Associated Press
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The Associated Press, or AP for short, seems to have poor quality control, and was taken over by progressive Marxists in the 1980's. They are semi-jokingly called the Administration Press, if a far lefty is in office (like Obama), or the Apoplectic Press when any moderate or conservative is.
In truth, their are a lot of stories syndicated through the AP, and only a significant percentage are sloppy, erroneous, misleading or far left. But it's virtually unheard of that they will ever be sloppy, erroneous, misleading in the moderate or right leaning direction.
Here's a few examples of the FakeNews reports: 10 items
- Chappaquiddick - Chappaquiddick: where Ted Kennedy did an amphibious assault in the "War on Women", and the Democrats to this day, will make excuses for it. The FakeNews NYT and AP will still whitewash the story for the Democrats and pretend it was a accident instead of a conspiracy and a coverup of manslaughter at best.
- AP on Tara Reade - AP tries to bury that they failed to report on their interviews with Reade in 2019, when she first made public her dealings with Biden... and claims that they were "unable to corroborate her allegations"... corroboration was never a pre-requisite for Kavanaugh or Trump accusers. Plus she never actually used the words "Sexual Assault"... yet neither did many of Kavanaugh or Trump accusers which they gleefully reported on.
- 2020.08.13 UAE and Israel - AP completely discredits itself by calling this "a rare diplomatic win". If a Democrat Administration had brokered a massive diplomatic coup that ended the gulf Arab blockade against Israel (or roadmap for one), and got Israel to stop annexation plans in the West Bank, they'd being trumpeting this historical event. But they're trying to downplay the historic event, because it was done by Donald Trump.
- 2019.03.22 Mueller Report - The Mueller Report is out. I don't care if you like/dislike President Trump, I care whether people will defend the truth or perpetuate a lie. Soon we will be able to read the full report, but the summary is a smackdown: (a) there was no hint at collusion by Trump or his team, in fact they rebuffed attempts by the Russians. (b) without collusion there couldn't have been obstruction, but even if there had been, Trump wasn't close to obstruction (c) the media narrative has been a fraud (d) the media wasted 2,284 minutes, and 533,074 articles (245 million responses) to coverage of the fake narrative. The media doesn't admit their mistake and apologize to Trump and the public are not journalists following the facts, but polemics mad that someone shined the light of truth on their deception. And right on cue, a bunch of FakeNews, Democrat politicians, and Hollywood sheep try to spin this as it, "stops short of exonerating on obstruction", or shifting the narrative to Mueller's competence, Trump's guilt on something else, or anything other than their 2-year fraud. But all the outlets that championed it as the end of Trump, or shown for frauds. Expecially when they won't just apologize.
- 2019.03.14 Christchurch Shooting - 🇳🇿Christchurch, New Zealand: a left wing eco-nationalist (who hates Capitalism, Conservatism, and is Chinese Communist sympathizer) shot-up a couple mosques because immigrants were over-populating the planet and causing Global Warming. Because the shooter said he didn't like Donald Trump's politics or leadership, the media said he was a right wing Trump supporter. He had illegally modified guns, used guns instead of more effective bombs because he said that would turn the left into his tools in dividing nations like the U.S. over gun-control, and he was stopped/slowed at the second mosque because a good guy was able to get a gun and scare him off. (It was one the shooter had dropped). So the media does his bidding, calls for division and gun control, and ignores the role that a good-guy with a gun had in reducing the carnage. NZ threatens to punish anyone that makes the info about his true motives available.
Dead/Injured: 50/100
- 2018.11.24 Nooses in Mississippi capital were Democrats - There was an uproar (AP and twitter) about a warning from white supremacist leaving 7 nooses... 12 hours later it came out that signs with the nooses, admitted Democrats were warning against electing Mississippi Republican Senate candidate Cindy Hyde-Smith (jn a run-off election).
- 2018.07.06 MAVNI Military Recruits - 💩 The AP ran a grotesquely distorted story and headline, "US Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits" and it was a poorly written article about how 40-500 immigrant enlisted had been let go, but it leaves all sort of implications that the Trump administration is persecuting minorities in the military. And of course the left was outraged and triggered (as always) and it was re-printed, re-linked, or a couple dozen OpEds came out, each more extreme than that last, about how this racist persecution of immigrants was hunting down good troops and throwing them out because Trump is a Nazi. Of course the truth is quite different, Trump reversed the Obama era program, and virtually none has retracted or corrected the Big Lie.
- 2018.05 Cagegate - This FakeNews fiasco was the fallacy that Trump's new immigration policy was breaking up families and putting kids in cages. The omitted reality was criminals (border jumpers) have always had the kids separated from the adults, as you aren't sure who are parents, and detaining both in the same place risks harm to children. The media even used faked propaganda images from Obama era to sell it.
- 2017 Republicans funded the Dossier - If you heard that Republicans funded the Steele "Pee Pee" Dossier, you're a victim of FakeNews. Many Democrat operatives are guilty of repeating the lie: New York Magazine (Jonathan Chait), CNN (Brian Fallon), MSNBC’s (Velshi & Ruhle and Rachel Maddow), NBC (Christina Ginn), AP, New York Times, even James Comey. AP issued a correction, NYT clarified in later articles, but most others let the lie/confusion stand, or underplayed the truth: that it was bought and paid for by the DNC and Hillary campaign, and used to get illegal warrants and put a paid spy in the Trump campaign.
- 2016.12.03 Whites assault Muslim in NYC - Poor 18yo Baruch College Student Yasmin Seweid, 3 white Trump supporters screamed "terrorist go home!" and tore her Hijab off, while onlookers ignored it... according to all the news outlets. Then it comes out she made the whole thing up, and virtually none corrected or retracted the story, or reported the story of the hundreds of FakeHate crimes that happened.
Of course it's not that the AP is always wrong, but they're (virtually) always wrong in the same direction: against the Republicans and for the Democrats. Whether that is incompetence or malice is hard to say, probably a bit of both. The AP is basically just an aggregator that collects stories from participants and resells them to others for a cut. Since the majority of their sources are biased left, the majority of their product biases left as well. This may not completely be their fault, but it is completely their responsibility to correct -- and their reputation is deserved because of that skew.
Written 2018.07.06 |