COVID Overreach

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When COVID happened, in general the left ignored the problem with the disease long (often too long) maximizing harm to their populations, then once they recognized an opportunity to seize power -- they took it. And they are usually the last to release it (and then as slowly as possible). They exercised that power in a specious and obnoxious as possible. You'll notice that most have a (D) after their name. Examples: Mills Newsom Whitmer


COVID Overreach : 3 items

Mills on COVID - Mills handled COVID like any leftist asshat: she locked down the whole state if any part showed a case -- not out of need or science, but as a show of solidarity at ruining the economy and hurting small business. This of course led to backlash and protests by businesses that didn't want to be destroyed, despite few cases of COVID.

Newsom on COVID - Newsom on COVID is like any other leftist asshat trying to punish good behavior (or his political enemies), and rewarding bad behavior or putting symbolism over substance. Examples include: taxing Californians to reward illegal aliens for breaking our laws, shutting down only OC beaches (and getting ignored), shutting down most wineries and exempting his own.

Whitmer on COVID - Whitmer on COVID is like any other leftist asshat using one-size-fits-all policies to punish rural parts of the State, because of things happening in Detroit (her base). So she arbitrarily invented laws that made no sense at all


It's not with glee that I point this stuff out, it's more pity and frustration. These leaders aren't bright enough to figure out that if they value power -- by using overreach or looking arbitrary they undermine people's trust in government and specifically them. And there are times when that authority might be need, but they undermine the very power they worship and cling to.


The Coronavirus is named after the fact that under a microscope it looks like the surface of the sun, with lots of little protrusions and bumps. These are series of diseases, but the one everyone is talking about for now, is the Chinese (Wuhan COVID-19 for COrona VIrus Disease circa 2019, or SARS-CoV-2) that's going pandemic. While the CDC, WHO and FDA all blew their response, we've never seen a more effective response to a pandemic, and the U.S. outperformed most of the world in objective metrics. But as to be expected, partisan Democrats and their media never let an opportunity go to waste: to politicize, polarize, divide and undermine the American economy and people.
COVID Shutdown
The shutdown was enacted under the guise that we needed to "bend the curve" and prevent a caseload surge that would overwhelm our healthcare and have millions die waiting for ventilators. What we got was the stock market to drop 30%, GDP to drop 40%, Trillions in debt , and 30%+ unemployment (including healthcare worker laid off for lack of work). The COVID Models were off by 4-10x or more, and we never neared capacity, even in the worst hit places. We had at least twice the ventilators per capita as Germany at the start and was surging manufacturing to have many times that in months. Oh, and ventilators turned out to be the worst way to treat it (with 80% dying anyways). As long as the economy was still alive and Trump might get re-elected, they are prepared to burn the whole economy down for their political ends: creating a dependency class of unemployed dependents is what they wanted all along. The most effective mitigation is the one that does the least harm, but keeps from destroying lives: the Swedish Model. The Shutdown does the most harm possible. Despite experts from top Universities saying End the Shutdown the anti-liberty left, doesn't care about the lives they're ruining.
Never let an opportunity go to waste
Rahm Emanuel, Obama's bundler and fixer once said, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste." Of course he was perverting and plagiarizing the Bible which states take advantage of every opportunity (usually to do good, or follow the Lord's will, etc). But to the left, centralizing power and removing liberty is their religion, so its fitting that Democrats never let an opportunity to politicize, demonize and hate go to waste. Here's a few examples where when others went high, they went low: Coronavirus as hateMills on COVIDNewsom on COVIDRacy-NoJustice.jpgWhitmer on COVID