Few things demonstrate ignorance based virtue signaling, with counter-productive anti-science initiatives like Straw Bans.
Memes-Straws : 32 items
80% Straws coming to California.
Now that we've banned plastic straws, I guess I'll just have to drink my frappacino through this assault rifle.
Possible AR-15 modifications: Straw Bayonet.
Come and take it (Plastic Straw Style).
Plastic Straw: I need it for my juice box (little girl running from a cop).
Hey California, what if an illegal alien uses a straw in a sanctuary city?
(Cop take-down arrest).
Q: Drugs?
A: Plastic Straw
They cannot take our freedom, but not our Bendy Straws! (Braveheart)
How to trigger a Californian. (Bend plastic straws into an assault rifle)
California man uses a 3D printer to manufacture Ghost Straws.
California Senator Kevin "Ghost Gun" De Leon, discussing his next ban (assault straws).
Super illegal AR-15 modification in California: adding a sippy straw.
The left is grasping at straws to control us.
Straws: standard capacity, assault style, high capacity, California compliant.
Undercover straw: it looks like a hypodermic needle (which California distributes for free).
Cat: this is the last straw!
I didn't choose the thugs life, the thug life chose me. (Kid with crazy straw).
California: Straw free zone near schools.
Concealed Carry in California (hidden straws).
Clint Eastwood: Do you feel thirst, PUNK?
Stat of California classifications: (1) Ghost Straw (2) Pistol grip straw (3) Low profile straw (4) High Capacity straw (5) Armor piercing straw
"911? The neighbor are using straws at their BBQ"
Democrats approve border wall after shocking photo of Mexican smuggling straws into California.
Straw Irony: no plastic straw sign above trays of plastic cutlery.
New California "Strawless" cup... a baby's bottle.
"Hey kid, you wanna buy some straws? I got bendy ones with stripes" (Drug deal).
Semi-automatic assault straw dispenser.
Standard Capacity Magazine loaded with straws: A double felony in California.
Straw Bans
Few things demonstrate ignorance based virtue signaling, with counter-productive consequences like Straw Bans. So naturally places like California are leading the charge (SF is even banning cocktail sticks): this is Anti-Science. Remember the basics: 10 rivers (8 in Asia, the other 2 in Africa) are responsible for 95% of the plastic pollution in the Oceans. 5% is split between the continents of Europe, North America, South America, and Australia. Brazil is the worst country among the rest (the U.S. is 20th). Straws in the U.S., with high estimates is something like 0.002% of the problem. So if straws were 100 times bigger problem in the U.S. than they actually are, it would still round to 0 and statistically irrelevant. So virtue signaling is not only distracting from bigger problems, it teaches contempt for the law.
The land of intolerance, hypocrisy and progressivism... but I repeat myself. This article lists some examples of the intolerance, incompetence, and progressivism that has come to exemplify the Golden State. (NOTE: While the Golden State once referred to the color of the dried grass hills so common in California, it now refers to the vagrant urine covered streets of San Francisco or L.A.)