This covers a pretty wide swath of issues, parties and agendas.
Memes-Libertarian :
12 items
Things Jesus never said: Blessed are the tax collectors, for true charity doesn't come from the heart from from government confiscation.
Without Government, who would protect us from Boom Boxes?
Pen Gillette: Democracy without individual rights is just picking on the weird kid... and I'm always the weird kid.
Why is it greed to want to keep your money, and not greed to take someone else's?
Careful following the masses, sometimes the M is silent.
Orwell: The further you drift from the Truth, the more angry you'll be with those that speak it.
We had roads, schools, military and bridges long before we had income taxes.
There are two types of people in this world, those who think government is looking out for their best interests, and those who think.
Classical liberalism (Libertarianism): I will defend your right to say something stupid.
Progressivism: I will shame, censor or demand you be fired if you say something I don't like.
Smallest minority is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities. ~ Ayn Rand
SpaceX did what NASA couldn't, and you're saying we need government?
We had roads, schools, trains, subways and strong military long before we had income taxes.
This lists a series of meme's about the DNC (Democratic National Committee): note the goal is not always "fairness", this is more tit-for-tat, and if they're going to complain about the mote in their brothers eye, this is looking at the log in their own.
Memes-DNC :
69 items
To anger a conservative, tell a lie. To anger a liberal, tell the truth.
Antifa/Media/DNC speak and spell: Orange man bad!
That awkward moment when a burglar wants to ban home defense weapons...
Freedom means do what we say, or else...
(Biden pondering alphabetic order)... is it because of the song?
Things Jesus never said: Blessed are the tax collectors, for true charity doesn't come from the heart from from government confiscation.
Ben Carson: Highest SAT score in Detroits 20 year history. Graduated with honors. Accepted to Yale on merit. Awarded 60 honorary degrees for distinguished accomplishments in his field.
Obama: Records sealed.
Consensus is the road to bliss. Democrats are often in a state of perpetual ecstasy.
Conservatives: teach someone to fish.
Progressives: give you someone else's stolen fish.
Proudly crapping themselves despite directions. Damnedest thing I ever saw.
A new scent from the DNC: Desperation!
DNC debates on CNN: bring in the clowns!
Congressional freshmen. Republican: Decorated Navy Seal. Democrat: Decorated Drinks with Cherries.
How to trap a Democrat. (Free Stuff)
Democratic Socialism: like perfume on a skunk.
DNC=rich people, convincing poor people, to vote for the rich people, because OTHER rich people are the reasons that they are poor.
Democrats and Facts go together like Code and Mentos.
Challenge their own ideas -or- just call the other side bigots?!
Democrats sue Iran over "Death to America" as their 2020 campaign slogan
Dunham paradox. (Milo was banned for less than Dunham).
Elijah Cummings: Damn it's hot down here! (After he died).
The left's evolution towards fascism/statism.
Facebook and the DNC: It's not fascism when we do it!
Why do dems accuse everyone else of being as slimy as they are?
If Liberals don't believe in biological gender, why are they marching for Women's rights?
Show me a ghetto, and I'll show you a democrat run city.
Truck: What's the difference between a gun and a liberal? A gun only has one trigger.
Killing hate speech kills free speech.
When liberals think they're right, it's called Imagination!
Beware: Internet Liberal. Claims: (1) your point is invalid because of mispellings (2) wishes you harm/death because you're intolerant (3) ignores facts, declares victory on moral grounds.
Honesty? I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Some slaughterhouses use a Judas goat. This is a trained goat that will calmly lead the livestock to slaughter, while its own life is spared. Remind you of anyone? (Bernie Sanders, or the DNC)?
DNC walking away after violating Lady Justice. #MeToo
DNC Headquarters doing Kavanaugh rape auditions.
Dems on Kavanaugh: Millions will die... too late. (Showing Dems their abortion stats).
I vote Democrat because I'm pro-choice... except for schools, guns, smoking, energy, etc.
Arguing with a liberal, is like debating with a monkey... eventually they just throw poop at everyone and strut around like they won.
Proud to be liberal: genocide, rape rates, sex ed, end of due process, what’s not to like?
Liberal Logic, or illogic on Economics.
Why can't Democrats just let a Republican watch a play? ~ Abraham Lincoln
Complete Lifecycle of Liberals. (Cradle to grave cry-bully).
Moral (Double) Standards!
Political Correctness is designed to silence those you can't refute.
Political Correctness is gagging in the name of tolerance.
How to make progressives...
Classical liberalism (Libertarianism): I will defend your right to say something stupid.
Progressivism: I will shame, censor or demand you be fired if you say something I don't like.
Question Authority... unless you're the authority.
A bulge in a Republican woman's jeans: likely a gun.
A bulge in a Democrat woman's jeans: likely not a woman.
When a liberal post appears on your news feed.... (contamination suit, prepare for entry...)
Where does right and left come from? Ecclesiastes 10:2 A wise man's heart inclines him toward the right, but a fool's heart toward the left.
Santa: liberal or conservative? 5-6 Conservative.
Al Sharpton said we should nationalize the police, where's that been tried before?
1863 or 2017 it's always the same with the Democrats, "Who will pick our crops?"
Snopes: Whatever Dems say is True.
(Family Feud). Name something you can say to trigger a liberal? (That's gonna be a long list).
Soros and Koch Bros: Who's in whose pocket?
Sorry Strawman, we voted fair and square. (Remedial civics: we aren't a democracy, because democracy sucks!)
Now that the statues are down, can you tell us how your life has improved? Take your time... I'll wait.
That Trump man said he'd pull them troops out of Syria... and just like that, them Democrats decided they like those wars... (Forrest Gump)
I’m a tolerant liberal! Agree with me you racist, sexist, islamaphobic, xenophobic, inbred, redneck, bible thumping, nascar loving, gun-toting, America-Loving bigot.
When Trump became President, his sons stopped doing international business.
When Biden became VP, his son started doing international business deals.
The Dog knew about the mission. Pelosi couldn't be trusted
Before we start judging Democrats, we should walk a mile in their shoes.
When you can't win an argument, yell racist!
Memes-RNC :
18 items
To anger a conservative, tell a lie. To anger a liberal, tell the truth.
Things Jesus never said: Blessed are the tax collectors, for true charity doesn't come from the heart from from government confiscation.
Ben Carson: Highest SAT score in Detroits 20 year history. Graduated with honors. Accepted to Yale on merit. Awarded 60 honorary degrees for distinguished accomplishments in his field.
Obama: Records sealed.
Ben Carson is the first black Presidential Candidate to have his college records investigated by the media.
Conservatives: teach someone to fish.
Progressives: give you someone else's stolen fish.
Congressional freshmen. Republican: Decorated Navy Seal. Democrat: Decorated Drinks with Cherries.
How to trap a Democrat. (Free Stuff)
Liberal versus Conservative on what this nation gave them. Conservatives: Governments job is to protect our freedom. Liberals: it's your job to give government money/time.
Moral (Double) Standards!
Remember when Republican/Conservative men dressed up like penis's to protest gun control, job-killing taxes, and open borders? Me neither.
Our culture has accepted two lies: (1) if you disagree with someones choices, you must fear or hate them. (2) to love someone means you must agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate. ~ Phil Robertson
A bulge in a Republican woman's jeans: likely a gun.
A bulge in a Democrat woman's jeans: likely not a woman.
Where does right and left come from? Ecclesiastes 10:2 A wise man's heart inclines him toward the right, but a fool's heart toward the left.
Santa: liberal or conservative? 5-6 Conservative.
Soros and Koch Bros: Who's in whose pocket?
I am not a crook.... by Today's Standards! (Nixon)
Making fun of how sometimes looks is wrong... unless it's Trump or a conservative.
Warning Conservative! May talk about things like liberty and tolerance and that triggers some.
Memes about Socialism. You know that thing that's never been tried, every time it's been tried and failed?
Memes-Socialism :
42 items
Ain't you the cutest thing? "It's not Socialism, it's Democratic Socialism".... Oh no, it's retarded!
Don't worry, Bernie only wants the good kinds of socialism!
Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Bernie Sanders: popular with kids, for the same reason.
All despotic leftists used children to magnify their message: National Socialists, Soviet Communists, Chinese Communists, and Climate Change.
Cooking tips: too much butter, flour, egg, sugar, baking soda, communism.
Socialism vs. Democratic Socialism.
Democratic Socialism: like perfume on a skunk.
If Socialists understood economics, they wouldn't be Socialists. ~ Frederich Hayek
Every dollar released from taxation that is spared or invested will help create a new job and a new salary. ~ JFK *(The last Democrat to understand economics).
Devolution of Economics: Austrian,... Keynesian, Marxist.
Everything should be free.... I don't think that word means what you think it means!
The Actors Union would be a good place to try Socialism!
Enjoy collectivism... if you survive the purges.
Socialism: So awesome you can see it from space!
Socialism: people wait for bread.
Capitalism: bread waits for people.
Communism (revolutionary socialism) killed 100M people, and all I got was this Che T-Shirt.
Nothing like a Coke and a Big Mac after a hard day protesting Capitalism!
No choice, no freedom, no speech, single party control, sounds like Democrat Utopia.... reminds me of a book I read. (Orwell's 1984)
Imagine a world where idiot collectivists made all the decisions on how to run your life. Now wake up!
Stalin as seen through the eye's of idiot college kids.
Socialism: Michael Moore approves!
How socialism works: If I rob you, it's bad. If I get the state to rob you, it's good!
Mousetraps: the mouse doesn't fully understand the terms and conditions that go along with the free cheese. Welcome to Socialism.
CK: Only look at what's in your neighbors bowl if you're there to help, not envy.
When I grow up, I want to be a socialist!
You can only pick one (of those).
You can't claim you love America while trying to remake it into something it isn't. (The USSR).
Search for intelligent life: Socialists prove the search needs to go elsewhere.
Socialism was so good, people would get shot climbing walls to get away from it!
Public Services, Police, Fire, Roads, aren't the means of production, so those saying we need socialism for those things, didn't pay attention in High School.
Socialism for dummies. Wait, that's redundant.
Socialism: everyone else that did it got hurt. But they just did it wrong!
Work hard or Free Stuff: Socialism sign up.
Socialist Sandcastle Stomp: Stop having a better sandcastle than me!
Products so good, that you should be forced to buy them!
Sorry Strawman, we voted fair and square. (Remedial civics: we aren't a democracy, because democracy sucks!)
Steps to Socialism: (1) teach people to hate capitalism (2) implement socialism (3) we all starve to death. That's 3rd step is a doozie.
Heinlien quote: There is no worse tyranny that forcing someone to buy something because you think it would be good for them.
The U.S. is not socialist? Yeah, that's kinda the point....
Young Stalin: a hip, intellectual, atheist and Democratic Socialist, that led protests against the rich and powerful, rose to power, promised equality, and then took over Private industry... leading to mass poverty and famine as a weapon... and killed 20M of his own people.
Memes about Fascism, National Socialism or Democratic National Socialism.
Memes-Fascism :
19 items
What Hitler looked like without the mustache.
Ain't you the cutest thing? "It's not Socialism, it's Democratic Socialism".... Oh no, it's retarded!
Nothing says "We hate fascism", like a black-clad street mob, beating people up!
All despotic leftists used children to magnify their message: National Socialists, Soviet Communists, Chinese Communists, and Climate Change.
Both suspended immigration. But when Trump does it, for more justification, he's Hitler.
Similarities? Democrats and Nazi's.
Individually, we're twigs. But enough of us, makes a mighty faggot.
Fascist will call themselves Anti-Fascists.
Killing hate speech kills free speech.
Love Trumping Hate involves a lot more assault and arson than I imagined.
Hitler: Never arrested. Never Convicted. As innocent as Hillary.
Enjoy collectivism... if you survive the purges.
Al Sharpton said we should nationalize the police, where's that been tried before?
National Socialists were Socialists. You'd think their name might give it away.
Guide for progressives, how to tell the difference between Trump and Hitler: Hitler killed millions of people. Trump said some mean things. If you can't tell the difference, then you're the problem.
The Ultimate Progressive. Other than having most issues and agendas in common with the progressive left, they have nothing in common.
What's next Berkeley? After suppressing speech are you going to burn books?
You're either with me, or you're a fascist, Nazi, racist, xenophobic, homophobic hate-monger.
Memes about anti-fascism (or antifa), which is really just another name for fascism, if only they were knew enough history to recognize themselves in the mirror.
Memes-Antifa :
49 items
Candace Owens spoke at U-Penn, was surrounded by Antifa, where they called her racist slurs in the name of being against racism. 12
Antifa = Anti-First Ammendment
It isn't abuse if she's a racist!
Anti-fascism starts at home. Teach them the right way!
Berkeley Antifa: Shut-up Nazi!
There's no room for capitalists, conservatives, libertarians, "classical liberals", or supporters of the U.S. Constitution in our city. You must leave. #BostonResist
Antifa checkbox looks familiar.
Fasicst used to march under their own banner
Nothing is wrong with punching a Nazi!
How about Communists and Socialists?
You shouldn't hit people just because you disagree with them!
What does Antifa and the KKK have in common? Almost everything.
If you wear masks and riot gear, you're probably not the "good guys"
"Smash the white man", said the racist Antifa! (This was 2015, under Obama).
Antifa on the Steve Scalise shooting: the only good Republican is a dead Republican.
Jesus: Do not be overcome by Evil. Overcome evil by being good!
Left/Antifa: So we should attack the racists, and tear down their statues?
Jesus: Let's go over that again...
Antifa symbol: rainbow dildo.
Antifa Mascot: let's turn over trashcans and get hit by a car!
What does Antifa mean? Same as it always did.
Antifa hurls feces and urine, like the demented apes they are. PortlandStrong!
This is what inciting peace looks like? Antifa peace!
I always go to peaceful protest in riot gear and masks and bring a club, don't you?
Antifa/Media/DNC speak and spell: Orange man bad!
Antifa (Anti-Fascism) starter kit.
Remember how every time Antifa or BLM attacked conservatives the media decided to not be outraged? Yeah, me too! Media double standards.
You can't trust Trump... unless he says something you don't like!
Berkeleynacht: Berkeley or Berlin? Same methods.
Nothing says "We hate fascism", like a black-clad street mob, beating people up!
Fascist will call themselves Anti-Fascists.
Hurry up Mom, I have to go fight fascism!
Hong Kong: waves American flag to fight for more freedom. Portland: Waves Communist flag to fight against freedom.
Greta and Parents in fascist clothing. Antifa is fascism.
The paradox of intolerance.
Antifa is like ISIS for pussies.
Stephen forgets that he's not on the Internet...
Nothing says I oppose fascism like beating the shit out of people you disagree with!
Orwell: every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture doctored, statues destroyed, streets renamed, dates altered, day by day, and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present, in which the Party is always right.
Setting fires: Berkeley or Berlin? Same methods.
This is a statue dedicated to Buffalo Soldiers: Black Soldiers (circa 1866) that slaughtered Native American. What should we do with this one?
We need to take down this statue to Rocky Balboa: he beat up 3 black men and a Communist.
Now that the statues are down, can you tell us how your life has improved? Take your time... I'll wait.
Trans w/Bachelors in Feminist Studies, crime record from Antifa, nobody will hire me: it's call Capitalisms fault!