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One of the worst examples of FakeNews is a series of fiascos and misreporting about the protest and violence that happened in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Memes-Charlottesville : 18 items


I updated the Memes section. Life is short, why not mock it?
Memes : AnimalsArroganceBLMBrancoCOVIDClimateClocksEconEducationFeedbackFoodFunnyGunsInspirationalIsmsIssuesLawsLogicMediaMilitaryMineMoviesMovies2MusicOrganizationsPeoplePlacesPoliticsPranksRacyReligionSatireScienceSeasonalSportsStar WarsWoke
These are current issues and events that can/should be mocked... and were.

2010 Tea PartyBody countGovernment ShutdownMarchForOurLivesPussy ProtestStrawsThe WallUkrainegateVote

Charlottesville Race Riot
There's always two sides to History, that of the informed and the other side. The latter may be well intentioned, but if they don't know why something is happening, then their anger, frustration and venting is all misdirected at the wrong thing. Hate is taught, and the left is being taught hate through the media (disinformation). Just about everything the left has raged against (in Charlottesville) shows which side they're on, and it isn't truth. Especially the charade that the Trump is a racist and praised the Neo-Nazi's when he actively denounced them in his first Press Conference.