Memes about the Military.
Memes-Military : 12 items
Comparing Carrier Sizes: Q: Compensating for something America? A: Yup. Weak allies.
Double-tap is a myth: shoot the threat until dead. Only then will your enemy know true peace!
Gun Violence does not exist. Guns do 3 things: (1) function (2) fail (3) rust. Violence is from the heart. Stay alert and stay alive.
What's an Iron Triangle? A: When 2 people collude to manipulate a 3rd.
NATO spending by Country (% of GDP).
Need an AR-15? I don't need a whiney bitch, but here you are!
Overkill: so rarely necessary, so often fun.
Puckle gun: 73 years before the 2A, an 11 shot artillery piece that was considered part of the "right to bear arms".
No longer qualifies for Section 8.
If confused, look between your legs. If this confuses you, see a therapist. If this triggers you, you shouldn't be around triggers.
Some men are morally opposed to violence. They're protected by the ones who are not.
Guess which one of these was an actual weapon of war? Colt AR-15 or Colt Model 1917.
I updated the Memes section. Life is short, why not mock it?