MLKs dream
There's a school in Washington State that removed Asians as "persons of color" because they were performing too well. Indeed, Asians (especially immigrants or first generation) outperform whites in all categories: both far east "Orientals" and Indians. Women outperform men in college admissions and graduations. Black immigrants also outperform blacks and often whites, and blacks raised by whites or Asians outperform other black or latino Americans. And this isn't just one school, this is companies and others that are changing the racist Affirmative Action into the more racist URM (Under Represented Minoritis) or BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) movements. MLK had a dream. That dream was assassinated by the left... both in April 1968, and it is re-assisinated by the far left every time the dream twitches to this day. When reality doesn't fit your agenda, you must keep murdering the truth.
In one of the best speeches to coalesce a movement on justice, MLK said the line,
❝ I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. ❞
But that's not possible as long as the left is in power, or isn't mocked openly for their attempts at racial division for political gains.
If the goal is racial equality, you might track it by observing, but trying to divide us by race, by offering special incentives, can only only polarize and divide us. Usually this is done for votes, money or political division by preying on the lower emotions of hate and envy. "That group wants to hold you down, you need to vote for us or give us money to protect you". The Mafia and DNC's appeal to the disenfranchised.
So they've sold the charade of "White Privilege" to any gullible rubes that don't know better.
The bigger problem is that as it is exposed that it doesn't really exist (at least not how it is sold), they keep having to exclude people that are non-white from the victimhood clan.
Affirmative Action - Affirmative Action is to pretend that Will Smith or Barack Obama's kids, have fewer opportunities as connected black millionaires than some poor, white, son-of-meth-head in Appalachia, or some Asian boat persons kid who came here with nothing but a language/culture barrier, by nature of their skin color -- so they should get a special advantages in life, like college admissions. An idea so stupid and racist that it could only appeal to the far left.
It's OK to persecute Asians and punish them for high performance in College Admissions or jobs, because they outperform whites. The same with Indians (from India), for the same reason: damn high performing over-educated earners are bending the curves. Since only reason they can be performing that well is white privilege, poof, now they are white. (Or no longer People of Color).
Ironically black immigrants outperform the black and white average... the already fail at being black enough for the black community. Soon, poof, even though they are more African that African Americans, poof, they are going to be white too. While Latinos who are white, are being given POC status, because they have lower outcomes.
It even gets more muddled with mixed race, you can be a few percent black and count, while others are excluded with more victimhood genetics, all based on outcomes and community, not actually on melanin content or how discriminated against they actually were. It doesn't matter if some subcultures aren't working as hard (or in the right ways) to achieve the same outcomes -- if they aren't getting the same outcomes the only explanation can be that America is bad and systemically racist.
So it's not about race, it's about trying to force equality of outcome by using race as an excuse. And if the evidence contradicts the claim, invent new evidence, cherry pick the data, and exclude those who don't fit the narrative.
A very black South Indian in the US may not think there is systemic racism against his "brownness" -- so exclude them from the counting. Another might think they are a victim, and ignore the other issues that lead to their lack of success -- so they get counted. While all a totally white-looking mixed-race person has to do is amp up their URM background to get special preferences, even if there's no evidence of victimhood. Talk the talk, and you're in the clique. Talk common sense, and you're out of the racist club. There is just no intellectual coherence to the current D&I ("Diversity and Inclusion" movement -- it requires a suspension of belief and intellect.
Martin Luther King had a dream that he shared with all of us. And Americans embraced it. Democrats and Marxists perverted it for political gains. The dream has become a nightmare of conflicting grievances and bigotries, all attacking each other. And it will remain one until American reject the faux purity standards of the racist far left, and embrace the reality that America is not homogenous, and never should be. There's no consistency that anyone will be discriminated against by everyone or everywhere the same based on the slant of their eye or skin tone. There are assholes and good people everywhere. And you can't make the world a better place by making racial quotas to fix injustice -- because the sum of a persons experiences and suffering is a lot greater than their skin tone, but their total experiences. And trying to boil a persons total experiences down to their skin color, is as racist and antithetical to MLK's dream as it gets.
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