Snopes claims that the Temperature record was altered but makes the following claims:
- "The largest adjustments are the time of observation debiasing"
- "The net of all five adjustments to the … record is a warming of about 0.3ºC" (about 0.5°F)
- This only "slightly increased warming trend"
The facts?
- The ToO (Time of Observation) was a small fraction of the total change (and was often in the other direction)
- The total adjustment was about 1.5°F, not 0.5° as they claim
- This reversed a slight cooling trend into a significant warming one, completely flipping the conclusion and media buzz.
Snopes got it all wrong. And the complaints against a "Science" organization altering experiments (Measurements) to make it fit better with their theory, do it silently, without showing their work, and getting caught by others, is a major issue for REAL Scientists, just not the polemics at NOOA or Snopes.