NYT and Brian Williams math moment

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Brian Williams (MSNBC) and Mara Gay (New York Times Editorial Board Member) were discussing Bloomberg’s failed presidential campaign and the $500M ad spend, and were agreeing with a shocking twitter post that they could have $1M to each and every one of the 327M Americans and had money left over. It's actually $1.53 per person, not $1M -- and anyone with a triple digit IQ should have known something didn't add up. But that's the best and brightest on MSNBC and NYT.


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Brian Williams
Not a very sharp an American "journalist" at NBC News and MSNBC anchor, who's far left and not very bright.
Starting a section on MSNBC and their bias is like starting one on listing all the names in the Holocaust. This is a Sisyphusian task to try to create a comprehensive list -- so I won't do that. Heck, it'd be impossible to list all the failures of any on of their personalities alone (Ed Shultz, Chris Matthews, Tom Brokaw, Mika, Maddow, and the other Hurricane Katrina's of journalistic ethics). So I'll just cherry pick, and offer a few nuggets, links to aggregate sources, greatest misses, and things that can point out the obvious to those capable of getting it.
A never great News Agency has become a shadow of their former self: admittedly biased by their own Ombudsman and editors, as well as exposed confessions. They still have occasionally good content, but that can't make up for their more frequent bad, or their willingness to deceive, commit lies of omission, or present things in a biased way. (Never trusting their readership with the whole truth). More than that, some insist on idol worship for what they publish, and abject denial of their obvious and omitted bias: and that fuels the backlash against them.