned on the opposite: and this is more likely to keep us out of war than doing nothing would have). And she sort of predicted this would lead to war, when it did the exact opposite and Iran backed down big time.
Racist attack on The Squad - Trump insults the fab-4 of Anti-Americanism: the far left progressive caucus that's going to get him re-elected. His quip against their (freshmen Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley) constant dishonest rants about how bad America is, and how great everywhere else is, is the age old comment, "you should go fix there first", only he added "and then come back and show us how it's done". Idiots like AOC pretended that this was about race and that Trump didn't know where they were from and was telling all people of her kind to get out. It was more personal/targeted than that. FakeNews outlets like CNN propagated the lie in their headline and omitted key context. But anyone who read his tweets knew better, which is why CNN intentionally didn't link to the source. CNN's pundits made the same claim about Melania, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio (before and after Trump): proving either CNN is racist, or this kind of attack is normal fare in politics and on CNN. Only when Republicans do it, it's racist. Pelosi escalated to try to create a resolution condemning these xenophobic tweets (rolls eyes), this is all to cover for the anti-American sentiments of the freshman democrats.
2019.09.14 NYT Kavanaugh Smear - Acting as a DNC's mouthpiece, the NYT published a hit-piece by Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly, who were promoting their book attacking Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh for being a sexual harasser. The shocking new allegation was about Brett having someone else put his penis in a girls hand during a party. This resulted in all the far lefties (Warren, Sanders, Harris, Booker, Buttigieg, The Squad) demanding Brett's impeachment before any conviction or evidence. The bigger problem is this scoop had already been investigated (and discounted), the woman (victim) doesn't have any memory of it happening, there are no other witnesses who corroborate it (and many that came forward to defend Brett), assuming we can imagine how some other friend can even get your penis to put it in someone else's hand. But the problem is how did a story that all other newspapers had passed on as being non-credible, make it past the times editors, after having all the exculpatory evidence get omitted from the article, get tweeted about, and get repeated on NPR. Even the other left-wing media outlets called bullshit on the NYT and said this was a big embarrassment for real journalism, while the Times has been distracting, attacking, blaming Fox for blowing this up, and changing the topic, and doing anything but sincerely apologizing and firing those responsible.
2019.08.14 Israel boycotts the Squad - "The Squad", or at least Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, planned on going to Israel, meet with terrorist, do a bunch of PR stuff to support terrorists, and mock and annoy Israel. Israel had other plans and denied permission for the visit. Because Trump publicly tweeted his support for Israel banning them, the Press/left took the opposite position and made a lot of FakeNews around the topic (NYT, CNN, etc). But the truth is:
- (1)They were NOT an emissary or dignitary of the U.S. government, these are low level government functionaries, visiting in a non-government capacity or they'd be violating the Logan Act. Thus there's no slight to the State Department, or the U.S. government.
- (2) These are people that have encouraged economic warfare to Israel (BDS movement), refused to condemn terrorism or human rights (Female Genital Mutilation), aided and abetted Israel's enemies (terrorist organizations), were planning on visiting terrorist organizations while there, and they even called their trip a "Delegation to Palestine".
- (3) A couple weeks later, Russia denied access to a GOP leader. Not one of the Squad or the left-wing media was outraged, showing their outrage was never a principled stance, it was strictly a partisan one.