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Wisdom ℹ️

Eastern Thought : AcupunctureBuddhismCh'i or KiChoosing a Martial Arts SchoolChoosing a Martial Arts StyleConfucianismEastern ThoughtEgoEthics of a fightFighting SpiritJames MitoseKeep the tiger behind the bambooLegalities of a fightPacifismShintoismTaoismThe Art of WarThe Tiger and the StrawberryUnbendable Arm
Eastern Thought
Martial Arts : Choosing a Martial Arts SchoolChoosing a Martial Arts StyleEthics of a fightFighting SpiritJames MitoseKarateLegalities of a fightPacifism
Martial Arts
Religions : AgnosticAtheismBibleBuddhismCargo CultChristian TerroristsChristiansConfucianismImmigrationIraq is because of Israel-PalestineIslamIslamic PhrasesMemes-ReligionMuslim tribalism means they'll never do democracyOmar MateenRadical Islamic TerrorismReligionSan Bernardino: Mass Shooting RecapSeparation of Church and StateShintoismTaoismTerrorism: Islam vs ChristianityUnexplained PhenomenaWhat is God?
Economic Allegories : Costs of Defensive MedicineEconomics of lies, and fidelityMilton Friedman goes to ChinaThe Broken Window Fallacy
Economics Allegories
Minimum wage is the delusion that bureaucrats and politicos know more about what's fair than the laborer and the employer, and that there's a magic round number that fair for everyone, everywhere, at the same time. We know that it hurts employment, increases automation and offshoring, and hurts the people it's supposed to help. Either these consequences are unintentional, or the politicians want to make the problem worse while pretending to help, so they have something to campaign on. Economics Minimum Wage
Keynes : Dispersed KnowledgeGovernment spendingIPencilKeynes and the 2 day work weekKeynesian failuresKeynesianismNew KeynesianNumbers Covered by ObamacareThe Broken Window FallacyTragedy of the commonsTreasury ViewTrickle Down EconomicsWhy can't Keynesianism work?
Economic Crisis : Big Fraud TheoryCRA, Fannie/Freddie TheoryFinancial TermsFinancial crisis of 2007-2008Glass-Steagall
Economics Crisis
Econ101 : 40 Hour work weekEconomics of lies, and fidelityObama's gun truths and consequencesThe Broken Window Fallacy
Events : 2010 Tea Party2018 Election2018.06.07 Suicide trends2019.01.22 NY Reproductive Health ActAutomation will destroy usBlack Conspiracy TheologyCagegateCampaign LimitsCharlottesville Race RiotDACAEarth DayHamilton vs HamiltonHow do you start a race war?Roe v. WadeSurvivorgateThe WallWhite House Correspondents DinnerYanny and Laurel
Government Oppression : American GovernmentCalifornia Coastal CommissionCalifornia NotaryCalifornia Water CrisisHarrison Bergeron and the Law of JanteNet NeutralitySuffocating Liberty - the cost of red tapeTragedy of the commons
Government Oppression
Government Waste : Affordable HousingBay Bridge BoondoggleCalifornia Water CrisisCosts of Defensive MedicineGovernment R&D SpendingGreen EnergyHousing and Urban DevelopmentMilitary Acquisition Costs: why do things cost so much?Military industrial complexNet NeutralityProp DShanty TownSolar PowerThe Last Shuttle Launch is a new beginningWhen is there too much Government?
Government Waste
-isms This is a pile anti-PC articles about what are and aren't 'isms:racism, sexism, gender preference'ism (misnamed homophobia), and so on. isms
Issues : 0000 History of Immigration2019.02.07 Green New DealAlt-rightAlternate HistoryAlternate LibertyAlternate PeopleBansBike Lanes increase pollutionBirthright CitizenshipBoycottsChristian NationCorporate FeudalismEnvironmentFascismFederal BudgetFood StampsGay TherapyGeneration TidePodGoogle GaffeGreen EnergyGun ControlHigh Speed RailHomelessnessImmigrationIncivility in PoliticsInequalityIsn't fascism a right wing ideology?James DamoreLGBTQLeftonomicsLetter to TeacherLie of AveragesMalevolent liberty or benevolent tyrannyMedia BiasMilitary SuicidesNuclear OptionNumbers Covered by ObamacareObamacare is a Republican IdeaObstruction of JusticeOpen FloorplansParty of fearPerspectivePolitical party is genetic?PropagandaPublic EducationQ: Shouldn't we trust the Intelligence Agencies?QAnonRadical Islamic TerrorismRecyclingReparationsRichard StallmanSarah PalinScampeachmentScampeachment 2.0Scooter sharingSigns of a CultStatuary RapeThe Black CommunityThe Great DepressionTradeTrans-tolerance, Charlotte and Lady's RestroomsTransgender NatGeoUkrainegateVaccines and Anti-VaxxersWarWoke Corporate Slacktivism
Politics Politics : 2015.12.08 Muslim BanAbortionAlt-rightAmerican ExceptionalismAnti-FactAnti-Science PartyAntifaBernie SandersBob Dornan and Loretta SanchezBroken PromisesBush Derangement SyndromeCapitol Hill ViolenceConspiracy TheoriesDACADNC CrusadesDemocratic ToleranceDouble StandardsDumb Democrats and Evil RepublicansElection 2016: shame and regretsElectoral College and the National Popular VoteEnd Women's suffrageEnvy upFascismForeign PolicyGender Wage GapGeorge OrwellGropegateHamilton vs HamiltonHillary ClintonIs Socialism left-wing or right-wing?Isn't fascism a right wing ideology?Jim JonesLibertarianMeTooMedicareMoney buying electionsNet NeutralityObstruction of JusticePeace in the New YearPolitical SpectrumPoliticizing SportsRent ControlSOTUSanctuary State BacklashShanty TownSocialismSocialistsSocialized MedicineThe Left LiesThe Southern StrategyTrump Derangement SyndromeUnintended ConsequencesVaccines and Anti-VaxxersVoter SuppressionVoterID and Voter FraudWarWar on WomenWarren:MeTooWho has more psychotics, Democrats or Republicans? Politics
Skepticism : 4 Stages of Scientific DiscoveryAllegory of the ApesChesterton's FenceDriving by watching the rear view mirror
Snowflakes Snowflakes
Thought : 0000 History of Immigration12 Steps2+2≈19844 Stages of Scientific DiscoveryAgnosticAllegory of the ApesAllegory of the caveAtheismBibleBug Out BagCargo CultChesterton's FenceDriving by watching the rear view mirrorEgoEmbrace the shakeEnds and meansEnvy upEthics of a fightFascismFighting SpiritFool or FraudGenius is InsanityGovernment and SocietyKeep the tiger behind the bambooLaw of the henhouseMalevolent liberty or benevolent tyrannyPacifismPeace in the New YearPerspectivePreemptive WarRadical Islamic TerrorismRefrigerator Magnet PoetryReligionShit HappensSocialismThe Broken Window FallacyThe Tiger and the StrawberryThinking outside the boxThought CrimeUnbendable ArmUnexplained PhenomenaUnintended ConsequencesWhat is God?What's in a name?You are what you doYou broke it, you bought it
Religions : AgnosticAtheismBibleBuddhismCargo CultChristian TerroristsChristiansConfucianismImmigrationIraq is because of Israel-PalestineIslamIslamic PhrasesMemes-ReligionMuslim tribalism means they'll never do democracyOmar MateenRadical Islamic TerrorismReligionSan Bernardino: Mass Shooting RecapSeparation of Church and StateShintoismTaoismTerrorism: Islam vs ChristianityUnexplained PhenomenaWhat is God?

Eastern : EgoEthics of a fightFighting SpiritKeep the tiger behind the bambooPacifismThe Tiger and the StrawberryUnbendable Arm

Economics :