Aaron Sorkin
They say "you are what you do", you're the sum of your work, and your work is a reflection of your soul. While some of Sorkin's stuff is mildly entertaining, I'd be embarrassed if I was him. Of course he probably isn't, which tells me what I need to know about him.
Adam Schiff
Schiffty Schiff is full of Schitt. Like most California Democrats (Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, etc), he proves that Democrats come in three flavors: (1) Obnoxious Liars (2) Obnoxious Idiots (3) Both. He's #3. His professional career will be defined by trying to undermine our Democracy through Scampeachment and the idea that we should deny due process and invent crimes to oust his political enemies and thwart the will of the people. Is there anything more Un-American than that?
Alex Jones
Alex Jones is a right wing conspiracy theorist. To prove him wrong about a media cabal out to get him, big tech conspired to ban him from their sites, on the same day: which really proved to him and his viewers that they weren't out to get him. He said he got 5M more subscribers thanks to that.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
 The progressive left has fostered disinformation and sensationalized problems with evil freedom/capitalism for so long, and regurgitated it through the media/educational institutions, so much, that their kids are buying the bullshit. Thus, they keep moving further and further into loonie left land. And none exemplify that better than Alaxandria Ocasio-Cortez, a limousine socialist that won the NY Primary against Joseph Crowley: a 10 term establishment guy. While Crowley was far left Representative, he wasn't far left enough for the DNC's new generation, and so Cortez beat him out promising recess will be longer and all the toys and candy will be free. The media played her as a founding a grass roots movements, but it's astroturf (Fake Grassroots), she was bought and paid for by Justice Democrats and they interviewed her as their Manchurian candidate. Much of the media and mainstream left defend her many absurd and anti-American statements, so she is a significant voice in the party. Plus, based on her years of expertise as a bartenders, she's one of their most educated advocates for Watermelon environmentalism: the ripe red fruit of socialism wrapped in a Green/Environmental rind.
Barack Obama
A list of issues, articles and scandals that pertain to Barack Obama. Again, the point isn't to be fair here: it's to be honest. I don't care how people vote, or who they support. I do care about correcting revisionist history. This isn't meant as a balanced piece to show what good he's accomplished as a politicians or person (there was some, though it is a much shorter list), if you want fawning puff pieces, read/watch the water carriers in the left-wing media.
Bernie Sanders
I constantly read fawning articles and blogs about Sanders. I really don’t care who you want to vote for, I just care that people are voting from a position of knowledge and are not lying to others (or themselves) about who/what he is. This reminds people of all the info they didn't get from the media.
Cathy Newman
A clueless liberal ( Cathy Newman) on UK's Channel 4 News, tried to do the usual leftist attack on Jordan Peterson (and anyone) that understand the flaws of postmodernism, sexism/the gender pay gap, campus protests and the flaws of intersectional marxism. The interview was comical in the extremes of him saying one thing like, "men aren't being raised to take responsibility", and her replying, "so you're saying that Women are failing at their responsibilities for raising men". It summed up every argument a reasoned person has had with a leftist snowflake in comic relief -- they can't argue the facts, so they straw man the heck out of the argument, and still lose.
Chris Matthews
Chris Matthews, he's ignorant, dishonest, and holds 34 honorary degrees, and one real one (liberal arts). A female assistant producer on his CNBC show (circa 1999) accused him of sexual harassment, and Matthews was reprimanded and she was awarded a $40,000 settlement. Since few have been as partisan, made as many mistakes or gaffs, and he was a sexual harasser, he's of course been the recipient of many leftist accolades in journalism.
Chuck Schumer
I hate hypocrisy and duplicity. My mom's family was Italian, and they always had a loose relationship with the whole truth. It was more a fluid concept for them, where the truth was the best story you could sell -- or that if you repeated an embellishment long and hard enough, then success (acceptance) was proof of validity. From as long as I can remember, I recognized it and didn't like it. Not one bit. For me, the economics of a lie applied: in order for a lie to be valuable, it had to be trusted, or for that to happen, it had to be used as infrequently as possible. It helped form me into being a more honest person (with myself and others), and my self-righteous crusade against those who would fictionalize the past or present. Chuck Schumer is the antithesis of that, and everything I believe in.
Cory Booker
Booker is a serial liar and showboat, so is a Democrat favorite for being a 2020 Presidential Candidate (or at least appointment to cabinet level position).
Dan Rather
Dan has it all, a career of sloppy rumormongering, fired from CBS for failing to vet forged documents (in order to undermine an election), suing CBS and losing, and still defending his actions to this day. He started his career reporting JFK's death before he could have it verified, taking the Vietcong's side in the Vietnam war, dressing up as a mujahideen fighter during Afghanistan war, his career is a parody of Ron Burgundy. If Ron Burgundy was less self-aware, and hated America.
Diane Feinstein
Diane Feinstein was a friend and advocate for Jim Jones, she got caught with an illegal gun, so got a conceal and carry permit that she outlawed for virtually everyone else (as well as having armed guards). She's wasted her life trying to undermine the liberty of others and the Constitution (around gun control), and when she finally leaves this mortal coil, the average IQ of humanity will go up by some nominal amount. My wife detests the C-word, but allows it for truly vile humans like Nancy Pelosi.
Donna Brazile
A long time CNN employee and vile DNC operative, that rigged the 2016 election by leaking debate questions (in advance of the debate) to the Hillary campaign, then lied about it. For some reason CNN and the Democrats have had zero interest in prosecuting that election tampering. What could be more un-American than subverting Democracy (or covering it up)? The DNC kept her as their head for many months after discovering it.
Elizabeth Warren
Hypocritical Senator with a lifetime of frauds, flakes, flip-flops, and double-speak. With Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Michelle Obama, Sandra Fluke, and so on, the one thing the Democrat Party needs is another loud-mouthed, abrasive and lying Women without a clue on economics.
Eric Swalwell
Eric Michael Swalwell is an obnoxious politician (ex DNC Presidential Candidate) from a district next to me. His defining cause was his fascist positions against guns and for Gun Control including door-to-door seizures and using nukes against those who resisted (his words). He spoke at my work as a representative of House Committee on Science, Space and Technology: he didn't have a clue on any of those. He lead a crusade for knife control (against lifting a ban against pocketknives at airports). I went in open-minded and curious what he had to say about tech, and I left with utter contempt and disgust that this guy was a member of my species. He made me unsure if he wasn't just Maxine Waters wearing whiteface and in drag.
Ezra Klein
A wannabe journalist, that started his "illustrious" career creating a partisan list of polemic democrats posing as journalists, so they could conspire together to deceive the public on the "news of the day", and coordinate their narratives. When your career starts by violating the basic ethics of your job, there's no where to go but up. Still, he's managed not to rise.
Garikai Chengu
Progressive activist in "African Studies" with an anti-western/anti-colonialism bias. Hates Churchill. If I wanted Obama's Dad's view of the world, I'd just read Dreams of my Father again.
George Ciccariello-Maher
Drexel University Professor of Politics and Global Studies goes full retard on tweets about everything. While I don't want to see anyone fired, it's obvious to the rational (not the Administration of Drexel) that if anyone had said such racist things against other minorities than whites, they would have fired and blacklisted. But standards don't seem to apply to Maxist anti-Historians, ranting full of self-hate and armed with revisionism.
George Takei
Look, I don't mind George, he's snarky, bitchy, catty, sometimes funny, and famous for being a b-rate actor in a b-rate series that went viral. But he's also a liberal flaming hypocrite.
Hillary Clinton
Here's a brief summary of Hillary's scandals (with links to more on each of them). This isn't meant as a balanced piece to show what good she's accomplished as a politicians or person (that would be a much shorter list), the intent is just to show the pattern of scandals that her detractors recognized and her proponents ignore. If you want the pro-Hillary spin just listen to her, the NYT, CNN or MSNBC, they carry her water for her.
James Clapper

James Robert Clapper is an Obama crony, serial liar, Russia conspiracy theorist, former Director of National Intelligence. So far, he was caught perjuring himself to congress by saying that "the NSA does not collect information on Americans"... then the NSA program that did that was exposed. He apologized for a mistake, then lied about that. He lied about releasing all the Osama Bin Laden documents. He lied about Obama administration spying on Trump, then when caught, he said it's OK because it's a good thing for Trump. He was involved in the suppression and tainting of intelligence information on ISIS's rise. He lied about the scale or intent of Russian involvement in the election. Then he wrote a book about Russian involvement in the election ($110M of $10B spent, and most of it for Sanders or spent after the election) was somehow what changed the election outcome (without any evidence to back any of it up). And he has been treated like the most honest celebrity the leftist media has ever met. Anyone or any program that doesn't question his credibility, or note past lies of his, is intentionally misleading their readers/viewers.
Jim Acosta
Jim Acosta is to "journalism" what Hitler was to comedy: the grandstanding douchebag making himself into the story through obscene antics, and being wrong in virtually everything he does. When the President said "next" and tried to move on. Acosta decided to "lay hands" on a WhiteHouse intern, and physically prevent her from doing her job - which is handing the microphone to the next person. For that he got his White House credentials suspended, and the left proved their insanity by whining that this was an intrusions on the first amendment or a Free Press. Words mean things, and they don't mean what the left seems to think they do.
John Cook
Fake Climate Scientists and creator of the propaganda site: Skeptical Science. If you want to know the basics of his integrity, just read the details of the "study" he got published.
John Kerry
John Kerry is so incompetent, this will have to grow into a huge article chronicling all of his various fuck-ups and lies. But for now, it's just a small placeholder, with some links to more.
John Oliver
John Oliver is Jon Stewards perpetually outraged successor, but it feels like he's Jon's British Socialist cousin -- which isn't a big stretch as sympathy for statism seems to run deep in that family. It's their schtick: look at everything in the world as if you're channelling Mao or Michael Moore, if either had an occasionally amusing sense of humor. They're funny, if you don't think too deeply of their policies and consequences. But if you do, they're just Patch Adams telling crippled jokes to amputees at Walter Reed hospital.
Kamala Harris
By being corrupt Mayor Willie Brown's mistress on-the-side she got to the top by being on the bottom (fucking her way up). He paid her in rich part-time agency appointments and helped her become the D.A. with the worst conviction record in the state, botched 80+ cases, lost $3.7M in funds. With a record like that, she was destined to becoming State Attorney General, after paying off Maxine Waters (through her daughter) and winning a highly suspect election counting by another of her friends. Where she became a vile, and incompetent, anti-constitutional Attorney General. Then she paid off Maxine Waters, again... and became a vile and incompetent Senator. Which she wants to parlay into becoming a vile and incompetent President.
Leonardo Dicaprio
Hypocritical Sanctimonious High School Drop-out and thespian-activist lives in large mansions, flies around the world on private jets, making movies, each with the carbon footprint exceeding the average coal mine, then likes to lecture the rest of us on how to be greener and how important the climate is?
This is who you think we should all get our "science" facts from? Or maybe Al Gore? These dimwits think a Milankovitch cycle is a fancy Polish Motorcycle. I prefer folks who actually know science.
Linda Sarsour
Linda Sarsour, the face behind the Pussy-Hat protests, who personifies the nasty hyper-partisan and far-left hypocrisy that defined the movement. The whole thing was a fraud: the march and movement were never really about women. The real purpose is to advance the left’s political agenda: The whole “women” thing is just a convenient political banner. How else to explain why one of the march’s leaders, Linda Sarsour, who was featured by Glamour. Is this really the new poster girl for women’s lib?:
- She defends sharia law and Saudi Arabia’s legal system — which, as CNN explains, denies women basic rights, such as the freedom to “marry, divorce, travel, get a job or have elective surgery without permission from their male guardians”?
- Sarsour is pals with many terrorist sympathizers and organizations: if it's radical Islam, she supports it (with all the sexism in tact)
- Her "Mentor" (her words), was Imam Wahhaj - an unindicted co-conspirator of the 1993 World Trade Center bombings and a prominent leader of the Muslim Alliance in North America. (Never enough evidence to bring charges).
- Imam Wahhaj's son (Siraj Ibn Wahhaj) was found creating a terrorist training camp in Taos, New Mexico. His radical islamic school for teaching kids how to do school shootings had 11 pupils and the body of his "missing" son.
- She tweeted that female-genital-mutilation survivor and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali is asking “4 an a$$whippin’ ” and “I wish I could take their vaginas away — they don’t deserve to be women.”
Madeleine Albright
I must say, after seeing her speak and reading multiple things by her (books, articles, etc), Madeleine Albright (Marie Jana Korbelová) is a vicious, small minded and fundamentally dishonest person. IMHO, of course. She served under Bill Clinton as the Secretary of State (1997-2001), and is one of the few that served under him, without that literally being true. I can't say I blame him, dishonest people are a turn-off. This goes into a few things about her.
Margaret Sanger
Progressive activist racist eugenicist founded Planned Parenthood to exterminate as many inferior (brown) babies as possible, to advance white protestantism. The party that loves to hate and remove Confederate heroes and statues has no problem worshiping at the feet of their bigots: proving all standards don't apply equally.
Maxine Waters
Mad Max(ine) is one of the dumbest, nastiest, foul, racist, divisive, opportunist and most corrupt voices in Congress. People will claim that I'm just using ad hominem's, but each of those claims is demonstrable. If there's any issue vaguely related to race (or just being divisive and vitriolic), she'll be there embarrassing her party, race and species... like Nancy Pelosi but with less tact or class. Her wheel might still be spinning, but the hamster is dead.
Michael Moore
Micheal Moore, the idiot savant without any latent talent. He's like Joseph Goebbels without the success, charm or professional integrity. Climate Radicalism is among the things he loves, but he doesn't live by the rules he wants others to. And Climate is really just an means to Elitism/Socialism/Statism as the ends.
Milo Yiannopoulos
Milo Yiannopoulos is a flamboyant gay conservative tech-journalist, entrepreneur, public speaker (whose Dad is Jewish), with a penchant for Black partners. The left calls him a racist, homophobic anti-semite hate-monger, based on his pet causes and perpetual attacks against: political correctness, fascist-feminism, and Social Justice Warriors attacks on him, free speech, and anyone that doesn't agree with them.
Nancy Pelosi
Trying to keep all the stupid, polemic and foloneous things our village idiot has to say, is a Sisyphusian task. So I just cherry pick as I go. Maybe some day, this could grow into a website of it's own. But personally, I don't have the energy to focus on that much dumb negativity. She's the speaker of the house who makes Trump look honest, and will never miss an opportunity to bash America or her interests.
Nate Silver
Nate Silver, hero of the left, is trying to prove P.T. Barnum (or Abe Lincoln) quote correct, "You can fool some of the people all of the time; you can fool all of the people some of the time, or you can fool all of the democrats all of the time". Or something like that. I have nothing against the guy. I'm just skeptical of the deification of all soothsayers.
Paul Krugman
Paul is an idiot savant, without any special talent. No one in the economic press is as persistently and consistently wrong as he is. There are sites dedicated to debunking and mocking him in economic circles. He even manages to time his flip-flops to be stay wrong when situations change. So while Mini-Marx (Robert Reich III), often tries to keep up, he's just not in the same caliber.
Paul R. Ehrlich
Professor Paul R. Ehrlich did a shallow plagiaristic pessimistic derivative of Hardin and Malthus, entitled "The Population Bomb". Basically saying that if you didn’t give government all your money and rights now so they could enact compulsory population control. there would be mass starvations and war in the 1970’s and 1980’s that would wreck civilization. He is credited with being one of the founders or at least inspirations behind Earth Day/Week. Despite the opposite of all his predictions coming true, he claims to this day that his book was, "way too optimistic”. Showing this old dog can’t learn from his mistakes. And because his ideas were so wrong, and derivative, he’s won every award the left can throw at him: Sierra Club, World Wildlife Fund, MacArthur Prize, UN, American Institute of Biological Sciences — it’s like the whose who of those that don’t know what’s what.
Robert Malthus
In 1798, this guy named Robert Malthus wrote An Essay on the Principle of Population , basically saying that since population growth was exceeding food production, our labor value would crash to zero, we’d all be poor and we were all going to die in 50 or 100 years (known as the Malthusian Catastrophe), if we didn’t give the government control over our breeding. Also we needed to “condemn the bad specimens to celibacy”. Hey, he must be right, he used math.
We ignored Malthus, and he was wrong about everything. The world not only didn’t go into meltdown by 1898 (or ever couple generations after that): it got better in every dimension along with population growth. But his ideas long outlived the era where they were proven wrong, and were often repeated by the the left like Keynes, or to this day.
Every time one the collectivist ideas fail (which is always), they try to repackage it (reinvent it), to sell the next gullible on the same bullshit. And this zombie has more lives than a cattery. But all the variants have a few things in common, their premise (humans can't control themselves and need government), their proposed solution (giving up our liberty/money to government to fix it), the outcome if we didn’t act (our near term violent demise, to add immediacy), and then finally — the unwillingness of the rational to heed their warnings, and then the complete lack of consequences that were predicted (proving that they were wrong all along).
Robert Reich
Robert Reich the 3rd (or the 3rd Reich), seems to be a German with Napoleon Syndrome, and pick the wrong side of every issue. The charm of Rosie O'Donnell, the wit of Nancy Pelosi, and the balance of Michael Moore, if I want a moral compass, I use him for his knack to always point due south. This article details a small fraction of his stupidity and dishonesty.
Rosie O'Donnell
Rosie is a somewhat vile person. It's not that she's not entitled to her opinions, I have no problems with that. It's just she's so nasty about anyone who disagrees, that she invites mocking back: nothing is as delicious as seeing a bully get their comeuppance, and Rosie is a bully.
Samantha Bee
Samantha Bee is a non-funny Comedian, nasty partisan polemic, with lousy ratings. She also used sexist and derogatory speech that would have gotten any conservative fired (and did scare away some of her advertisers): but hyper-partisans on her network have protected her from the consequences of her incompetence, in ways they never would have if they had a competent and conservative talent.
Sarah Silverman
Typical angry far lefty, violently hating those she disagrees with.
Shaun King
(Jeffery) Shaun King is another race huckster and virulent opportunist, known for his use of social media to promote "social justice" causes, including the Black Lives Matter movement. Translation: he race baits and divides us for money and attention, usually getting the basic facts wrong, and knowing that his audience won't care.
Stacey Abrams
Caustic Democrat from Georgia. She once criticized Trump on twitter for claiming he might challenge an election if he loses, Stacey tweeted, "Trump's refusal to concede the election if he loses proves he is a petty man uninterested in our national stability". Trump won, so non issue. Stacey lost, lost a recount, and still refused to concede. Ahhh, sore losers and hypocrite both. She values democracy, but only when people vote how she likes. Naturally, with credentials like that, she became the first African-American woman to deliver a response to the State of the Union address (for the DNC) in 2019, but her unintelligible retort seemed to be written from DNC talking points, and rarely touched anything that Trump said, reflecting poorly on her as a Democrat, Black person, a Woman, American, or member of the human race.
Stephen Colbert
Stephen Colbert has a quote that goes, "Isn't an agnostic just an atheist without balls?". I'd retort that isn't a polemic pundit hiding behind the label of "comedian", just a bigot without balls? It's kinda like Josef Mengele claiming he was just an anthropologist. Colbert is famous for parlaying a mocking character on The Daily Show, into a low rating show called the Colbert Report, where he was a sock puppet for the DNC, and pretends to be a conservative commentator by mocking all their positions in straw man form (e.g. reducing all their points to an extreme that he could more easily handle than the truth). With low ratings, hyper-partisan bias, and an embarassingly uninformed audience, he was the perfect choice for taking over The Late Show from another un-funny DNC sock-puppet (who had sex with most of his female staff), David Letterman. Colbert has exceeded Letterman by being every bit as unfunny, nasty, and small minded as his predecessor.
Ted Kennedy
A career politician, who was a charming, corrupt, lying, alcoholic womanizer, who murdered a Woman (manslaughter) and walked away from the scene while he strategized. He tried to corrupt American's elections... twice. There was the coverup of his nephew's rape allegation. And was rewarded by perpetual re-election and called "the Lion of the Senate" by Democrats, while they criticized Republicans for far less.
Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez
Thomas Piketty is a French Economist (and woman-beater), who used Emmanuel Saez's discredited research (study) on how things haven't gotten better for the middle class, as the basis for his new socialist manifesto called Capital in the 21st Century (a play on Marx’s Das Kapital). Economically, the study/book was crap: politically, it was gold. It told the left leaning and their media what they wanted to hear. So it made the NYT best seller list in Fan Fiction, and everyone talked about it. It was peer reviewed and debunked in spades, but not before the gullible gobbled it up as a tasty plate of confirmation bias. Nom nom.
Tom Brokaw
Once considered the paragon of a fair Journalist, now a parody of journalism, often reminding people of how partisan and biased he was all along.
Valerie Plame
Any media outlet that reports the fraud that "Plame was illegally and intentionally outted by the Bush administration as retaliation for Joe attacking them", is getting every fact over what happened wrong, long after they should know better. The Valerie Plame affair can be summed up: her husband (Joe Wilson) drew attention with some discredited articles, Novak found out about her in a book called "Who's Who in America", since she wasn't an active agent: no crime was committed, and why no one was prosecuted. Joe's claims showed that Saddam TRIED to secure yellowcake for his WMD program, which proved the opposite of what he thought. And Joe, Valerie and the media perpetuated the lie that they were somehow wronged, and the rubes buy in.