Rosanne Barr
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Rosanne is a bipolar comedian, that had a hit show (that was cancelled because it made fun of both sides, and ABC couldn't stand that), and she insulted an Obama politician from Iran in a way that was a slur to blacks, though no one knew Valerie Jarret was part black. Rosanne was never stable, but often funny... but she's even more "all over the place" since she had her career ruined for the Woke Crime of not getting a DNA test before throwing a slur out there.
FakeNews : 2 items
The View - The View was a talk show with 3 or 4 female shrill Liberals that gang-bang the one token conservative. In the case of Elisabeth Hasselbeck they haranged and bullied her off the show for being "too Christian/Conservative for their audience". E.g. they were worried about the balance and likability she might bring to the show. Ratings plummeted on The View, while Hasselbeck grew the FoxNews Channel ratings (she went to immediately afterwards) by 9%. Yeah, Elizabeth was the problem. They replaced her with Meghan McCain, and they repeatedly had incidents with her not being liberal and stupid enough. Basically, the two most obnoxious are Joy Behar, and Whoopi Goldberg, who like to prove their stupid, divisive, hypocrisy, on a regular basis -- with Joy being more obnoxious, and Whoopi just looking ignorant. Lousy show with lousy humans, makes their viewing audience dumber with every viewing.
Rosanne Show - Rosanne got a chance to do a revisit of her show, and it was beyond a smashing success: highest rated show in history. Turns out the show mocked both sides, and was unapologetic about both and was loved by Americans. But that kind of tolerance is conservative (not liberal), so the Liberals at ABC were looking for an excuse to kill it, like Last Man Standing. And Rosanne gave them that chance. Rosanne was in a heated twitter batter with Valerie Jarret (an evil, ignorant, polemic bitch of a human being), and Rosanne tweeted: "Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj,” (vj = Valerie Jarrett). And of course the ignorant far-left all screamed in unison: racism. I never realized that Jarrett was part black -- she's more Iranian, French and others. And Rosanne said, "Muslims r NOT a race." <- she was attacking the Muslimist views of Jarrett -- not any racial ones. But that kind of nuanced thinking is beyond most lefties, and certainly the far-lefties at ABC. So despite Rosanne clarifying, apologizing, cancelling her twitter her account, the wonks at cancelled her show, because the entire cast should suffer for Rosanne and the American public not being as politically correct as the producers at ABC. (Nor are they dimwitted virtue signalers either).