I love and respect my gay/trans friends and family, a lot.
I don't care how people get their friction, and I expect God has higher priorities than where people rub their junk.
My religious friends have as much right to express their views on others behaviors as my gay and progressive friends do.
My LGBT Friends and Fam are proud adults that can defend themselves (they don't need condescending protection).
Those that can't handle triggering thoughts, need to get out more, grow, and learn to cope with a society that won't always agree with them.
Freedom of speech, differences of opinion, and the resilience to be able to take an occasional insult (or tell the other side they're assholes), is a needed life skill. Stop trying to rub people of that. What made this country great was assholes getting to express their opinions, even when I don't agree with them. Memes are a valid expression of hypocrisy, especially in trying to shout down/oppress others. Life is sometimes uncomfortable, and we grow from challenging people or ideas.
Thatcher: Decriminalized homosexuals: portrayed as homophobe. Che: Kills and imprisons gays: Idolized as hero of the oppressed.
Here at Chik-Fil-A our pickles never touch, just like God intended.
Not making this up, Kelloggs tried to pander by making Gay Cereal. (As if Snap, Crackle and Pop weren't gayer than the Keebler Elves or the Smurfs).
Che would blow his gay brains away! I don't think he realizes who Che was.
Gay Black Jewish Klansman for tolerance!
Christian volunteer = bigot. Online leftist troll who hates Christians = loving, tolerant, liberal.
The point isn't that all gays are assholes, it's that the loudest activist voices often misrepresent the rest.
Our culture has accepted two lies: (1) if you disagree with someones choices, you must fear or hate them. (2) to love someone means you must agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You donโt have to compromise convictions to be compassionate. ~ Phil Robertson
Queers for Palestine. Queers in Palestine.
Debate is over: Agree or die!
Different standards of decency. Gays won't go to heaven = censored. Gays will be beheaded = invited to speak.
I'll buy you a ticket to Afghanistan to spread your message.
Stand for your beliefs. When Christians do it, it's vilified. When liberals do it, it's glorified. It's not about the act but the agenda.
Ovaltine: waking up Gay in the morning! (What are they putting in that drink?)
Scissoring: I assume it sounds like an armpit farting contest!?!?
If I had a dollar for every gender there is, I'd have 2 dollars... and a bunch of counterfeits.
Republicans don't respect science! Climate change is real!
You don't even know what gender has a penis!
If this girl sees a penis at a party, it's a crime. If this other one sees it in a lady's bathroom, it's called tolerance.
Rapist claims he's trans to get moved to the Women's prison. What could possibly go wrong?
Ever notice how gender reassignment surgery only offers two genders: male or female?
I identify as a firework!
Again, body modifications can be fun... but they can go too far. Jareth may have crossed the line as an agendered alien.
LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP = cat on keyboard!
Remember to connect the male to the female... Why assign gender roles to electrical connections? Let the circuits decide their own identities... BZZZZT!
California law requires separate bathrooms for people who think they are Napoleon Bonaparte. (Satire?)
Non-Binary Tampons (Gender Neutral). Just find a hole and hope for the best.
Chuck Norris was once a male trapped in the body of a female: then he was born!
A bulge in a Republican woman's jeans: likely a gun.
A bulge in a Democrat woman's jeans: likely not a woman.
Then: Tear down this wall! Now: Tear down this stall!
No longer qualifies for Section 8.
Gender Warrior: Check your privilege.
Trans w/Bachelors in Feminist Studies, crime record from Antifa, nobody will hire me: it's call Capitalisms fault!
Trans-Runners: Sum Ha Ve Dong
Not all Women have vaginas... and not all protestors have brain cells. It's kinda what Woman means.
If feelings are the standard, then anything goes.
If confused, look between your legs. If this confuses you, see a therapist. If this triggers you, you shouldn't be around triggers.
Trans folks want to be accepted for who they are. But they won't accept who they were.
TransSong... I a person has a penis, he's a man... if the chromosome's a Y, he will always be a guy, if he isn't born a Woman, he's a man!
States rush to pass transgender bathroom laws to protect themselves from Bruce Springsteen Music.
This Truck is not subject to Trucking laws: it identifies as a Prius.
Gender Dysphoria chart. (NOTE: I treat those with mental disorders with compassion and respect. But that doesn't change that they have an abnormal psyche).
Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina... You transphobic little bigot!
7 years of Obama and liberals don't even know which bathroom to use