Who is the SPLC?
From iGeek
They basically manage a hate-list for the far left and their media:
- They were created by far lefties (Morris Dees and Joe Levin) to attack people who don’t follow their political agenda.
- Their writings were immediately favored by the Communist Party USA's newspaper (People's World), because it aligned with Social Marxism.
- They basically have two modes: (1) ignore or defend the left (defended violent marxists as “flawed freedom fighters”),[1] (2) attack and vilify the right (they list many non-violent conservative organizations as hate-groups if they are Christian, anti-Gay-Marriage, anti-Abortion, anti-creepy guys in women’s showers/restrooms). [2]
- They have virtually no objective standards for vetting, quality control:
- soft right organizations like Family Research Council, Concerned Women of America, Coral Ridge Ministries, these are grouped in with the KKK, White Aryan Resistance, the White Patriot Party militia
- many things are debunked and stay on their list
- anyone that sincerely looks at the quality of their lists or questions them, is often added/attacked as well (by them or their proxies)
- According to their own standards, they should be listed as a hate group
- A domestic terrorist (Floyd Lee Corkins) even used their mislabelling of the FRC (Family Research Council) as justification to go in and shoot up the place.
- A domestic terrorist (Floyd Lee Corkins) even used their mislabelling of the FRC (Family Research Council) as justification to go in and shoot up the place.
- Imagine a right-wing group that went around and:
- “monitored” anyone that didn’t pass their conservative litmus tests
- then labeled them as “hate groups”
- then tried to delegitimize them or get them fired from their jobs
- and some of their followers went and committed acts of violence in their name.
- then they exclude organizations like Black Lives Matters from being a hate group, despite far more acts of violence than happened in right wing organizations they list.
Their "hate map" was a tool not to stop hate, but promote it: just against the other side. [3]
📚 References
- ↑
SPLC ignoring violent lefties:
- http://web.archive.org/web/20150825135220/http://conservative-headlines.com/2013/05/splc-defends-violent-marxist-gang-members-as-flawed-freedom-fighters
- http://web.archive.org/web/20131001174721/http://www.examiner.com/article/violent-heavily-armed-marxist-anti-racist-gang-attacks-restaurant-chicago
- Washington Post started championing a Democrat invented story that “Fake News” was being invented by Russian spies, and to support that they used a list called PropOrNot (Propaganda or not), from a shady organization. WaPo wasn’t added to SPLC’s list. The left wing earns special immunity from SPLC.
- http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/12/10/southern-poverty-law-center-calls-islamic-and-black-lives-matter-attacks-radical-right-terrorist-plots/
- http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2012/05/05/not-really-set-up-to-cover-the-extreme-left-southern-poverty-law-center-explains-why-it-doesnt-track-occupy-as-a-hate-group/
- John Perazzo: Left Wing Hate Groups: http://www.horowitzfreedomcenter.org/sites/default/files/leftwinghategroups.pdf
- ↑ SPLC attacking non-violent righties:
- https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/debatable-is-the-christian-church-a-hate-group
- Ben Carson is an extremist? http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/02/09/guess-who-is-now-listed-in-the-southern-poverty-law-centers-extremist-files-among-neo-nazis-kkk-members-and-many-others/
- Sarah Palin provided a "a facilitating context” for the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords
- http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/216494/southern-poverty-law-center-blacklist
- Moderate conservatives rightly concerned about mislabelling: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/aug/17/hate-group-map-lists-mainstream-conservative-organ/?utm_source=onesignal&utm_campaign=pushnotify&utm_medium=push
- ↑ Hate Map Generates Hate (against conservatives): http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/cnn-posts-splc-hate-map-has-provoked-violent-attacks-against-conservatives