Fake victims

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A list of people that all played the victim card (or had it played for them). That's not to say they weren't victims, but the stories told about them (originally) were far from the whole truth.

Fake Victims

Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman -
A non-racist latino community-watch guy responds to being mounted, beaten and having his head bounced off the cement by shooting and killing 17 year old, 5'11", tattooed, gold-grilled, drugged up, MMA fight-club teen that ambushed him, because Zimmerman made the mortal offense of not liking a thug casing houses in his neighborhood in the rain.

The media and left spin it as Saint Trayvon (the honor student), showing him when he was 12, was killed for wearing a hoodie in a white neighborhood, while getting skittles for his sick brother. That's a lot better than showing the gangsta thug at his true age, and explaining he had drug ingredients and was stoned.

Alton Sterling -
A member of the bloods gang with a lengthy and violent rap sheet, and deadbeat dad, is arrested for illegally selling bootleg DVD's, when he resists/struggles and goes for his gun. He's warned to stop moving, but he struggles anyways and is shot multiple times in what can only be described as a service to the community. The race hucksters try to spin it as a story of an innocent getting shot by the cops for no reason, and the gullible gobble it down.

Micah Xavier Johnson - Black Lives Matter member and part of other black power organizations (including Black Panthers), goes out and shoots 16 people (killing 5 cops), to get cops/whites back for the fake injustices of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling. The press got the gun wrong (not assault rifle), and downplayed his associations with BLM, pretending their agitation had nothing to do with it.

Alfred Olango Shooting - Alfred Olango was a Ugandan refugee living in El Cajon are of San Diego. Alfred was a repeat drug dealer, drunk driver, who illegally owned a firearm, and otherwise repeat felon with mental issues. Police were called to the scene of a disturbance where Alfred was walking erratically into traffic, and causing a ruckus. When police approached him, he quickly pulled a large vape pen (3" long silver, with a 4" case) from his pocket, got in a shooting stance while pointing it at a cop, who returned fire. Alfred's sister claimed cops killed his brother for no reason, and the media played along, fostering outrage and violent protests. This later led to an assault on a Trump Supporter for filming a protest while wearing a MAGA hat.

Breonna Taylor - On March 13th, in Louisville, Kentucky Breonna Taylor (26) was shot in the crossfire, when her boyfriend shot at cops issuing a search warrant for her criminal activity. Breonna's ex-boyfriend (Jamarcus Glover) was wanted for dealing drugs and Breonna was a suspect in the case (Breonna had been handling the money, had bailed Jamarcus out of Jail, multiple times, was named in that warrant, and had been witnessed running packages to the place of dealing). Had she survived, she might have been indicted, and the cops had justification to investigate her. All evidence is that she would have been killed in the same situation had she been white, asian or latino -- so BLM, DNC, Hollywood and the media sensationalized the "racial injustice", and pretended this drug dealer was a pillar of the black community. They own the violence based on duping the gullible or inciting the evil.

Eric Garner -
Media meme: Innocent, generous, congenial, "neighborhood peacemaker", father of six children (grandfather of three), was attacked, choked out, and killed by the evil NYPD for the crime of walking while black as part of "stop and frisk".

Truth: Stop and frisk was ended long ago because it was too effective. Tobacco smuggler (selling illegal untaxed cigarettes), and repeat violent felon (30 arrests including assault and grand larceny), was in poor health and resisting arrest. He was on bail for smuggling and illegal selling, driving without a license, marijuana possession, identity theft/fraud (false impersonation), and that's what the cops were taking him in for. He didn't die of Daniel Pantaleo's chokehold, he died in the ambulance that the police called for him, after had a heart attack violently fighting with the cops. Either his life was given up over his own stupidity, or over the lefts war on tobacco. The race baiters blamed a racist system, instead of admitting any truth or culpability by Eric Garner, or the law they supported that empowered the cops to arrest him in the fist place.

Henry Louis Gates -
Innocent Harvard professor was "arrested for being black", by racist cops doing racial profiling. Was actually just a cranky professor, back from a trip, breaking into his own home, when neighbors called the cops. The cops had no way of racial profiling this event, and just reacted to Gates angry over-reaction to cops showing up. Then a nothing event was turned into a national FakeNews story, by an over eager media, race baiting opportunistic community organizers, and racist President. That set the tone for 8 years of Obama, with a racial angle on every criminal act.

Jacob Blake.jpg
Jacob Blake - On May 3rd, in Kenosha, Wisconsin Jacob Blake (29) is shot for being a violent thug resisting arrest, but a viral doctored video convinces ignorant bigots that a repeat felon is a pillar of the black community, and the police shot him for no good reason. Democrats and their BLM allies sensationalize the "injustice", and violent riots happen for weeks.

Keith Lamont Scott - Some dishonest folks (like Robert Reich) tried to make it sound like a black officer, approaching a black suspect, for suspicious activity and waiving around a gun, was a case of racism / police abuse. It's called doing your job.

Michael Brown -
A stoned thug strong arm robs a liquor store, jaywalks, verbally and then physically assaults a cop for getting asked about his behavior, he goes for the cops gun and gets shot in the hand. He runs. When the cop tells him to freeze, he turns around and charges and tries to tackle the cop and gets shot. The far left, media and black community starts a fictional conspiracy about a gentle giant getting shot for no reason, with his hands in the air while saying "don't shoot". This starts the BLM movement among the truly ignorant.

OJ Simpson -
Poor OJ claims he was cleaning his knife when it went off.

There was never one shred of evidence that O.J. was being framed or people wanted to convict him because he was black. There was a lot of evidence that he got special treatment because he was a celebrity.

The only racism involved was by his lawyer trying to create doubt to distract from his clients obvious guilt.

Philando Castile -
Philando Castile (a Crips gang member?) is pulled over as an armed robbery suspect (and with 86 misdemeanors he wasn't exactly saintly). At some point he reaches for his gun (he has a conceal carry permit), and he was shot. The girlfriend hams it up for her phone camera claiming "why'd you shoot him" (like that's the first thing you'd think to do if your significant other was shot), and the cop can be heard saying, "I told him not to reach for it", and the video shows the gun resting on Castile's leg. There's an investigation ongoing into whether the shooting was justified: but the race baiters went off half cocked before the info was in, and the family created 3 different "Go Fund Me" campaigns to milk the opportunity.

Rodney King -
There were many cops on the scene (of all races). Rodney King was a drugged out idiot, with a history of violence and crimes, that sped away from the police (which is a major threat to the community), then wouldn't submit to being arrested, he attacked the police, got tazed (electrically stunned) and still charged them again -- so the cops beat him to the ground, and then told him to lay down and submit to being arrested. He would NOT submit to being arrested and got up and charged again (and again), so the cops beat the holy hell out of him. Which is exactly what the cops would have done to a big dumb white guy, or an Asian, or Hispanic, or native american and so on. But because he was black, some stupidly claimed that this was racism.

Sandra Bland -
Obnoxious activist (BLM), with mental health issues, has multiple encounters with cops, and has such histrionics over minor pull-over, that she gets arrested and hangs herself in prison -- which sets off the conspiracy loons that another innocent black princess was murdered for driving while black and covered up.

Valerie Plame -
Any media outlet that reports the fraud that "Plame was illegally and intentionally outted by the Bush administration as retaliation for Joe attacking them", is getting every fact over what happened wrong, long after they should know better. The Valerie Plame affair can be summed up: her husband (Joe Wilson) drew attention with some discredited articles, Novak found out about her in a book called "Who's Who in America", since she wasn't an active agent: no crime was committed, and why no one was prosecuted. Joe's claims showed that Saddam TRIED to secure yellowcake for his WMD program, which proved the opposite of what he thought. And Joe, Valerie and the media perpetuated the lie that they were somehow wronged, and the rubes buy in.