Trump's first shooting

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Donald Trump had his first speech after a shooting. To say it was a refreshing improvement over Obama is understatement. Whenever there was a shooting under Obama, would ignore the cause (terrorist/muslim affiliation, illegal alien status, and so on), and would come out with a misinformed rant about this doesn't happen elsewhere in the world (it does), prattle off a few incorrect statistics, and blame the guns, vilify the cops, and "Never let an opportunity (to divide us) go to waste". Donald Trump was far more professional, diplomatic, and Presidential. He had a message of uniting us.[1].

That didn't stop the haters. Instead of recognizing that a Bernie Supporter listening to the left's repeated pleas for violence (including plays, comedians and politicians calling for assassination), and the many times the left had criticized the right for doing far less (hypocrisy), or the many warning signs the system failed to heed, they went for vilification of Trump, gun owners / lack of gun control, or everyone else but the media and left wing. And so the divisiveness from the left continued without a picosecond of introspection, and that resulted in the predictable indignity and backlash from those caring about fairness and just right wing partisans alike.

Who was the shooter?

Trump and the first response

The first things I heard from the right were quotes like the following:

  • from Donald Trump's speech of unity [1], praising the capital police and saying, "We can all agree that we are blessed to be Americans, that our children deserve to grow up in a nation of safety and peace, and that we are strongest when we are unified".
  • My friends mentioned things like, "To all my republican friends... Please do not hold Bernie responsible for something one of his supporters did. It's like holding Trump responsible for the KKK guy endorsing him. It's ignorant and just kills your credibility."
  • Even knowing that it was a Sanders supporter that did this, Sean Hannity pointed out that Bernie wasn't to blame. [2]

So I was happy with that response. Some intelligence and moderation from the right: attempts to lead by example and not to do to democrats/media what they do to republicans/conservatives.

That's not to imply they were saintly, there was a few like Rush Limbaugh and others that decided tit-for-tat was the correct response.

I heard one liberal voice that behaved well, and it was Stephen Colbert (caustic partisan douchebag extraordinaire), did a good thing after months of bashing Trump, he said, "thank you" for his moderate non-divisive response. [3]

The left

A few of the left came out with almost moderate posts on the topic, like WaPo on day-2:

But the immediate voices of the left, media, and celebrities were often the opposite. They tried to divide us with their usual tropes, and blame republicans for a Bernie supporter, shooting Republicans, after saying he wanted to kill all Republicans. Remember the context, when Gabby Giffords was shot (by a left winger, that was first reported as a right winger), the left lined up to blame Republicans for "the climate of hate" like NYT/Krugman: But when a left winger shoots republicans, it's the republicans fault for getting shot, and complaining about the left's climate of hate.

Double standard

Media: The Atlantic's David Frumm of course blamed the lack of gun control for causing this. Univision Jorge Ramos tweeted away about eliminating the 2nd Amendment. New Republic writer Malcolm Harris tweeted that it was self defense since Republicans were trying to improve the failing healthcare bill. Hayley MacMillen, the editor of Allure magazine

MSNBC Talking Head first called for ISIS type terror attacks on Trump, then decries the violence and has no idea where it came from.

And their

Celebrities came out in droves - Mia Farrow, Julianne Moore, Tariq Nasheed, Charles Clymer -- all worked on divisiveness.

Assassination jokes, plays, commedians

The backlash


"This man came from the extreme end of Trump Derangement Syndrome, "but he didn't emerge entirely by himself. He came from a petri dish that we are all submerged in, "nurturing hate as never before in most of our lifetimes"

For Seven Months, The left in the Democratic Party have a cues the president of the United States and the Republicans of being "traders". Have charge them with colluding with the Russians to change the outcome of the past election. The leadership of the left in the Democratic Party knows that this is totally made up. If they continue to spread the sly and now we have seen the lethal consequences. This is incitement to murder. This is a long process for a lynching and an attempt at a violent coup.

Palin - Giffords - “In 2011, when Jared Lee Loughner opened fire in a supermarket parking lot, grievously wounding Representative Gabby Giffords and killing six people, including a 9-year-old girl, the link to political incitement was clear. Before the shooting, Sarah Palin’s political action committee circulated a map of targeted electoral districts that put Ms. Giffords and 19 other Democrats under stylized cross hairs,” the editors wrote.

They added later: “Though there’s no sign of incitement as direct as in the Giffords attack, liberals should of course hold themselves to the same standard of decency that they ask of the right.”

There is no evidence to support the conspiracy theory that Loughner, a schizophrenic, was at all inspired by Palin’s electoral map.

Coulter: the resistance goes live fire

Maddow -

Morning Joe -

Bernie -

Who is he:

HuffPo - making it worse:


The intercept decided not to say anything, whcih sort of reflects on their morals in all this.

Tweet -- CNN


, or

They ignored that their pleas to resist and hate might have encouraged this Bernie Supporter to go off the rails. They ignored that this repeat criminal wasn't taken off the streets and blamed the guns and gun-owners (when it was two of them that stopped the shooting). And of course the media forgot their sides culpability in any of it, as if stabbings and beheadings of the President is normal behavior that wouldn't encourage nut jobs to mimic them

