After a COVID briefing on how to kill COVID w/UV light and disinfectants, Trump made a passing comment to the presenter about using these ideas in vitro (in the body). That was all. The Press lost their nut, and was claiming he's trying to get people to breathe drain cleaner or shoot Lysol into their veins or something. You can't make this up.
- The idea of using UV light or disinfectants in the body is the basis for much of medicine like Chemotherapy, blood scrubbing, and UV blood treatment was studied for SARS.
- As Scott Adams put it, how stupid do you have to be to (a) not know that (b) think the President suggested people go out and mainline Lysol, like they reported? Or run with a story before asking what he meant, and so on.
- They started piling FakeNews on top of this FakeNews, by pretending that there was a spike in poisonings because of this statement. Yes, poisonings were up year-over-year, but not week-over-week or day-over-day. Ever since the lockdown, poisonings had been up. Which is a statement against the lockdown, but the Press screwed that angle up (by not noticing or mentioning it).
Like everything the Press wants to pretend, this became a story they ran with for a week. The rubes (their base) was sure that this was just evidence that the President was incompetent and begging people to do stupid things. However, the rational who watched it, and knew anything about the Presidents style and context, knew exactly what he said/meant -- and it was fine. So once again we have a great polarization between those with a clue, and the Democrat base and MSM followers.
Lysolgate : 1 items
UV blood treatment - UV light to kill viruses or bacteria is nothing new, it has been used for decades -- usually outside the body and on surfaces, but sometimes by putting blood through UV cleaners, other times by putting it inside the body. UBI or Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation is a real thing and was done specifically for SARS-1 back in 2006, but is also being explored with SARS-2 (COVID) and others.
Memes-Lysol : 2 items
Why Kim is missing?
Kim: So you just inject the Lysol?
Trump: Fuck yeah you do... Memes-Lysol
đ References
The Coronavirus is named after the fact that under a microscope it looks like the surface of the sun, with lots of little protrusions and bumps. These are series of diseases, but the one everyone is talking about for now, is the Chinese (Wuhan COVID-19 for COrona VIrus Disease circa 2019, or SARS-CoV-2) that's going pandemic. While the CDC, WHO and FDA all blew their response, we've never seen a more effective response to a pandemic, and the U.S. outperformed most of the world in objective metrics. But as to be expected, partisan Democrats and their media never let an opportunity go to waste: to politicize, polarize, divide and undermine the American economy and people.
Our "experts" and agencies that we poured billions into failed miserably at their charters. The TLA's (Three Letter Agencies) like the WHO, CDC, FDA, CIA and CCP, all blew chunks and/or lied, undermining faith in them amongst the rational. The mainstream media was an embarrassment, getting most stories wrong by taking the far left view of everything, and later being discredited and having to reverse themselves. By being the tools of the far left (DNC) and MSM, Big Tech (Social Media) was worse, censoring stories that didn't fit their agenda, and later it turning out all they did is magnify disinformation that they claimed to be protecting us from. And of course progressive's (politicians and individuals), in demanding conformity to the far left collective, managed to do more harm than COVID ever could. So what did we learn?
A list of articles on Trump, his scandals (real and imagined). My goal isn't to cheerlead or slam, but I am anti-establishment and have the most interest in the parts of the story that the media/left has omitted, and giggle at cry-bullies getting their comeuppance. That's probably too much nuance for many, as anything but rabid attacks make many think I'm a Trump lover. While I wish he was a better behaved champion and didn't get in the mud with the pigs, but if he didn't, he'd be Mitt Romney and he'd likely lose. So they despise him for doing what they do back to them. I don't like either of them, but I like the one fighting for individuals more than the ones fighting to oppress them.