Greta is the poster child (literally) of the cry-bully left: exploiting a special needs child for sake of their fascist (anti-progress) agenda. These are the memes that tell the story.
Greta Memes
Memes-Greta : 34 items
Help the Students fight Climate Change: take away their phones, computers, Xbox, TV, iPads, no driving or public transportation... let them walk everywhere.
Privileged White Girl yells at world leaders for not obeying her orders.
What media manipulation looks like:
- Greta = Child, NOT a Scientist, Repeats propaganda she's been told by adults = gets 24/7 News Coverage.
- Dr. Judith Curry =Climatologist, Chair of Earth and Sciences School (Georgia Institute), Member of National Research Council, Published 140 Scientific Papers, Says Climate Change is an exaggerated hoax = gets no media coverage.
Leftist Climate Experts: a bartender and a developmentally disabled high school kid
Greta (Wendy's): "How Dare You!" - Old Fashioned Propaganda.
Greta getting a lesson from Mother Nature on what's Weather and what's Climate.
You might be cool, but you'll never get Time Magainzes person of the year for riding on a diesel train, eating potato salad out of a single use plastic container, read in a single use plastic bag, dip in a single use plastic tub, using plastic silverware, while complaining about how everyone else is ruining the planet with pollution cool.
Greta and Snickers-face. (Eat your snickers!)
My generation will start a revolution.
Honey, your generation can't do a full work week, figure out if they're a boy or girl, or eat meat without crying.
Special needs kid (Aspergers, OCD, Depression, Paranoia) exploited by evil opportunists! She's had a lousy stressful life, because of the adults who programmed her in their civilization hating cult.
She's wallowing in the hate... and the fame that wallowing gives her. But this will follow her for life, like Monica Lewinski. I feel sorry for the little girl, and mad at those exploiting her.
This is a fake picture of Greta eating in front of poor kids. But it was mocking her claims that anyone "stole her childhood" or was causing death and suffering. Watermelon green energy policies are holding back African development and doing far more harm and suffering than the other way around.
Who did this? How dare you! (Greta Pawn)
I want an Oompa Loompa NOW! (Veruca Salt or Greta?)
We've seen these techniques (of using kids for leftist agendas) before... it looks like Hitler Youth. A lot like it.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? Some explanations for her learning disabilities? I don't think attacking kids (or anyone's) looks is a good thing. But her parents and leftist exploited her in a way that makes these attacks likely. Especially if they are legitimate questions.
Greta and Parents in fascist clothing. Antifa is fascism.
Greta Fact Check:
- 30 years, the IPCC has been wrong
- Ecosystems have been thriving
- Oil lifted people out of suffering
- Populations are thriving
The left says you can't respond to Greta because she's a young girl. They also sent death threats to Mini-AOC.
Coal in my stocking? Seriously!?
Greta or Hogg: child radicals.
Robbing Greta of her Childhood! She's had it so hard... she should have lived one of the greener alternatives!
Greta and Biden (Serial sniffer).
Greta and Hogg: American Gothic
Greta-Face: this is what mature moderation looks like to the left.
When the Dookie is bigger than your butthole (Greta Grunting)
Climate Puppets: look for the master
Is your kid in the Climate Change Cult yet?
Greta: Children of the Corn.
Chicken Little meets Anti-American Idol (Greta).
I updated the Memes section. Life is short, why not mock it?
Greta Thunberg
A clueless girl (Scoldilocks) tantrums over things she doesn't understand and the FakeNews/left activists and their media treat it like it's a significant event. It's child abuse. Greta Thunberg is this clueless, nasty little teen (Lisa Simpson Crossed with Bane ) that has been ruthlessly exploited and programmed by the far left (and her Parents), to the point of raging over things that aren't science and she has no fucking clue about. She's the voice/image of the radical "Global Climate Strike" crowd, so the media/far-left is using her like the Cartel (Human Traffickers) use any other teenage girl. Twitter is blocking people (Avi Yemini) for challenging her dogma with the facts. Her school and parents failed her into become like any cult victim / zealot. But her nasty little eco-fascism theology proves that there's still plenty of evil in the world, as demonstrated by those that set this mini-fanatic on us, and expect us to take her seriously.