Mass Murderers

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This is a list of the major Mass Murders and with enough supplemental data to help show why gun control doesn't really matter. Legislators and their gullible base, seem to think that if you make a law, that will stop someone who is already breaking the law by murdering people (usually in gun-free zones). This from people and legislators who speed, drive drunk, get caught cheating on their taxes (or worse), and from people that don't remember what an abject failure alcohol prohibition or the war on drugs has been. Laws don't change people. Most don't even slow people, because they're so easy to ignore. So bad laws (ones that individuals/society doesn't agree with, aren't enforceable and easily circumvented) often just teach contempt for the law. We can allow the people to get training and fight back.


Here's a list of some of the largest global mass murders, to contrast with the U.S.: 15 items

Who What Lessons
2019.03.14 Christchurch Shooting

Brenton Tarrant (28)
Dead/Injured: 50/100
Weapon: Shotgun, Assault Rifle
🚫 Gun Free Zone
🎮 Video Games

A Green Nationalist (eco-Fascist), who hates Capitalism, Conservatism, and is Chinese Communist sympathizer. He doesn't like Trump, shot "muslim invaders" because immigrants were over-populating the planet and causing Global Warming, and used a gun instead of bombs, because he felt the left-wing gun-controllers would be his tools and magnify his message, and start a civil war trying to disarm honest citizens. The left ignores that, and spins it as he is a right-winger.
  • Politics: ⬅️ Left
❌ Gun Control can't help: legally bought, illegally modified, used in gun-free zone

❔Maybe: Video Game / Violence regulations
❔ Maybe: Media Suppression
✅ Pay attention to warning signs
✅ Better Security (more Conceal and Carry)

2018.04.23 Toronto van attack

Alek Minassian (25)
Dead/Injured: 10/16
Weapon: Truck (Rental Van)
🤪Mental Health

Ex military man (for a few weeks) and Software developer drove a rented van through the North York City Centre business district, deliberately targeting pedestrians, killing 10 and injuring (some critically)16 more. He tried to provoke an officer into killing him (commit suicide-by-cop), but this was Canada. His reasoning was he was Incel (involuntary celibate) and envious of men for getting sex when he couldn't, and mad a Women for not putting out.
  • Politics: unknown. While Canada and tech has a lot of lefties, people who knew him said he wasn't political.
❌ Gun Control/Assault Weapon can't help: used a van

❔ Maybe: Media Suppression
✅ Pay attention to warning signs
✅ Improved mental health policies

2019.04.21 Sri Lanka Easter Attack

Islamic Terrorist
Dead/Injured: 290+/450+
Weapon: Bombs

🇱🇰 Colombo, Sri Lanka: 6 blasts hit 3 churches and Hotels in an Islamic Terror attack on Christians during Easter mass.
  • Politics: ☪️Islamic Radicalism - while they don't align with American politics, the left has generally been more sympathetic to their cause, more reluctant to aggressively deal with the problem, and they both blame the U.S. for many things.
❌ Gun Control is a distraction, the biggest threats use other tools.

❌ Trusting the authorities to protect you, your family, or be competent
✅ Focus on Islamic Radicalism, better immigration vetting. Pay more attention to warnings.

2016.07.14 Nice truck attack

Islamic Terrorist
Dead/Injured: 86/458
Weapon: Rental Truck

🇫🇷 Nice, France: not to be confused with the 2015 stabbings or 2003 bombing, in 2016 Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel (Tunisian immigrant), drove a truck through Bastille Day crowds on Promenade des Anglais. ISIS/ISIL took credit for the attack.
  • Politics: ☪️Islamic Radicalism - while they don't align with American politics, the left has generally been more sympathetic to their cause, more reluctant to aggressively deal with the problem, and they both blame the U.S. for many things.
❌ Gun Control is a distraction, the biggest threats use other tools.

❌ Trusting the authorities to protect you, your family, or be competent

2015.11.13 November Paris Attacks

Islamic Terrorist
Dead/Injured: 130/413
Weapon: Bombs and Assault Weapons.

🇫🇷 Paris, France: a series of shootings, bombings, including the Bataclan theatre shooting (that killed 90). 3 groups of men committed 6 attacks (including 4 suicide bombings). Despite gun-control and illegal bombs, they had assault weapons and bombs, who knew terrorists would disobey gun control laws? Despite Turkish, Iraqi, and Israeli intelligences all warning of an imminent attack on France months beforehand, they were ignored by the French authorities.
  • Politics: ☪️Islamic Radicalism (done in the name of ISIS/ISIL)
❌ Gun Control didn't slow them down in France, nor did bomb control.

❌ Trusting the authorities to protect you, your family, or to be competent, is foolish

2015.01.07 Charlie Hebdo

Islamic Terrorist
Dead/Injured: 12/11
Weapon: Assault Rifles

🇫🇷 Paris, France: two brothers, armed with illegal rifles, forced their way into the offices of Charlie Hebdo (Satire paper), and started shooting people in retaliation for the paper having a cartoon of Muhammad on their cover. There were related attacks, Hypercacher kosher supermarket attack, they killed 4 Jews and held 19 hostages.
  • Politics: ☪️Islamic Radicalism
❌ Despite French Gun Control this happened anyways.

❌ Trusting the authorities to protect you, your family, or be competent

2011.07.22 Anders Breivik

Anti-Islamic Nationalism
Dead/Injured: 77/319
Weapon: Hunting Rifle, Bombs

🇳🇴 Utøya, Norway: after planning for 9 years, writing a 1,500 page manifesto, an anti-immigrant nationalist set-off bombs in Oslo, and then took a ferry to an island (Utøya) and sniped at kids for 1 hour and 12 minutes before the police arrived and he surrendered without resistance. When seconds count, the cops are just 1 hour and 12 minutes away. ❌ Gun Control didn't work, he bought guns legally, and bombs illegally

❌ Trusting the authorities to protect you, your family, or be competent

  • Politics: Anti-Islamic Nationalism - while they call him "Right Wing", there are plenty of left-wing anti-Islamic nationalists. Though he was also into religious conservatism, and virulently anti-Marxist.
2009.03.11 Winnenden (School)

Unknown (Depression)
Dead/Injured: 16/9
Weapon: Pistol

🇩🇪 Winnenden, Germany: 17-year-old (Tim Kretschmer) took his parents legally owned pistol, and went back to his high school, and started a shooting spree. When the cops arrived, he fled 25 miles to a neighboring town and shot some more people before he committed suicide. The Germans prosecuted the father, since the gun hadn't been secured in a safe.
  • Politics: Unknown.
❌ Gun Control didn't help.

❌ Trusting the authorities to protect you, your family, or be competent

2008.11.26 Mumbai attacks

Islamic Terrorist
Dead/Injured: 175/300+
Weapon: AK-47's, Grenades, Bombs

🇮🇳 Mumbai, India: in strict gun-controlled India, a group of 10 Pakistani terrorists committed 12 shootings and bombings over 4 days, killing over 175 people, while the Police had missed warnings, it took 10 hours to get commando's to the scene, and they showed up late to every event (like the keystone cops). This after they had decades to plan and train from the prior attacks. ❌ Gun Control didn't work, they had illegal weapons and grenades

❌ Trusting the authorities to protect you, your family, or be competent

  • Politics: ☪️Islamic Radicalism - while they don't align with American politics, the left has generally been more sympathetic to their cause, more reluctant to aggressively deal with the problem, and they both blame the U.S. for many things.
2006.07.11 Mumbai Train Bombings

Islamic Terrorist
Dead/Injured: 209/714
Weapon: Bombs

🇮🇳 Mumbai, India: in strict gun-controlled India, 7 pressure-cooker bombs went off over 11 minutes and killed 209 people (700+ injured). There was also an unrelated grenade attack that killed 8 in Srinagar on the same day, but those are a semi-regular occurrence ❌ Gun Control didn't work, they had illegal bombs

❌ Trusting the authorities to protect you, your family, or be competent

  • Politics: ☪️Islamic Radicalism - while they don't align with American politics, the left has generally been more sympathetic to their cause, more reluctant to aggressively deal with the problem, and they both blame the U.S. for many things.
2004.09.01 Beslan Massacre

Islamic Terrorist
Dead/Injured: 368/783
Weapon: Assault Rifles, Bombs

🇷🇺 Beslan, Russia: Despite having some of the strictest gun controls in the world, Chechen separatists took over a school with automatic weapons, and took 1,100 hostages, kept them in the auditorium rigged with explosives. Russian security forces stormed the building hard -- and 334 civilians (186 kids) were killed, as were the 34 hostage takers.
  • Politics: ☪️Islamic Radicalism
❌ Some of the strictest gun control in the world, didn't stop or slow the largest school massacre in history.

❌ Trusting the authorities to protect you, your family, or be competent

2002.04.26 Erfurt (School)

Revenge (Expulsion)]
Dead/Injured: 17/1
Weapon: Shotgun/Pistol

🇩🇪 Efurt, Germany: A 19-year-old expelled student (Robert Steinhäuser) shot and killed 16 people and then himself using shotguns and a pistol. The lack of an assault rifle didn't reduce the death count.
  • Politics: Unknown.
❌ Gun Control didn't help.

❌ Trusting the authorities to protect you, your family, or be competent

1995.06.14 Budyonnovsk hospital crisis

Islamic Terrorist
Dead/Injured: 191/541
Weapon: Assault Rifles, Bombs

🇷🇺 Budyonnovsk, Russia: Despite having some of the strictest gun controls in the world, in a police state, Chechen islamic separatists ☪️ came inland over 70 miles, killing over 191 people, and took up to 2,500 hostages in a hospital with automatic weapons, to force Russia into peace talks.
  • Politics: ☪️Islamic Radicalism
❌ Some of the strictest gun control in the world, didn't stop or slow one of the largest hospital massacres in history.

❌ Trusting the authorities to protect you, your family, or be competent

1993.03.12 Bombay bombings

Islamic Terrorist
Dead/Injured: 257/713
Weapon: Bombs

🇮🇳 Mumbai (Bombay), India: in strict gun-controlled India, 12 bombs were set off, killing 257 people, done by a local mob boss (of D-company) in retaliation for riots that had killed 900 muslims (and injured 2,000), 5 years earlier. Initial reports had higher numbers, but that was due to bombings in Calcutta (that killed 60 and injured hundreds more), but was later found to be unrelated. ❌ Gun Control didn't work, they used bombs

❌ Trusting the authorities to protect you, your family, or be competent

  • Politics: ☪️Islamic Radicalism - though this one was more a revenge for earlier anti-Islamic actions.
1972.09.05 Munich Olympics

Islamic Terrorist
Dead/Injured: 17/0
Weapon: Assault Rifles

🇩🇪 Munich, Germany: the Palestinian terrorist group Black September took eleven Israeli Olympic team members hostage and demanded that 234 Palestinian terrorists be freed in Israel. They killed the hostages along with a West German police officer during a failed rescue attempt.
  • Politics: ☪️Islamic Radicalism.
❌ Gun Control didn't help.

❌ Trusting the authorities to protect you, your family, or be competent

United States (Largest/Worst)

Here's a list of some of the largest United States mass murders, to contrast with the world. What you'll notice is that they often weren't done with guns, or were done by Government guns (gun control can't help either): Mass_Murderers USA Largest: 11 items

Who What Lessons/Politics
2001.09.11 Twin Towers

Islamic Terrorists
Dead/Injured: 2996/6000
Weapon: Box Cutters (& Airplanes)
🚫 Gun Free Zone

After ignoring a threat, despite multiple other attacks, and then ignoring multiple warnings that the CIA and other intelligence agencies (foreign or domestic) missed and/or ignored. 19 hijackers hijacked 4 planes with box cutters, and flew them into various soft targets, as Tom Clancy and others had warned about. ❌ Gun Control is a distraction, the biggest threats use other tools.

❌ Trusting the authorities to protect you, your family, or be competent

  • Politics: Islamic Radicalism - while they don't align with American politics, the left has generally been more sympathetic to their cause, more reluctant to aggressively deal with the problem, and they both blame the U.S. for many things.
1997.03.20 Heaven's Gate

Marshall Applegate
Dead/Injured: 39
Weapon: Plastic bags
🚫 Gun Free Zone

University Music Professor Marshall Applewhite founded a mystical cult around extraterrestrials, and the idea that aliens on the Hale-Bopp comet would provide them new bodies if they freed their spirits (killed themselves) for the ride. They did a darwinian service of culling the mentally weak from the herd in San Diego, and showed that you don't need guns to kill a lot of people. ❌ Gun Control couldn't help

✅ Critical thinking skills and skepticism, if they were taught in our schools (indoctrination camps) might have helped

  • Politics: Sci-fi Millenarianism
1995.04.19 Oklahoma City Bombing

Tim McVeigh
Dead/Injured: ≈168/680+
Weapon: Fuel, Fertilizer, Truck
🚫 Gun Free Zone

In retaliation for the quasi-legal Waco/Ruby Ridge massacres by Government (86 dead), Tim McVeigh (with help from Terry Nichols, his army roommate) filled a Ryder rental truck with 13 x 55 gallon barrels full of racing fuel (nitromethane) and fertilizer (Ammonium Nitrate), drove it to the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, and detonated it. ❌ Gun Control (confiscation) caused/contributed to the massacre

✅ When only the government has guns, you live in a Police State

  • Politics: Anti-Government.
1993.04.19 Waco Siege

Dead/Injured: ≈86/16
Weapon: Assault Rifles, Teargas, Fire

The Clinton Administration attacked some religious separatists in a botched show-of-force, that resulted in a shootout and siege, and convinced the Davidian's that the Government was out to get them. Then after 51 day siege, the FBI tried to tear gas the Davidian's out, and burned the compound down killing 76 people instead. This angered anti-government types, and got the Oklahoma City Bombing as a result. ❌ Gun Control (confiscation) caused/contributed to the massacre

✅ When only the government has guns, you live in a Police State

  • Politics: Davidian's were separatists that had lived in peace in the community since 1981 (12 years), it was only after Janet Reno's raid, that they became violent.
1992.08.21 Ruby Ridge

ATF/FBI (Government)
Dead/Injured: ≈3/2
Weapon: Guns

U.S. Government Agents (FBI/ATF) railroaded a guy to try to make him an informant. When he refused, they used screw-ups and technicalities to spy on him, got caught, got in a shootout, caused a siege, killed his wife, child and dog, then hid evidence of their malfeasance in all of it. And later got scolded in an investigation, and settled a civil suit for $3.1M. ❌ Gun Control was the problem. Governments lack of it, as well as bad laws making an excuse for abuse of power

❌ The government was on the wrong side of this one.

  • Politics: Anti-gun Democrat Administration and their abuse of the law.
1978.11.18 Jonestown

Jim Jones & Followers
Dead/Injured: 918
Weapon: Poison (Flavor-aid)

Jim Jones was the Democrats highly honored and respected cult leader, that had their full support. Until crimes started coming out and he fled to Jonestown, Guyana. And in failing health, and with the authorities closing in, he convinced/forced his followers to drink cyanide laced kool-aid (Flavo-Aid), which is where comments about "don't drink the Kool aid" come from. ❌ He supported Gun Control, and used poison and leftism instead

✅ Being skeptical of leftists motives would have helped

  • Politics: ⬅️ Leftism (Strong Democrat supporter)
1927.05.18 Bath School disaster

Andrew Kehoe
Dead/Injured: 45/58
Weapon: Explosives
🚫 Gun Free Zone

Andrew Kehoe was angry over losing an election, under financial distress of losing his farm partly because of high taxes, so he decided to seek revenge on the town by blowing up the school and killing all the kids. Not all of his bombs went off, and "only" 38 students were killed. 500lbs. of explosives were found in the basement, undetonated. ❌ Gun Control couldn't have worked on bombs

✅ There were indications that he was distraught, suicidal, and an angry man

  • Politics: Unknown. Anti-societal revenge-seeking angry man.
1921.05.29 Tulsa Race Riots

Whites, Government, KKK
Dead/Injured: ≈100-300/800
Weapon: Guns, Fire, Airplanes

A black guy assaulted a white girl, and the black community confronted a white mob, 10 whites were killed, and there was a major backlash (with the help of city government, and the KKK) to burn, shoot and cause mayhem back -- while black sniped intruders, leaving many dead and lots more injuries. Only to have this embarrassment swept under the rug by both sides for 75 years. ❌ Gun Control wouldn't have helped

❌ The government was on the wrong side of this one.

  • Politics: Racial: though the KKK was generally the militant wing of the DNC.
1920.09.16 Wall Street Bombing

Anti-capitalists (leftists)
Dead/Injured: 38/400+
Weapon: Bomb

The deadliest terror attack up to that date, was when a horse-drawn wagon with 100 lbs of dynamite and cast iron weights was detonated in front of J.P. Morgan bank on Wall Street. It was likely done by anti-Capitalists (leftist Galleanists or other militant socialists active at the time). ❌ Gun Control wouldn't help

✅ More suspicion of leftism

  • Politics: ⬅️ Leftist anti-capitalist
1890.12.29 Wounded Knee

7th U.S. Cavalry
Dead/Injured: ≈325/51
Weapon: Guns, Knives, Clubs
🚫 Gun Free Zone

The U.S. Government decided to disarm the Lakota without compensating them for the cost of the weapons. When some resisted, government forces started firing into Indians, some of which fought back with whatever they had. Hundreds of Women and children were killed. ❌ Gun Control (confiscation) caused/contributed to the massacre

✅ When only the government has guns, you live in a Police State

  • Politics: ⬅️ Left - While William Harrison (R) was President, the Indian relocation had been started and championed by Democrats.
1857.09.07 Mountain Meadows Massacre

Utah Territorial Militia
Dead: ≈120-140
Weapon: Guns & Knives

Mormon persecution lead to suspicion and paranoia, and after some animals (and people) were alleged poisoned, and during a time when a Democrat President was agitating the mormons with the U.S. military, they wiped out a Wagon train (the Baker–Fancher party). There's a lot of fuzziness on whether it was sanctioned by Mormon leadership, and whether the rumors about the Baker–Fancher party were true.
Dead/Injured: ≈130
❌ Gun Control wouldn't have mattered, it was basically an armed insurrection.

✅ If Government had provided protection of the Mormon minority, they might not have been so victimized/paranoid.

  • Politics: Basically, it was a subset of Mormon separatists behaving badly, after a Democrat President made things worse.

United States (Other)

Here's a sampling of "not the largest" mass murders in the U.S.: 14 items

Who What Lessons
2011.10.12 - Seal Beach

Scott Dekraai (42)
Dead/Injured: 8/1
Weapon: Armor, Pistols
🕊️ Strict Gun Control State
🤪Mental Health

Bitter divorce (history of abuse). He had restraining order filed against him barring him from possessing firearms (which had expired). History of rage, known to have PTSD and be manic. He felt his son was being taken from him, so he went into Salon and shot people wearing body armor (illegal in California). Legality of guns unknown (3 pistols: 9mm, .45, revolver). Prosecutorial misconduct took the death penalty off the table.
  • Politics: Unknown.
❌ Gun Control can't help: legally bought or illegally owned

❌ Assault Weapon ban can't help: he used pistol
❔ Maybe gun law limiting violent offenders could have helped
✅ Pay attention to warning signs
✅ Improved mental health policies
✅ Better Security (more Conceal and Carry)

2009.03.29 - Carthage Nursing Home

Robert Stewart (45)
Dead/Injured: 8/3
Weapon: Pistols, Shotguns
💊 Ambien (for 2 years)
🤪Mental Health

Unemployed painter and ex-national guardsman. History of physical and substance abuse (drinking), violent temper, and possessiveness. He went after his estranged wife at the nursing home she worked at, shooting patients (and 1 staff member) along the way. Tried to commit suicide by cop, but was only wounded.
  • Politics: Unknown
❌ Gun Control can't help: legally owned

❌ Assault Weapon ban can't help: he used pistol
❌ No proposed Gun Control would have helped
✅ Pay attention to warning signs
✅ Improved mental health policies
✅ Better Security (more Conceal and Carry)

2013.07.26 - Hialeah shooting

Pedro Vargas (42)
Dead/Injured: 7/0
Weapon: Fire, Pistol
🤪Mental Health

Fired from Miami-Dade University, history of asocial behavior, sent multiple threatening emails over years. Basically, this seems to be asocial guy, ostracized by society, and just snapped and lit his apartment ablaze, opened fire from his balcony, and was finally taken out when good guns arrived on the scene (SWAT). History of steroid use, but no evidence it was a contributing factor.
  • Politics: unknown, but Miami Cuban's trend Democrat
  • Cuban immigrant
❌ Gun Control can't help: legally bought

❌ Assault Weapon ban can't help: he used fire, pistol
❌ No proposed Gun Control would have helped
❔ Maybe: Media Suppression
✅ Pay attention to warning signs
✅ Improved mental health policies

2009.03.10 - Geneva County

Michael Kenneth McLendon (28)
Dead/Injured: 11/6 (+4 dogs)
Weapon: Pistol, Car, Assault Rifle
🤪Mental Health

Wrote a grievances letter about people that had wronged him and his Mom, after washing out of Cops/Marines. Quit his job week before. Drove around and killed parents, cousins, Grandparents (their dogs), shot at passers by from his car. Suicide when cornered. Ironically, National Guard helped stop shooting, but was in violation of Posse Comitatus Act.
  • Politics: Unknown
❌ Gun Control can't help: legally owned

❌ No proposed Gun Control would have helped
✅ Pay attention to warning signs
✅ Improved mental health policies
✅ Better Security (more Conceal and Carry)

2009.04.03 - Binghamton

Jiverly Antares Wong (41)
Dead/Injured: 14/4
Weapon: Body Armor, Pistol
🚫 Gun Free Zone
🕊️ Gun Control State
🤪Mental Health

His letter was ramblings of paranoid / mental illness (undercover cops harassing him, voices, and so on). Had committed fraud. Divorced, worked as a sausage maker. He had legal guns (handgun) in strict gun control state, wearing illegal bulletproof vest. Walked into civic organization (ESL school) in NY and started shooting people. Suicide when cops/guns showed up.
  • Politics: Democrat.png anti-American manufacturing worker in a left leaning state, wrote letter about killing Bush, hating America, being anti-Cop
  • Chinese/Vietnamese Immigrant
❌ Gun Control can't help: legally owned

❌ Assault Weapon ban can't help: he used pistol
❌ No proposed Gun Control would have helped
✅ Pay attention to warning signs
✅ Improved mental health policies
✅ Better Security (more Conceal and Carry)

2011.01.08 - Tucson Shooting

Jared Lee Loughner (26)
Dead/Injured: 6/13
Weapon: Knife, Pistol
🚫 Gun Free Zone
🤪Mental Health

Known drug and alcohol abuser with history of mental issues and arrests, suspended from college (sent a letter to his parents for his disruptions), rabid fan of Zeitgeist: The Movie, sent letter threatening to assassinate Gifford and attended her events. Left a message on friends answering machine and on myspace, was stopped for running a red-light, then took a cap to event where he shot Gabby Giffords. Stopped by Joseph Zamudio a CCW holder.
  • Politics: Democrat.png Fan of Karl Marx and conspiracy theories (including 9/11 truther) and far left political views with his ideas on youtube
❌ Gun Control can't help: legally owned

❌ Assault Weapon ban can't help: he used pistol
❌ No proposed Gun Control would have helped
✅ Pay attention to warning signs
✅ Improved mental health policies
✅ Better Security (more Conceal and Carry)

2012.07.20 - Aurora Shooting

James Holmes (27)
Dead/Injured: 12/70
Weapon: Teargas, Armor, Grenades,
Shotgun, Pistol, Assault Rifle
🚫 Gun Free Zone
🤪💊 drugs & anti-depressants

Guns bought legally with background checks (pistol, shotgun, AR-like), history of mental issues and attempted suicide since Jr. High and history of threatening to kill people, tried to seek help from 3 different professionals including getting disconnected from crisis hotline and mailing his thoughts before shooting spree.
  • Politics: Democrat.png Obama supporter. Occupy activist/supporter and hated christians.
❌ Gun Control can't help: legally bought or illegally made

❌ Assault Weapon ban can't help: it jammed
❌ No proposed Gun Control would have helped
❔ Maybe: Media Suppression
✅ Pay attention to warning signs
✅ Improved mental health policies
✅ Better Security (more Conceal and Carry)

2019.07.28 - Gilroy, California

Santino William Legan (19)
Dead/Injured: 4/15
Weapons: Some sort of rifle

Nothing is released yet.
  • Politics: Unknown
❌ Gun Control can't help as this was in one of the strictest gun control states.

✅ Better Security (more Conceal and Carry)

2009.08.04 - Collier Township

George A. Sodini (48)
Dead/Injured: 4/9
Weapon: Pistols
🤪Mental Health

Frustrated tech worker at a law firm had this "exit plan" for revenge over sexual and social rejection -- shooting up a women's aerobics class at the LA Fitness. There were warning signs, like a prior note, and an incident where he brought an inert grenade on a Port Authority bus. Suicide. He's sort of recognized by the incel movement (involuntary celibates).
  • Politics: Unknown. Left his estate ($225K) to University of Pitt (who gave it to the families).
❌ Gun Control can't help: legally owned

❌ Assault Weapon ban can't help: he used pistol
❌ No proposed Gun Control would have helped
✅ Pay attention to warning signs
✅ Improved mental health policies
✅ Better Security (more Conceal and Carry)

2014.05.23 - UCSB / Isla Vista

Elliot Rodger (22)
Dead/Injured: 7/15
Weapon: Car, Knife, Pistol
🚫 Gun Free Zone
🕊️ Gun Control State
🤪💊 drugs & anti-depressants
🎮 Video Games

History of seeing therapists and on anti-psychotics, had warning the night before with an upload of a video saying what he would do and why, Police were called, he also posted a manifesto. He killed women for isolating him and not sleeping w/him. Shot himself when cops got there.
  • Politics: Democrat.png History of watching left wing youtube channel (young turks), with Hollywood, CA liberal parents
  • UK/Malasian immigrant.
❌ Gun Control can't help: legally bought, used in gun-free zone

❌ Assault Weapon ban can't help: he used knife, pistol, car
❌ No proposed Gun Control would have helped
❔ Maybe: Media Suppression
✅ Pay attention to warning signs
✅ Improved mental health policies

2011.09.06 - iHOP

Eduardo Sencion (32)
Dead/Injured: 5/7
Weapon: Pistol, Assault Weapon
🤪Mental Health

History of paranoid schizophrenia, but no anti-psychotics in his system, was bankrupt, walked into iHop started shooting national guardsman first (other patrons later). Suicide as cops came. (He used an AK style weapon).
  • Politics: Unknown. Mexican in a blue state (Nevada) that worked for his family Grocery usually leans Democrat
  • Mexican immigrant.
❌ Gun Control can't help: legally owned

❌ No proposed Gun Control would have helped
✅ Pay attention to warning signs
✅ Improved mental health policies
✅ Better Security (more Conceal and Carry)

2015.06.17 - Charleston Church Shooting

Dylan Roof (24)
Dead/Injured: 9/1
Weapon: Pistol
🚫 Gun Free Zone
🤪💊 drugs & anti-depressants
🎮 Video Games

High school drop-out, multiple warning signs including arrests for drugs and trespassing, on anti-depressants (Xanax), avid video game player. He was radicalized over black on white violence after the media/President sensationalized Trayvon Martin and other racial hate crimes: and responded to the perceived race-war by attacking back. Contributing factors include games, violence and media/Obama's sensationalizing of racial crimes and shootings.
  • Politics: ❓unknown.
  • Motivation: Racism
❌ Gun Control can't help: illegally bought, used in gun-free zone

❌ Assault Weapon ban can't help: he used pistol
❌ No proposed Gun Control would have helped
❔Maybe: Video Game / Violence regulations
❔ Maybe: Media Suppression
✅ Pay attention to warning signs
✅ Improved mental health policies
✅ Better Security (more Conceal and Carry)
✅ Improve FBI on background checks

2012.12.14 - Sandy Hook

Adam Lanza (20)
Dead/Injured: 28/2
Weapon: Pistol, Assault Rifle
🚫 Gun Free Zone
🤪💊 drugs & anti-depressants
🎮 Video Games

History of mental illness (aspergers, OCD, anorexia, depression), on anti-depressants, cut-off communication with everyone, fascination with violent video games and mass murders (including Columbine). Guns stolen illegally from Mom (killed her first). Knew the safety procedures and went room to room shooting kids, then suicide.
  • Politics: Unknown, organic vegan, liberal state, Mom maybe republican.
❌ Gun Control can't help: legally bought or illegally stolen

❌ No proposed Gun Control would have helped
❔Maybe: Video Game / Violence regulations
❔ Maybe: Media Suppression
✅ Pay attention to warning signs
✅ Improved mental health policies
✅ Better Security (more Conceal and Carry)

2012.08.15 Family Research Council Shooting

Floyd Lee Corkins (29)
Dead/Injured: 0/1
Weapon: Pistol
🤪Radical Gay Activism

A gay activist who was triggered by the SPLC list of hate groups. So he went to the one: the near-by Family Research Council. He took a handgun, two extra magazines of ammo, and sandwiches from Chick-fil-A to smear in the faces of his victims and opened fire at the local FRC office: fortunately he only hit one security guard who disarmed and apprehended him. So it's not a real mass murder: just an attempted one.
  • Politics: left / gay activist.
❌ Gun Control/Assault Weapon can't help: used a pistol

✅ Treat leftist hate sites (SPLC) like they were right wing ones
✅ Pay attention to warning signs
✅ Improved mental health policies


Ex President Obama and Democrats loved to spread lies like, "this kind of mass killing doesn't happen in other countries”. Only it does... often worse. The U.S. is one of the least murderous in the America's, and there were worse mass murders in Europe and Asia. Before Obama stirred up unrest, the rate was much lower. It turns out that while fostering change and racial friction might be a good political move, it seems to shake the crazies out of the trees. (Similar upticks happened during Clinton and Johnson).

In the U.S., I've noticed the following:

  • Patterns:
    • 8 of 11 were not surprises with multiple warnings/arrests/hints/concerned folks, including letters or prior attempts. Only 3 were the quiet guy next door.
    • 5 of 11 shot themselves, one was killed by SWAT.
  • Demographics:
    • All were males, but the "young white loner” may be more the exception than the norm.
    • only 3 were under 25, and 4 were 25-35. Turns out, over 40 had the most (5).
    • And race/culture had 8 whites, and 4 immigrants - 2 latino and 2 asian — which probably means immigrants were over-represented. Blacks were under-represented, but this is a pretty small sample, and DC snipers were black.
  • Politics:
    • I’m not particularly fascinated with the politics of crazies, most aren’t doing it for political reasons. But the media (FakeNews) loves to spin with front page "crazy right wing zealots”, then have back page retractions (if any) when they are wrong. So I wanted to double-check and if there was any correlation. Not much, and the opposite of their spin: about 1/2 seem left. With half the rest hinting at it (from blue states, cultural groups or jobs). Few seem to be overtly conservative. The few that do leave political manifesto’s like Ted Kaczynski, James J. Lee (Green Activist), Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech shooter), all seem to leave far-left ones. Dylan Roof may be an exception. But I don’t see a strong pattern, except the left should probably stop spinning, as the truth looks worse for their side.
  • Gun Control Laws had no effect:
    • Gun Free Zones were popular places to go (over half) - who knew mass murders wouldn’t respect signs telling them not to bring guns where they wanted to kill people?
    • Many were legally acquired pistols in strict gun-control states
    • Only 4 used "Assault Style" rifles -- and every one had pistol or shotgun as backup, or illegal explosives, armor, fires, etc., which do more damage in close quarters anyways


📚 References

Wikipedia is a good resource -- but they over-differentiate types of mass murderers. Dead is dead. Rampage killers: