Democrat Hate

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Just a list of Democrat, or their supporters, examples of hate. This isn't used for moral equivalence, and wouldn't excuse Republican/Conservative Hate: but it is a reminder to hypocrites that are always pointing fingers, that they don't have to go so far from home to fix problems. The left, DNC (and American progressives) have a long history of being the party of hate. The right was usually opposed to them, or not as bad. That hardly makes Conservatives/Republicans saints, but there is the old mote in thy brothers eye, while ignoring the log in thy own problem, among the left.

Examples: 3 items

  • Boycott, Divest and Sanction : This movement pretends to be a civil rights group for Palestinians -- it's really just an legal front for anti-semitic and economic terrorism. It is part of the Palestinian and Arab efforts to destroy the free'est country in the middle-east, because they hate Jews. They claim that they are an anti-apartheid movement... but Israel has more religious liberties (even for Muslims) than any other country in the middle east -- so there's no religious apartheid on their part. If you want to see apartheid, go to Saudi Arabia as a Jew, Christian, Atheist or Gay -- or even Palestine. Just ask the BDS movement whether they should boycott Turkey, Egypt or Iran for their intolerance towards others (apartheid), and anyone with a triple digit IQ will quickly figure out that they're not for the cause that they claim to be.
  • Sarah Jeong : Sarah Jeong is a racist man-hating anti-cop troll with an advanced degree in Grievance Studies, so naturally she was hired as an technology editor at NYT. Not that she has a clue about technology (her pedigree is in Social Media). When people figured out that she's done hundreds of sexist and racist tweets, and complained, the NYT says, "it's OK because she was counter-trolling". (a) They're lying, you can walk her tweets and find plenty that she started (b) they miss the point that almost everyone accused of racism was responding to someone else who attacked them first. This is all fancy wording for saying, "But they did it first", and being wrong about it.
  • The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left :
    The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left is a book that just reiterates the unsavory parts of the left's history that they would rather you forget. Jonah Goldberg covered this ground better in "Liberal Fascism", but it is still a readable book with Dinesh's own style and observation. What you'll get out of it is inversely related to how much you know about the History of the American left, and how insightful you are already. For me, it was an entertaining and fluffy read with a few new insights but lots of confirmation bias. For somewhat unawares about the dark side of progressivism, or the left side of fascism, it'll be jaw dropping and fascinating. But if you're a partisan lefty, you'll feel that it's all lies and disinformation... just like the mirror and scale are lying to you.


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