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Are Democrats more Anti-American than Republicans, on most issues? Of course. That doesn't mean they aren't Americans, but they don't love the country for what it is, or was, they love themselves and their vision of being able to fix things (through tyranny and bullying) into America into becoming something better. Look at all the voices most willing to bash Americas past, present and future, based on a distorted view of a all three, and virtually all those voices are from the left. Here are some examples of them.

Issue Lie Truth
Anti-Americans The left wants to use the fallacy of presentism to attack our history (judging the past not against other contemporary examples, but against our values of today), then distort the present based on not having enough guilt over that history. We are all racist, sexist, homophobic, imperialist, capitalist (spit, ptooey), minority killing, gun toting, inequality, full of ignorance, God, Guns and bigots -- and the only cure is to give Progressives complete power to dictate what is acceptable behavior or issues, or not. Look at all the loudest voices preaching this message, and ask what party / side of the aisle they are on. But they love America, and if you question that, you're trying to oppress them. Of course the truth is that these people don't love America, at least not healthily. They are an abusive spouse that wants to criticize, demean, distort, gaslight and break down and destroy their self-esteem, so they can re-make America in their image. They don't love what is, they love having something to criticize, vent at, and take their frustrations out on -- but will never meet their standards. That's not love, that's something else.


While I don't believe in misrepresenting an extreme-fringe as all/most Democrats, the media and much of the mainstream left defend these people's many absurd and anti-American statements. So while they may not quite the middle of the party, they represent of a far larger faction of it than the right wing fringe folks/groups that the media/left plays as the mainstream conservative movement: Anti-Americans : 26 items

2003.03.10 The Dixie Chicks - While on foreign soil (during a London concert), the Texas Country Band's lead singer (Natalie Maines), decided to insult the President (George Bush), "We don't want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas", 9 days before the beginning of the Iraq War. Wrong place, wrong message, wrong timing: a boycott of their brand (magnified by repeated comments) caused them to lose much of their country audience, and many sponsors to avoid them as too hot. They were able to genre jump and still be successful, but their career was seriously damaged by their repeated unwillingness to think before speaking.

Adam Schiff -
Schiffty Schiff is full of Schitt. Like most California Democrats (Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, etc), he proves that Democrats come in three flavors: (1) Obnoxious Liars (2) Obnoxious Idiots (3) Both. He's #3. His professional career will be defined by trying to undermine our Democracy through Scampeachment and the idea that we should deny due process and invent crimes to oust his political enemies and thwart the will of the people. Is there anything more Un-American than that?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.png
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - The progressive left has fostered disinformation and sensationalized problems with evil freedom/capitalism for so long, and regurgitated it through the media/educational institutions, so much, that their kids are buying the bullshit. Thus, they keep moving further and further into loonie left land. And none exemplify that better than Alaxandria Ocasio-Cortez, a limousine socialist that won the NY Primary against Joseph Crowley: a 10 term establishment guy. While Crowley was far left Representative, he wasn't far left enough for the DNC's new generation, and so Cortez beat him out promising recess will be longer and all the toys and candy will be free. The media played her as a founding a grass roots movements, but it's astroturf (Fake Grassroots), she was bought and paid for by Justice Democrats and they interviewed her as their Manchurian candidate. Much of the media and mainstream left defend her many absurd and anti-American statements, so she is a significant voice in the party. Plus, based on her years of expertise as a bartenders, she's one of their most educated advocates for Watermelon environmentalism: the ripe red fruit of socialism wrapped in a Green/Environmental rind.

Barack Obama - A list of issues, articles and scandals that pertain to Barack Obama. Again, the point isn't to be fair here: it's to be honest. I don't care how people vote, or who they support. I do care about correcting revisionist history. This isn't meant as a balanced piece to show what good he's accomplished as a politicians or person (there was some, though it is a much shorter list), if you want fawning puff pieces, read/watch the water carriers in the left-wing media.

Bernie Sanders - I constantly read fawning articles and blogs about Sanders. I really don’t care who you want to vote for, I just care that people are voting from a position of knowledge and are not lying to others (or themselves) about who/what he is. This reminds people of all the info they didn't get from the media.

Chris Matthews - Chris Matthews, he's ignorant, dishonest, and holds 34 honorary degrees, and one real one (liberal arts). A female assistant producer on his CNBC show (circa 1999) accused him of sexual harassment, and Matthews was reprimanded and she was awarded a $40,000 settlement. Since few have been as partisan, made as many mistakes or gaffs, and he was a sexual harasser, he's of course been the recipient of many leftist accolades in journalism.

Chuck Schumer -
I hate hypocrisy and duplicity. My mom's family was Italian, and they always had a loose relationship with the whole truth. It was more a fluid concept for them, where the truth was the best story you could sell -- or that if you repeated an embellishment long and hard enough, then success (acceptance) was proof of validity. From as long as I can remember, I recognized it and didn't like it. Not one bit. For me, the economics of a lie applied: in order for a lie to be valuable, it had to be trusted, or for that to happen, it had to be used as infrequently as possible. It helped form me into being a more honest person (with myself and others), and my self-righteous crusade against those who would fictionalize the past or present. Chuck Schumer is the antithesis of that, and everything I believe in.

Cory Booker - Booker is a serial liar and showboat, so is a Democrat favorite for being a 2020 Presidential Candidate (or at least appointment to cabinet level position).

Dan Rather - Dan has it all, a career of sloppy rumormongering, fired from CBS for failing to vet forged documents (in order to undermine an election), suing CBS and losing, and still defending his actions to this day. He started his career reporting JFK's death before he could have it verified, taking the Vietcong's side in the Vietnam war, dressing up as a mujahideen fighter during Afghanistan war, his career is a parody of Ron Burgundy. If Ron Burgundy was less self-aware, and hated America.

Diane Feinstein - Diane Feinstein was a friend and advocate for Jim Jones, she got caught with an illegal gun, so got a conceal and carry permit that she outlawed for virtually everyone else (as well as having armed guards). She's wasted her life trying to undermine the liberty of others and the Constitution (around gun control), and when she finally leaves this mortal coil, the average IQ of humanity will go up by some nominal amount. My wife detests the C-word, but allows it for truly vile humans like Nancy Pelosi.

Donna Brazile - A long time CNN employee and vile DNC operative, that rigged the 2016 election by leaking debate questions (in advance of the debate) to the Hillary campaign, then lied about it. For some reason CNN and the Democrats have had zero interest in prosecuting that election tampering. What could be more un-American than subverting Democracy (or covering it up)? The DNC kept her as their head for many months after discovering it.

Elizabeth Warren -
Hypocritical Senator with a lifetime of frauds, flakes, flip-flops, and double-speak. With Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Michelle Obama, Sandra Fluke, and so on, the one thing the Democrat Party needs is another loud-mouthed, abrasive and lying Women without a clue on economics.

Eric Swalwell -
Eric Michael Swalwell is an obnoxious politician (ex DNC Presidential Candidate) from a district next to me. His defining cause was his fascist positions against guns and for Gun Control including door-to-door seizures and using nukes against those who resisted (his words). He spoke at my work as a representative of House Committee on Science, Space and Technology: he didn't have a clue on any of those. He lead a crusade for knife control (against lifting a ban against pocketknives at airports). I went in open-minded and curious what he had to say about tech, and I left with utter contempt and disgust that this guy was a member of my species. He made me unsure if he wasn't just Maxine Waters wearing whiteface and in drag.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt -
FDR is taught as a liberal caricature of a great man and President. But most of the myths around him, are just that: myths. He was a man of some charm, with few strengths and many flaws. He focused power so that he could abuse it, corrupt, vindictive, liar (betrayed most that trusted him). He ignored the Constitution and his oath of office, many of the countries worst shames happened under his watch (and by his hand/guidance). According to those closest to him, he was a lousy diplomat, a poor administrator, not scholarly, nor thoughtful, well read or even bright. He was people smart (manipulator) that enjoyed playing people/groups off of each other. Other than that, he was likable, mercurial, and aloof.

Gavin Newsom - Gavin Newsom is a flaming, hypocritical, corrupt douchebag from California, so naturally he became the Governor full of the state known for being full of flaming, hypocritical, sanctimonious, douchebags.

Gretchen Whitmer - Gretchen Whitmer is a flaming, hypocritical, corrupt, far left governor of Michigan. Like many states with Democrat Governors, she's hated in most of the state -- but wins because of her support from uneducated urbanites. She delivered one of the most tone deaf Democratic responses to the State of the Union address (2020), and bifurcated her state along party lines over COVID response. In other words, she's a progressive.

Hillary Clinton - Here's a brief summary of Hillary's scandals (with links to more on each of them). This isn't meant as a balanced piece to show what good she's accomplished as a politicians or person (that would be a much shorter list), the intent is just to show the pattern of scandals that her detractors recognized and her proponents ignore. If you want the pro-Hillary spin just listen to her, the NYT, CNN or MSNBC, they carry her water for her.

Ilhan Omar -
Ilhan Omar (Somali-American) is a racist anti-semitic Muslim who is Minnesota's congressional representative (D). She's advocated for far left causes with far left dishonesty: like vilifying ICE, the Travel ban, and criticizing Israel's settlement policy. She supports the racist BDS movement, Nation of Islam, David Duke supported her, and she made tweets like "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel". Substitute "blacks" for Israel to decide if that's racist or not. After Democrats started admitting she was being anti-semitic, she apologized by blaming "AIPAC, the NRA and the fossil fuel industry" for her actions.

Jim Acosta - Jim Acosta is to "journalism" what Hitler was to comedy: the grandstanding douchebag making himself into the story through obscene antics, and being wrong in virtually everything he does. When the President said "next" and tried to move on. Acosta decided to "lay hands" on a WhiteHouse intern, and physically prevent her from doing her job - which is handing the microphone to the next person. For that he got his White House credentials suspended, and the left proved their insanity by whining that this was an intrusions on the first amendment or a Free Press. Words mean things, and they don't mean what the left seems to think they do.

John Kerry - John Kerry is so incompetent, this will have to grow into a huge article chronicling all of his various fuck-ups and lies. But for now, it's just a small placeholder, with some links to more.

Kamala Harris -
By being corrupt Mayor Willie Brown's mistress on-the-side she got to the top by being on the bottom (fucking her way up). He paid her in rich part-time agency appointments and helped her become the D.A. with the worst conviction record in the state, botched 80+ cases, lost $3.7M in funds. With a record like that, she was destined to becoming State Attorney General, after paying off Maxine Waters (through her daughter) and winning a highly suspect election counting by another of her friends. Where she became a vile, and incompetent, anti-constitutional Attorney General. Then she paid off Maxine Waters, again... and became a vile and incompetent Senator. Which she wants to parlay into becoming a vile and incompetent President.

Nancy Pelosi -
Trying to keep all the stupid, polemic and foloneous things our village idiot has to say, is a Sisyphusian task. So I just cherry pick as I go. Maybe some day, this could grow into a website of it's own. But personally, I don't have the energy to focus on that much dumb negativity. She's the speaker of the house who makes Trump look honest, and will never miss an opportunity to bash America or her interests.

Rashida Tlaib - Underserving the western half of Detroit, Rashida Tlaib is the daughter of Palestinian immigrants and part of The Squad, and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and who won through impeachment (of Trump) Tourette's but isn't bright enough to answer the question, "what for?". She supports the anti-semitic, anti-Israel and anti-American BDS movement, and uses her Muslim status as part of her entitled victimhood crown.

Robert Bryd -
❝ The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and every state in the Union. ❞

Stacey Abrams - Caustic Democrat from Georgia. She once criticized Trump on twitter for claiming he might challenge an election if he loses, Stacey tweeted, "Trump's refusal to concede the election if he loses proves he is a petty man uninterested in our national stability". Trump won, so non issue. Stacey lost, lost a recount, and still refused to concede. Ahhh, sore losers and hypocrite both. She values democracy, but only when people vote how she likes. Naturally, with credentials like that, she became the first African-American woman to deliver a response to the State of the Union address (for the DNC) in 2019, but her unintelligible retort seemed to be written from DNC talking points, and rarely touched anything that Trump said, reflecting poorly on her as a Democrat, Black person, a Woman, American, or member of the human race.

Ted Kennedy -
A career politician, who was a charming, corrupt, lying, alcoholic womanizer, who murdered a Woman (manslaughter) and walked away from the scene while he strategized. He tried to corrupt American's elections... twice. There was the coverup of his nephew's rape allegation. And was rewarded by perpetual re-election and called "the Lion of the Senate" by Democrats, while they criticized Republicans for far less.


Again, not all left leaning folks are anti-Americans, but virtually all anti-Americans are left leaning. And many (most) of the progressive wing of the Democrat party, or their loudest advocates and activists ARE anti-Americans. So they don't get it both ways, to attack others for not living up to their standards, and then claim victimhood when they are attacked back (for more valid reasons and with more evidence). So I support their right to exist, and the right of them to make fools of themselves, because the world needs fools to learn from. So I'm not trying to stifle them, or oppress them -- just use them as a teachable moment.


Are Democrats more Anti-American that Republicans? Yes. Does that mean they're less American? No. Look, you can't have dozens (or more) examples of being for undermining the nation or our interests (foreign or domestic), mocking patriotism (jingoism), degrading religion and traditions, the Constitution, the rule of law, our founders, the flag, the pledge, our music, not knowing or taking pride in our History, and values, and Holidays, and way of life, being for internationalism (diluting our independence), being against the capitalism (that made us great), make excuses for or supporting our enemies (or those that degrade us), hating even the term "American Exceptionalism" (without admitting what it is, or that it exists), and dividing us by intersectional victimhood status instead of being proud of our blending and common interest in the American Dream... and then after all that, claim you love the country.... well, I guess you can. But no one should take you seriously.

The left (progressives) don't love the country for what it is, or was, or even will be... they only love it for what they hope to change it into. They're the girlfriend that loves you and all -- but only as a potential project, to mold into something that they truly can be proud of. And since nothing can live up to their expectations, they really love your failure, which allows them to feel superior. But that's not loving America, that's more loving the ideal of the Progressive USSA.

Alternate Reality
My world view was formed early with things like in the 5th Grade while studying The American Revolution, I found out that what my teachers were teaching me was far from the whole truth: it had lies of omission and commission, and that if I wanted to really know something, I had to become a critical thinker: skeptical of what I was told, and to dive in a research what they weren't telling me. Lefties never got that memo, and will vehemently defend their fiction against any and all documented proof to the contrary. They hated me in school for arguing with the teacher, especially when I won, and it hasn't gotten better with age or social media. Mere facts, books, pictures or video just makes them madder. While learning something new is exciting to me, for them, conceding their heroes were wrong is ripping the foundation of their reality away. So while they demanded we speak truth to power, they didn't mean we speak actual truth to actual power. Their ego needs a flock, a safe space and their fake truth -- while mine needs the freedom to question, learn and accept facts that matched the data before my eyes. All my world view offers them is a dark and scary world with doubt, growth and enlightenment. This article is just a few examples where our realities collide.

Are Democrats more Anti-American that Republicans? Yes. Does that mean they're less American? No. Look, you can't have dozens (or more) examples of being for undermining the nation or our interests (foreign or domestic), mocking patriotism (jingoism), degrading religion and traditions, the Constitution, the rule of law, our founders, the flag, the pledge, our music, not knowing or taking pride in our History, and values, and Holidays, and way of life, being for internationalism (diluting our independence), being against the capitalism (that made us great), make excuses for or supporting our enemies (or those that degrade us), hating even the term "American Exceptionalism" (without admitting what it is, or that it exists), and dividing us by intersectional victimhood status instead of being proud of our blending and common interest in the American Dream... and then after all that, claim you love the country.... well, I guess you can. But no one should take you seriously.

The left (progressives) don't love the country for what it is, or was, or even will be... they only love it for what they hope to change it into. They're the girlfriend that loves you and all -- but only as a potential project, to mold into something that they truly can be proud of. And since nothing can live up to their expectations, they really love your failure, which allows them to feel superior. But that's not loving America, that's more loving the ideal of the Progressive USSA. more...