Memes about Socialism. You know that thing that's never been tried, every time it's been tried and failed?
Memes-Socialism : 42 items
Ain't you the cutest thing? "It's not Socialism, it's Democratic Socialism".... Oh no, it's retarded!
Don't worry, Bernie only wants the good kinds of socialism!
Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Bernie Sanders: popular with kids, for the same reason.
All despotic leftists used children to magnify their message: National Socialists, Soviet Communists, Chinese Communists, and Climate Change.
Cooking tips: too much butter, flour, egg, sugar, baking soda, communism.
Socialism vs. Democratic Socialism.
Democratic Socialism: like perfume on a skunk.
If Socialists understood economics, they wouldn't be Socialists. ~ Frederich Hayek
Every dollar released from taxation that is spared or invested will help create a new job and a new salary. ~ JFK *(The last Democrat to understand economics).
Devolution of Economics: Austrian,... Keynesian, Marxist.
Everything should be free.... I don't think that word means what you think it means!
The Actors Union would be a good place to try Socialism!
Enjoy collectivism... if you survive the purges.
Socialism: So awesome you can see it from space!
Socialism: people wait for bread.
Capitalism: bread waits for people.
Communism (revolutionary socialism) killed 100M people, and all I got was this Che T-Shirt.
Nothing like a Coke and a Big Mac after a hard day protesting Capitalism!
No choice, no freedom, no speech, single party control, sounds like Democrat Utopia.... reminds me of a book I read. (Orwell's 1984)
Imagine a world where idiot collectivists made all the decisions on how to run your life. Now wake up!
Stalin as seen through the eye's of idiot college kids.
Socialism: Michael Moore approves!
How socialism works: If I rob you, it's bad. If I get the state to rob you, it's good!
Mousetraps: the mouse doesn't fully understand the terms and conditions that go along with the free cheese. Welcome to Socialism.
CK: Only look at what's in your neighbors bowl if you're there to help, not envy.
When I grow up, I want to be a socialist!
You can only pick one (of those).
You can't claim you love America while trying to remake it into something it isn't. (The USSR).
Search for intelligent life: Socialists prove the search needs to go elsewhere.
Socialism was so good, people would get shot climbing walls to get away from it!
Public Services, Police, Fire, Roads, aren't the means of production, so those saying we need socialism for those things, didn't pay attention in High School.
Socialism for dummies. Wait, that's redundant.
Socialism: everyone else that did it got hurt. But they just did it wrong!
Work hard or Free Stuff: Socialism sign up.
Socialist Sandcastle Stomp: Stop having a better sandcastle than me!
Products so good, that you should be forced to buy them!
Sorry Strawman, we voted fair and square. (Remedial civics: we aren't a democracy, because democracy sucks!)
Steps to Socialism: (1) teach people to hate capitalism (2) implement socialism (3) we all starve to death. That's 3rd step is a doozie.
Heinlien quote: There is no worse tyranny that forcing someone to buy something because you think it would be good for them.
The U.S. is not socialist? Yeah, that's kinda the point....
Young Stalin: a hip, intellectual, atheist and Democratic Socialist, that led protests against the rich and powerful, rose to power, promised equality, and then took over Private industry... leading to mass poverty and famine as a weapon... and killed 20M of his own people.
Socialism has been the most tried, and most failed government system, next to it's older brother (Tyranny). There have been many, many communes (cults, utopias). Some were small (like Zoar, Ohio), others were large (USSR, China, Nazi Germany, etc). Virtually all of them ended poorly.
Fascism is overloaded (means different things to different people/groups), with a brutal history, so no one wants to be associated with it. Thus the side that it came from is going to do everything they can to obfuscate and pretend it came from "others". But fascism is more than an ad hominem attack: we can clarify conflicting meanings, and look at real history and motives. Just know that while some of us can handle the truth, reasonable intellectuals aren't usually found on internet forums or Facebook feeds.