Memes about being Woke, Slacktivism, and the abject hypocrisy and lack of introspection required by Wokeness.
Memes-Woke : 8 items
Just so I'm clear: these factory workers make $0.20/hr for 80 hours a week so Nike can profit enough to pay Colin Kaepernic millions to speak out against oppression and injustice?
Did you hear about the NFL players who protested on their own time during the off season? Me neither. Because nobody cares: it's not about Free Speech, it's about subverting my entertainment with your moronic views.
When Laura Ingram says shut up and dribble, LeBron called it racist. When the Chinese Master says it, he does it.
To protest racial inequality you won't stand for the anthem? How about to protest income inequality you refuse to take your paycheck?
I'm against oppression and stuff...
Diet Woke, with 1/3rd less self awareness than Woke Classic.