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Europeans that stay in Europe don't usually understand the U.S., or what made us successful. They think they do because they watch Hollywood's version of America, as seen through their Eurocentric eyes -- but that's like asking Democrats about what motivates Republicans: the answers are usually garbage. That's why the French Revolution was such a failure. And it's why the European Union (EU) inverted the U.S.
The U.S. was created so that we the people could separate from a monarchy, self govern as a lot of local (State) democracies, with the minimum overarching federalism as possible. The EU was created to turn a bunch of separate little democracracies with autonomy into one unresponsive Brussels (or Berlin) run monarchy. It's not just that's the wrong idea... it's that they THINK they're doing what we did, when they're doing the exact opposite. We were created on individualism and limiting government power, and they are created on collectivism, centralization and maximize it.
Since the EU was created, Europe has become the worst performing continent in:
- economic growth, quality of life improvements, population, and everything that matters towards the future
- The French and Italian farmers, and other union workers, deserve to demand market protections for their stagnant or declining countries, but not to force it on the UK. The UK did more to help bring the EU forward, than the EU's isolationism and socialism ever did to help the UK forward.
- They've disagreed in degrees with everything the UK'ers wanted to do to reverse that -- causing the Brexit
- They magnified the problems with Greece, by subsidizing their incompetence for way too long
- They created an immigration crisis in their own countries by pretending the number or quality of refugees don't matter, nor does integration with the culture: causing a more classist and polarized countries.
There's a reason every major tech innovation came from the U.S., despite us being smaller in population. But they won't understand it. They still think there's power in the Eurocrats running the EUSSR, and don't understand the power of individualism and free'er markets.
7 items
EU suppresses terrorists religion - Freedom of speech means power to suppress in the EU: The EU Human rights chief order the UK Press to stop reporting if terrorists were Muslims, they flag the truth as hate speech (intolerance) and will come and get you. And you wonder why Brexit?
Finland - Finland is often held up as part of the Scandavian Miracle : the false trope that things are great in Nordic countries because they have great social programs. When anyone who looks deeper than the surface learns (a) they are not socialists (b) there are many problems and failures that make them more a model of "How not to", than "How to". The collapse of Universal healthcare in Finland is a great example. Social programs work well, for a while... until the system finally collapses under the burdens of government run anything (or everything). Like happened in Venezuela, or everywhere else it has been tried. The question isn't whether it will fail, but how long they can go before ruination.
France - Articles about France, a country with one of the richest histories in a world. While much of it is a "how not to", they also have a class, style, and culture that is unique, arrogant, and stylish. But most of the things I write on are the lesser known, and usually less complimentary things. That's not out of malice, but I find the more arcane more interesting, even when it's not flattering. Topics: America made Saddam, Dunkirk (2017), France: Mass Murders, Never trust France, Paris Climate Accord, Patriot Act, Vietnam, Wait for France, U.N. or Sanctions, and so on.
GDPR - GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is the EU's usual mixed bag of benevolent anti-business fascism. In concept, it isn't horrible. In ambiguity and implementation, it's kinda vile. And should they have the authority? Not in a free world. But even if you think it's a great idea, passing huge laws with highly ambiguous terms, high fines and a single drop-dead date, is kind of a recipe for disaster. People that don't want to take on that liability, will run (just block Europe). Only large corporations can afford the huge investments and can handle the legal risks associated with fighting hostile governments. But Europeans rarely think things through, or there wouldn't be an EU in the first place. (All ways that ends are bad). One year later, guess what happened? It helped Big Tech, and disadvantaged the smaller guys with burdensome compliance costs? Who knew? Just everyone with a clue. (Eurocrats need no apply).
Germany - I have nothing against Germany. In fact, I have a lot of family there, and it's one of the nicest countries I've visited: the trains run mostly on-time, they have a nicer quality of life, and better services than many countries in the world. But there are negatives too: a collectivist culture, bureaucratic, too many rules and too much intolerance. (Every rule/law/regulation is a way to tell someone else what they can/cannot do). And historically, they did a lot of bad things. I try not to rub that latter part in, because most alive today had nothing to do with that. But there's a reason that stuff happened there: and it is the collectivism that is the birthplace of Marx and Engels, and that socialist poison is infused in their water and culture, and exists (in its more moderate form), just waiting for the opportunity to spring out again.
Italy - I have nothing against Italy. In fact, I have a lot of family there, and it's got great people and culture. But they believed in centralized government, and the wisdom of the masses, and the state over the individual: and the results was a slow decay in malaise, that the individuals all admit is stifling, but none will question their prime assumptions enough to fix. The wise give up and leave, or at least stop trying -- and the rest are resigned to complain and climb to the bottom and be the biggest victims. And that's Progressive Democratic Socialism in a nutshell.
United Kingdom - A list of thing about the UK. Some good, some bad. OK... mostly bad.