Life is short, why not have a little fun with it?
How people take Meme's is often a reflection on them:
- Adults, looking for enlightenment and self-improvement, can chuckle when the other side catches them in a bit of mock-worthy hypocrisy.
- Fragile egocentric people can get outraged by them.
- Dishonest memes (where the premise is a lie), reflects more on the publisher/author than reader
- Honest memes are sort of a snowflake meter: perpetually outraged or those that can ignore or chuckle, both reflect more on the reader than the author (or publisher) of such little barbs.
So memes are sort of a dick-o-meter depending on what people post, and how they react either to the meme, or to corrections of them.
Actors axiom: never work with Animals or Kids (narcissists concerns about being upstaged). But they make good fodder for memes.
Black lives matter more to some than others. For the left, their suffering is just a means to an ends.
These are the meme's about COVID -- take them for what they are, some sardonic humor that pokes fun at the ironies, hypocrisy or grim realities of human nature.
COVID Deaths • Coronavirus • Lysol • Shutdown •
It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes... Meme's aren't very constructive (just humorously mocking the hypocrisy and ignorance of the loudest advocates). But if the other side is comparing scientific skepticism to Holocaust deniers, then all that's left is to mock them back. Since science is skepticism, these memes make fun of FakeScience (those that detest skepticism).
Ahmed Mohamed became "Clock Boy" after coming to school with what looked like a time bomb in a briefcase. The left called the reaction to simulated explosives, "racial profiling", and rewarded him with WhiteHouse visits and scholarships.
Economics is largely comparing seen to unseen outcomes, and looking for the bigger picture or consequences.
Economics • Keynes • Krugman •
While I love education, there are two kinds: formal and informal. I do enjoy the structure of Formal Schooling, despite many bad experiences. I far prefer informal education. Or as Mark Twain put it, ❝ I have never let my schooling interfere with my education ❞
These are the good and happy means meant to inspire.
Making fun of those trying to defend the absurd, or taking defense of intersectional victimhood to the absurd.
Gay • Racism • SJW • Sexism • Trans •
Memes about the law, what does the law, licensing or regulation really mean?
Memes about logic and logical fallacies. How to not win a debate nor influence people.
Cry bullies both cry and bully, hence the name: and they took over the leftist media. If the leftist media didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.
CNN • Fake • Propaganda •
Really just a collection of things I drew, illustrated or borrowed and altered (real artists steal).
List of memes about various movies. I like Movies... and I like mocking them.
List of memes about various movies. I like Movies... and I like mocking them.
I enjoy 60's, 70's and 80's music... and memes that references pop culture icons or their music.
I love a good prank. I'm pretty good about not doing them unless someone fires the first shot. But the creativity involved just cracks me up.
This is for Memes that are satire, or hard to distinguish from reality. (Usually Babylon Bee or The Onion).
Star Wars
List of memes on Star Wars. I didn't want to do a Star Wars section... but they're so Pop-culture, that they kept popping up in Memes about other things.
Memes about being Woke, Slacktivism, and the abject hypocrisy and lack of introspection required by Wokeness.