Hillary Ethics

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Saying Hillary and Ethics in the same sentence is an oxymoron, heavy on the moron. Vote how you want. People who can admit their sides flaws, but just think the others are worse, don't bother me at all. It's the ones that lie to others, or themselves that tend to annoy me. Here's just a taste of how she's behaved unethically in the past.


To her and her campaign, this is what "Going high, while the other side goes low" looks like. Their campaigns ran dirty, nasty, and made the issue "the other side". She has a long history of starting rumors, slurring her opponents, and attacking anyone who has evidence or accusations of her wrongdoing. And that's a lot of people. Either much of the world has been out to get them for no reason (the "vast right-wing conspiracy"), or the Clinton's were really nasty people:

Bill Clinton -
There's an argument to be made that Hillary isn't responsible for her husband, and to a point that's true. But who you hang around with, are attracted to (and attract), let alone marry and stay married to, also says something about you. So you can't completely separate the Clintons. And while Bill Clinton has had books written about his corruption and bad behavior, certainly things like Bill's dozen or so adventures on pedophile island (riding the Lolita express with Jeffrey Epstein), or Mena scandal, all seem like fair game. Hillary either knowingly looks the other way, or is a blind idiot that shouldn't be in charge of a seating chart. It is hard to argue that she's competent yet unaware, or aware and a moral person.

Chelsea Clinton -
While you aren't responsible for your kids (or parents), and I don't hold Hillary responsible for who her daughter marries (beyond it shows that bad judgement seems to run in the family), the problem is the double standard. Imagine if one of Bush's daughters had married an Investment Banker at Golman Sachs, who was the son of a major banking felon and fraud, all while he was running for office? The Press would have had a field day. With Hillary, it's crickets. And don't get me started, imagine if Barbara or Jenna Bush's first job out of college paid like $400K a year starting salary, then she does part time work at NBC for $600K/year as a "consultant": which works out to $26,724/minute of airtime, and used the Clinton Foundation as a wedding slush fund. Oh, and don't forget $65,000 speaking fees for 20 minutes, because her parents are famous. She rocketed to $30M in net worth by 36. Chip off the old block. Nothing sounds suspicious there.

Hillary Clinton: Allies & Appointments (1993-) -
You'd think that Alinsky, Cattlegate, Whitewater, Travelgate might be red-flags that Hillary has a lousy record for picking allies. But Bill was giving Hillary make-work when he became President (to give the impression that the First Lady mattered or keeping her busy while he hit on interns), thus the task of finding allies and appointments fell to her. How did she do?
  • Her first female attorney general pick: Zoe Baird, was a disaster with Nannygate (hiring illegal immigrants) and failed to pay taxes.
  • Her second try was another Democrat bundler: Kimba Wood, who also got implicated with Nannygate as well (but at least she paid taxes).
  • Her third pick was Janet Reno, who Bill described as “my worst mistake."
  • For head of the Civil Rights Commission she chose "Quota Queen" Lani Guinier, so radical that her name had to be withdrawn in disgrace.
  • For Justice Department she chose former law partners Web Hubbell; who got indicted for conspiracy, tax evasion and mail fraud.
  • For White House Counsel she chose Vince Foster, during the onslaught of scandals and pressure from the WhiteHouse, he committed suicide.
  • Finally William Kennedy was picked for the Treasury Department... but his Rose Law Firm Partners Vince Foster and Web Hubbell's careers (and lives) ended so poorly, that he turned tail and fled back to Little Rock.
  • This isn't counting her family, or later friends like Huma and her husband Anthony Wiener, and literally hundreds of people caught in felonies and other scandals.

Basically, if Hillary considers you, you should run, swim or fly to get as far away as you can: odds are, you're going to prison.

Hillary Clinton: Bitch and Liar -
There's all the scandals that she got caught lying in (after accusing the other side of lying). And there are many more stories of her being an angry shrew that yelled a lot, and threw things, and the Whitehouse staff didn't like her, at all. (These stories kept coming out). In polls, more people believe in Bigfoot (14%) than Hillary being honest (11%). (Really). While I don't mind a tough-minded President or candidate (or even a "bitchy" one, at times), there's a difference between occasionally coming down on people, and just being nasty to be around or a bully. Many close to her tell the same story about her being nasty, bully, corrupt and a liar. Books have been written calling her, 'the Lady Macbeth of Little Rock", her household cook in Littlerock said, "The devil’s in that woman". While anecdotes aren't proof, when there are so many, over so many years, you have to be an idiot (or partisan) to assume that they're ALL false. Is everyone out to get this poor innocent altruist saint? Even Snopes has to admit it's at least partly true, though they focus on the little stuff to distract from the bigger picture.

Hillary Clinton: Emailgate/Servergate (2009-) -
After criticizing Bush and Secretary State Colin Powell for using a public email service while in office (they were using the separate emails for campaign communication, because the law implied they were not supposed to be using federal machines for that), and after she was warned by Congress in 2012 against using a private email account for government business, after Petraeus got fired for handling secure documents in a less than perfect way, instead of using the government-mandated process/servers, Hillary chose to setup her own private email, left it unsecured, deleted 30,000 emails without any auditing, said she gave all job pertinent emails to state, it illegally had top secret emails on it, she claimed she set it up only for the convenience of not carrying two devices, and so on. We know she lied about every one of those claims. All of which were crimes or violations of agreements. Yet, apologists persist to this day in implying she did nothing wrong (or at least criminally wrong). That's demonstrably false.

Hillary Clinton: Filegate (1993) -
After getting caught throwing political enemies to the IRS, Hillary was allowed to recommend a close Clinton friend, Craig Livingstone, for the position of Director of White House security. Then Livingstone was investigated for the improper access of about 900 FBI files of Clinton enemies (Filegate) and the widespread use of drugs by White House staff, suddenly Hillary and the president denied even knowing Livingstone, and of course, denied knowledge of drug use in the White House. Following this debacle, the FBI closed its White House Liaison Office after more than thirty years of service to seven presidents.

Basically, Craig was using his "Security" role to have the FBI investigate anyone they suspected of being an adversary (and the IRS conincidentally audited a highly overlapped list). This included Linda Tripp and Kathleen Willey, and many G.O.P. files. After a few investigations showed that only Republicans or enemies of the Clintons were targeted, Hillary blamed Craig for a simple "bureaucratic SNAFU". People familiar with the Clintons were still dubious. But alas, lost documents, forgetting relationships, knowing nothing about what was going on under their watch that just happens to target Clinton's political enemies? They might be innocent, but there sure seems to be a pattern.

Hillary Clinton: Fired from Watergate (1974) -
Appointed to Staff of House Judiciary Committee during Watergate. She was "fired" for corrupt and unethical behavior, according to lifelong democrats in charge of the house investigation Dan Calbrese and Jerry Zeifman Ziefman has since been smeared by the Hilary campaign machine (WaPo and Snopes), for the hairsplitting mistake that he technically he could not "fire her" (as she wasn't a direct report to his committee, he could only recommend she be removed). Also they claimed that all her unethical behavior might have been at the suggestion of her bosses (it's always someone else's fault). The pattern of getting in the middle of scandals, being accused of questionable ethics by those closest to her, and "losing evidence" seemed to follow her through her life... along with her defenders making lame excuses for it.

Hillary Clinton: Huma & Weinergate -
Of course few think that Hillary is directly responsible for Huma and Carlos Danger's clusterfuck of a relationship. On the other hand, if the left is fond of trudging up the rare scumbag with distant associations to a Republican Administration (like they love to do), then the goose-gander rules apply. Hillary's closest confidant ("second daughter") is a lot closer to shit-shows than President Tangerine. So pick a standard and let's all live by it. We know that Huma violated ethics by tripple dipping (and Hillary administration had said it was OK). We know that Huma was destroying public property, with Hillary's approval. And we know she lied about both. Let's see, liar that was breaking laws to keep Hillary from being held accountable: like a Daughter to her indeed.

Hillary Clinton: IRS-gate (1993) -
The White House acknowledged that during four months in late 1993 it wrongly collected FBI background reports on hundreds, including prominent Republicans, and there was many audits of these same folks. Director of personnel security and Clinton appointee and friend, Craig Livingstone, later takes responsibility. But some of the targeted include: Heritage Foundation, the National Rifle Association, Concerned Women of America, Citizens Against Government Waste, National Review, American Spectator (which was burglarized three times), the National Center for Public Policy Research, the American Policy Center, American Cause, Citizens for Honest Government, Progress and Freedom Foundation, David Horowitz’s Center for the Study of Popular Culture, and the Western Journalism Center. Clinton enemies Gennifer Flowers, Liz Ward Gracen, Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick and Whitehouse Travel folks (later involved in travelgate) Billy Dale and attorney Kent Masterson Brown. Washington Times tried to see if any of these repeated audits happened to any Liberal public policy organizations during the same time, and they couldn't find any. Oops. Sorry.

Hillary Clinton: Pardongate (2000) -
Most Presidents pardon people over the course of their Presidencies. Clinton waited until his last day in office then pardoned 140 corrupt Democrat/Clinton Supporters (456 commuted in total). Again, it's not just that the scale is beyond whatever we've seen before, but it's the scope -- that there were so many blatant conflicts of interest. These weren't ambiguous "maybe they weren't guilty" types, it was basically if you donated to Democrats/Clinton's, or were radical lefties, then your crimes were forgiven.

Hillary Clinton: Saul Alinsky acolyte -
Born 1947.10.26 in Chicago, Illinois. She was a nice covnservative republican until 1968 and Wellesley College, when she meets radical activist and community organization Saul Alinsky and becomes an acolyte. She wrote her senior thesis about her idol, “There Is Only the Fight: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model.” Our teenage crushes shouldn't held against us 40 years later... unless we never admit they were misguided mistakes (which she's never done), and they keep influencing us (as they appear to have). Many of Saul's "rules for radicals" (lying, cheating, false flag efforts, dirty tricks, rhetoric, blaming the other side, and so on) seem to keep happening in and around Hillary, over and over again. All while evidence disappears, and people around her are found to be corrupt and go to prison... which are either all pure coincidences and frame jobs (according to her supporters), or she's just following the game plan she learned as an impressionable teen.

Hillary Clinton: Troopergate (1980-1993) -
Troopergate was where Bill Clinton allegedly used Arkansas state police assigned to his security detail, to keep an eye out for Hillary or ferry women in and out of the Governors mansion for him (as well as keep track of his sexual scoring system). While Hillary was using state troopers to take her to clandestine meetings with Vince Foster at a resort (for an alleged affair). Most of the media ignored the story, as they didn't want to harm their change-agent du jour, but then this lead to Paula Jones and many others, and even they couldn't ignore that much salaciousness.

Despite 4 different troopers corroborating the stories (multiple Women coming forward or being discovered, including Paula Jones and Jennifer Flowers), and writer David Brock documenting many details of times, dates, with corroborating witnesses, he later apologized to Bill Clinton for breaking the story. The troopers had gotten paid for telling their stories, and he considered that a violation of journalistic ethics. Of course, most of the accounts still appear to be true, but that doesn't matter to Clinton supporters.

Hillary Clinton: Vandals -
While some partisan sources (FakeNews like Atlantic, FactCheck) will try to spin it as minor “pranks”, reflecting the Clinton Administration’s classlessness, the GAO’s admits that they did $13-14K in widespread vandalism to the WhiteHouse: glue desk drawers shut, profane signs, graffiti and insults on voice mail, destroying 62 computer keyboards and 26 cell phones, massive cleaning bills and stealing or breaking doorknobs, medallions, office signs and the large presidential seal. Of course when the allegations went public, the Democrats tried to spin it that it wasn't THAT bad, and it was tacky of the Republicans to whine about it and make felonious destruction of public property look like anything bad?

Hillary Clinton: Whitewater Scandal (1980-1990's) -
This was a complex mess starting in 1980, and going through the 1990's. Basically the Clintons got in a land deal with James McDougal (and wife Susan) to borrow money and build vacation homes in the Ozark Mountains. As governor, Bill Clinton had some influence to peddle (and he'd also assigned McDougal to key position in government), while McDougal bought a savings and loan (Madison Guaranty), who then used funds in ways that benefited the Clintons (kickbacks to campaign fund, private loans, insider lending, and so on). Just Arkansas old-boys quid-pro-quo stuff.

After the failure of the S&L, federal regulators removed McDougal for "improper practices" and the bank collapsed, the property sold off, with McDougal getting charged with fraud. The Federal Resolution Trust Corp. investigation sent a referral to the Justice Dept. naming the Clintons as "potential beneficiaries" of illegal activities. A few years later Vince Foster filed 3 years of delinquent tax returns they had "accidentally" forgot to file correctly-- then commits "suicide" in a park after this is being investigated. The Whitehouse interfered with federal investigators and raided his office before letting them in (called "Obstruction of Justice").


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